I was playing with Zendefine yesterday, we were only one group of three people when we were facing you. No leading, no raid warnings. We just went to the middle and zugzugged or way through.
I understand you don’t like premades, but don’t try to blame premades for all your losses in battlegrounds when it’s just a team issue. If you’re good enough, ask for lead and help your team organize.
Alfredo is not a leader, just plays a lot. I’ve seen him countless times in bgs playing solo (and losing). I don’t know who started this whole “alfredo is a leader” joke, but I’m afraid dumb people will start reporting innocent people just because they look like premade.
Just as I’ve seen in some of Fistus’ and other people’s posts, the hatred against premades has gone to paranoid levels and everyone now seems a leader and every lost game is because it’s against a premade, even when it’s not.
The hatred against queue syncing premades is not paranoid, but justified. We are just fed up with your BS. Synced groups are the main reason for massively one-sided and boring matches, and Zendefine is the prime example for a premade leader. 90% win rate in epic bgs and mediocre win rates in small bgs.
Someone who just wins because they cheat the queue system and bring more players than is allowed.
I saved a screenshot from one round and maybe you tell the truth, healing was quite poor for the horde side after all. Misidentifications happen. People have told me that they have mistaken me for a premade leader many times even though I never join with more than one group, one time the horde was also afraid of Lurtexz even though he was in the round alone after all and we defeated him easily, yet Zendefine does participate in queue syncing and I dislike that on principle. One does not win 74 out of 75 rounds in Southshore without a premade raid.
Just like with the exploits discussed in the other thread, the developers should introduce measures that make queue syncing impossible no matter how hard one tries. Then there will be no more need to get upset about it or report any players, It will just be removed from the game forever and all the problems it causes along with it. One problem less.
I get your point, but even though you “zugzug through the middle” you 3 won’t make any difference against a premade. It’s not about being ”good” …AND 3 people do not change the tide.
It’s about being A LOT who are organised and often on dc.
Premades are organised lots who play against mostly solo queuers who don’t know each other and who are not organising anything ahead.
Random bgs are mostly populated with non-groups and people queuing up solo - it was for years very possible to have a good experience that way.
Do you think people are exaggerating now and seing premades everywhere? Well there’s a very good reason for that because sync’ed premades ARE EVERYWHERE.
It has now increased to heigths where it’s close to unbearable to sign op for a random ebg because there’s more than 50% chance that it will be against a premade. Percentage wise my own personal experience shows a lot higher.
There’s nothing weird in that people are reacting like they are because a lot are at their breaking point.
Players are loosing over and over because of brute organised pvp force. More and more random pvp players are fed up!
NOONE, not a single player think premade pvp is fun!
It’s not a challenge, there’s no fight, no pvp, no achievement in what the premades are doing. They do it because they can, because Blizzard don’t stop them.
“It’s just a team issue”. The same song over and over… It’s RANDOM players for crying out load, mostly not very good geared, others are, all they have in common is they just want to have some pvp encounters (meaning fights – not being run over by a full raid).
They are NOT a team other than the random raid they are put in when they queue up, and don’t have to be just because premades suddenly want to come with their full conquest/elite gear and roflstomp…because they think that’s poevepoe.
They don’t want a fight on equal terms as in equally good geared and equally good organised because if they wanted that they wouldn’t be in random bgs.
What premades are doing has nothing to do with pvp, it’s not even a fight it’s just a sad way to play a part of the game, disregarding how they ruin that part of the game for everyone else, while convincing themselves and their buddies that they are the top of the pop. Catch them solo and they are nothing.
I wish a lot more players would come forward with their opinions here on the forums but a lot of the deep frustration from players voicing it in battlegrounds sadly never make its way to the forums.
That doesn’t mean that we don’t have a BIG problem with premades and sync’ing. Because we do!
While you are correct on most of the things, one thing is definitely sure, at least from my point of view (and I see it on multiple players as well): playing with a premade had tought me how to actually strategize in a BG and place my damage where it’s needed most, instead of just zug zug where the big fight is.
Even if Blizzard does something to prevent queue syncing, there are many players like me, who were really really bad and now can understand basic battleground objectives and will help the team towards winning the game.
Go to AA in Ashran, make sure you have solar, capping IB graveyard BEFORE the tower in Alterac Valley, making sure quarry and refinery are capped in IoC. These are basic battleground things that people who jump in a BG should know about. You don’t need a leader to tell you these things. Is your team filled with bozos? Teach them to be better.
Even without a premade, the team that has the most people that are not running around like headless chickens wins. Premades just ensure that: that they have enough players that know what needs to be done.
On one hand yes, on the other hand, you pretty much never lose with 20 commandos on your side VS a team of uncoordinated randoms. You win easily, but it is very oppressive for the opponent and not fun on either side because you either win without any effort when you are with a premade or you lose without a chance when you are up against them.
I also find it frustrating when my team has many clueless players, but that’s just par for the course. It’s normal to lose from time to time. The alternative would be to run a queue sync premade and then I would just win every time just by showing up. You can hardly even call it a game when the winner is decided before the round begins. The appeal to epic bgs for me is to coordinate random players in such a way that they fight as a team. If you join with 20 disciplined and skilled fighters from the start, it’s way too easy to win and boring.
The best alternative to playing epic bgs in premades is playing in small groups of up to 5 instead. Big enough to have an impact and to cover all important objectives, small enough not to be oppressive for the opponent.
idk why u all waste ur time argueing since nothings changing, the bg board is full of complaints for premades years now, just do ur daily go pvp in some other game if u dont want to be vs 20 man prem
Comprehension is key here. People generally do not care if it’s a party of friends queued up. They take issue with queue syncs. Your “plays a lot” buddy Alfredo sums up the issue. Only seems to pop up in a queue sync being fed externals and multiple spot healing healers against a group of randomers. There is no innocence when they are queue syncing, end of.
It’s good that you learnt more about how to go for objectives, but there is no premade needed to learn that. You can inform yourself with guides, ask in chat and/or make your own 5 man group. Well even make a community for people who would like to learn (more) about objectives in bgs. There are so many ways you can get better and teach others if you fancy. It’s nothing but a sorry excuse that you need to join a premade to learn that.
Just plain NO. Do you know how many times I’ve tried to teach players what to do next and noone cares or listens? Sometimes it works but most of the time players just do what they feel like. I can’t say I’m okay with it but I’m not getting grey hair because of it, that’s just the nature of random ebgs. Those who want to inform themselves do and sometimes you also just have groups where everything runs smoothly in ebgs because players care. You can almost always ask in chat and while you could get some not so smart comments there are always someone who is kind enough to explain.
They don’t ”just” do that. They ruin the game for everyone else by queue syncing and roflstomping non-organised players.
I have heard horror stories of how Random BGs were a nightmare, since the release of Blitz. It was annoying when you ran into premades before that as well, but based on the community, it seems it has gotten a lot worse.
To be fair, I think this is because it’s “end of expansion” time, so people who are geared, make premades to absolutely destroy people, who like to get a new toon ready with honor gear.
Doesn’t make the issue any better though making premades go up against premades sounds like a good solution
Imagine being so clueless and ignorant about what’s really going on in bgs. If you had bothered reading on the forums you might have had something to contribute with.