Seeking to try out roleplay and needing advice!

Hello everyone!

I’m Glindain, a WoW newbie who is also interested in trying out roleplay as I go along. Backstory for me is that I am a massive fantasy nerd. I am a very big fan of Tolkien’s works, Andrzej Sapkowski’s the Witcher novels, the Elenium by David Eddings and the Dwarves series by Markus Heitz - as well as many other books by some great authors but I wanted to keep the list short.

I’m interested in playing a young’ish dwarf in his 50s-60s and was wondering if there are any good mercenary or adventuring guilds that would be happy and patient enough to take on a newblood! I’ve read the general roleplay guide here and think that I’d like to try my hand soon enough. Learning lore while I explore and level.

Thank you for reading. :hammer_and_pick:


Welcome to Argent Dawn! 🩵 Always great to see more Dwarves, I hope you can find a nice guild.


Welcome to Argent Dawn.

I can wholeheartedly recommend the Boulderhelm Brigage. A great band of Dwarves that I’ve had some great experiences with.


Thanks for the recommendation Hartuum :beers:

Welcome to Argent Dawn! The more dwarves the merrier. The past few months have popped off for us as a community so there’s plenty of choices,

In terms of our guild, the Boulderhelm welcome most with open arms! To keep it short 'n sweet we’re a rag-tag group of dwarves with Khaz Modan’s interests in heart that get up to all sorts of shenanigans (more details in the forum post). New folk are more than welcome, in fact some of our core / top players were brand new when they joined the Brigade.

Any questions or if you’re interested, feel free to hit me or Thoreem up or let us know here!


Ah! To see a young adventurer take the first steps in writing their story does bring a tear to this old wizard’s eye.

We look forward to hearing of your exploits… Many a band of warriors would welcome the new blood! Be careful, do not dig too deep, and make sure to cherish the companions you meet along the way.


Welcome to the community, friend. Here’s to many great (and hopefully) immersive and fun adventures you’ll have.

I highly recommend swinging by this event since your interest is in Dwarf roleplay, you should get a pretty good idea of the scene then and I’m sure you’ll have a good chance to look at some Dwarf-focused guilds there so you can take your pick.

Dwarf roleplay has in my opinion stayed pretty high quality through Argent Dawn’s quality and lately I’ve seen more and more Dwarf guilds pop up so you’re in luck! But if you’re looking for something else, perhaps adventure guilds that recruit other races too take a look at the forums to see what the latest advertisements are, you should be able to find something that will interest you.

Have fun with that! I definitely recommend doing the “Dwarf zones” questlines to get a better feel for the Dwarves in WoW but I’ll say that Blizzard was inspired a lot by Tolkien’s works when creating them so you’ll feel right at home I think. There’s a lot of cool lore surrounding all the Dwarven clans and they all have a pretty rich history. Enjoy friend.


Hello Glindain, and welcome to Argent Dawn!

Dwarves are a fun race, and I myself have switched to a dwarf as my RP main in preparation for The War Within. While I haven’t been in any dwarf guilds, I’ve roleplayed with these folks, and they seem fun:

I second Jeyce’s recommendation for questing through the dwarf zones as a source of lore and race feel. Make sure to do the heritage questline at level 50, too, if you haven’t yet. And I’d be happy to help you with questions about lore and RP if you have them!


Welcome to the WoW RP-community!

Don’t be afraid to PM people for more information! I know it might seem scary, and I know that WoW-RPers sometimes do feel like they’re in a clique, but most of us have been RPing for ages on this server and game! And us forumgoers are quite a small, tightknit, community! (Even if we do argue amongst ourselves, alot!)

My tip is; don’t be afraid to just take the step and contact any of us! We’re all more then happy to help, even if a certain RP-choice isn’t our forté, we will most likely know someone who can help you out!

Aside from the guilds mentioned above, who I can also heartily recommend! There are lots more Alliance-centric Adventuring guilds or “army” guilds who are focused on the Alliance 7th Legion!

Ofcourse if you do not want to join those guilds, feel free to tag along in any Server-wide event or campaign were possible! Or just enjoy the lively RP scene!

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That’s very kind! But Dwarven Rp is enjoying a mighty renaissance with several guilds right now, and you honestly can’t go wrong with any.

Bragdfunder however would be a superb way to get to know the larger Dwarven community for sure, as its intended to give our small but active Dwarven playerbase a sort of casual focal point.

Whatever you do Glindain, I wish you luck and hope to see you around.



Its cause of the Earthen becoming playable in August, I am sure!

I do hope they’ll bring about a Dwarven Roleplay boom, instead of how Mechagnomes changed… Nothing for Gnomes :weary:


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