Seeking relaxed social guild TWW


Currently playing solo since returning several weeks ago, running achievements and such while waiting for TWW launch. Been guildless since season 1 when our guild sadly disbanded. Took a few small breaks since as I felt like I could not find a similar atmosphere and really didn’t want to move servers or invest anymore money or time. Right now I enjoy MoP remix and am slowly moving back to retail ready for pre launch events.

Ideally I would like to find a home that doesn’t enforce strict schedules or has high expectations of player skill. I left that side of my playstyle behind and much prefer to just have fun but also eventually reach AotC each tier. TWW allows cross realm guilds so I am open to any guild on any server that matches my criteria below.

  • High social aspect

  • Any faction/realm

  • Casually play end game

  • I’m open to any role/class but expect patience to adapt

  • 23:00st is my maximum end time but I’d prefer to finish a little earlier if possible

  • Been mostly active since vanilla days, cleared almost everything pre nerf up until DF

I’m a friendly guy with the standard busy work life and kids so WoW is my escape from the stress, happy to bulk up my friends list with similar minded folk as I miss the days when whisper conversations would be super active.

If you’d like to know more about me or my aims for TWW then please reach out here or add me Nireland #2665.

Hey we might be what you are looking for, have a rwad below and see what you think

Hi Huffyash!

Soul Crusaders might be what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

We’ve been around since 2007 and have always valued friendship, camaraderie and teamwork over pixels. These days, we love running M+ and have enjoyed amazing success in HC raids over the course of DF and SL and have enjoyed some Mythic boss kills in S3 and 4 DF for fun. Most of us also have tonnes of alts :joy: Our discord has loads of chatter as well :slight_smile:

Many of our members have very busy IRL commitments, including family, partners/spouses and health conditions, so we all understand the limits these things impose on our passion for gaming! :joy:

To balance the more relaxed and friendly approach to progression, our raids are scheduled to ensure we have some level of organisation and give us the best chances of success. That said, there is no strict attendance requirement, and, as long as it’s communicated (and with valid reasons), we can be flexible with late joiners.
Our raids are Sun and Tues, 21:30 ST - 23:00 ST (to account for all those commitments like feeding kids, walking dogs, kids bedtimes, spouse/partner time, work commutes etc haha) but even with these shorter raid times, we have thoroughly enjoyed raiding success. We run various M+ levels on Wed/Thurs/Fri nights (also scheduled) - these change throughout the season, as interests change and skill and gear changes :slight_smile: Our scheduled M+ is there to give those the opportunity to run M+ who might not otherwise get the chance to do so; generally speaking, most members run M+ throughout the week, so you are not limited to the scheduled M+, although we do encourage people to sign up and join in to support guildies and build on guild camaraderie :slight_smile:

Things are currently quiet - a lot of guildies enjoy other games during content lulls in WoW and this time of year is also very busy IRL for a lot of us; but we’re all still about and check in with each other and cannot wait for new content soon :smiley:

We’re on Turalyon/Doomhammer, but this shouldn’t matter soon :smiley:

if you’d like to find out more, please get in touch - Discord is the best for the next week or two, as my IRL is jam-packed; Lakshmii (or Lakshmii#0552 )

You are welcome to join our DC server as well, but almost everything is gated with member access, so don’t be put off when you can’t see much on there! You’ll only be able to view what’s required for applying to the guild, if you don’t have member access.

Looking forward to hearing from you! :slight_smile:

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Hello Huffyash,

I pretty much understand you as I have been in same shoes.

If you are willing to roll any kind of dwarf, I will gladly offer you a dwarf only guild the Stoneforge Clan. It is very social and helpful guild with “no dwarf left behind” policy.

We raid normal and HC and our raids are dwarf only so if you really need that druid buff, outta luck :slight_smile:

Check our post here and if you like it, we are here to welcome you as our new dwarven brother or sister!

Keep your feet on the ground!

Really appreciate the offer but I’m not a role-playing type, I tend to steer clear of that. I do think think that the guild and community looks unique and fun for sure, just not sure I’d fully fit in.

One and ALL Guild a a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - Socials and M+ are welcome ofc
We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time - Raiding Days could change in TWW
we are 9/9H pugging 4/9M and currently opening Raid trails for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information