I’m not sure they are.
Now that I think about it, out of all the premades, I only see a handful even mildly attempting to justify it.
I’d assume most don’t visit the forums & that many probably have alternative reasons for syncing than stomping (though some indubitably do).
Yeh I get it.
All the threads show a common sentiment, so I don’t think Blizz will ignore it forever.
Brother, you don’t listen to arguments, you sidestep the discussion when you don’t like what you’re told, and moreover, you have a box on your head. I think you’re just trolling the forums. I’m out. Peace.
You accuse me of trolling and unironically try to convince me that players who ALWAYS play in premade raids suddenly don’t play in premades when they face me and that playing in premades takes skill.
No it doesn’t.
The more useful, productive, strong or however you wanna call it players a team has - and you ensure this aspect by assembling your premade - the easier it is to win and the less effort any individual has to put in.
This is the reason why you premade raid players effortlessly get your 90% plus winrates. It’s like a fat chick with big knockers. It doesn’t count.
A good player who has poor teammates has to work very hard to compensate for the poor performance of their teammates and to win the round. And occasionally you get assigned poor teammates. This is perfectly normal unless you cheat the queue system.
A player who is not that good but has reliable teammates who pull their weight will win more often, but it doesn’t make them a better player.
How often do you meet a team that poses a worthy challenge when you queue sync in epic bgs? Be honest. In less than 10% of cases maybe. You play VS unorganized randoms most of the time.
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I’m referring to premades in general and any type of BG. I haven’t played epics or synchronized bgs in months, but even when I played them, when I avoided facing other premades? It’s a rhetorical question more addressed to the question of why we supposedly avoid challenges.
I know you don’t avoid fighting other premades when you play epics in queue sync groups. My question is how often you faced them compared to random opponents who pose no challenge. I assume very rarely.
Rarely, since normally the other premade raids used to leave when they saw us
That is the reason why I stopped playing epic BGS in premades of more than 5. They ended up boring me.
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They left because your community is the only one that has players who can actually play and not nohands who are only strong in numbers, like in the other communities, which means that the members of the other communities are indeed cowards who like to stomp noobs and will forfeit when facing a well-prepared opponent.
GJ on no longer participating in premade raids.
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Imagine being a guy who hides behind a low lvl alt.
Might very well be, but we both know that’s not why premades are joining ebgs.
You want to go and meet half -geared- casual -non- organised players who you can run over and meeting another premade is just …bad luck…or good luck if you’ve won.
afaik alfredo is in zados premade
alfredopauly is THE best premde leader on horde side tbh. he has all of his minions on discord.
8th world wonder was when i see alfredo play solo long time ago
You need play more ashran and Simorae.
Being the best premade raid leader is like being the tallest kid in kindergarten.
They are all a joke.
Are you even sure Alfredo is a leader at all? I’ve never seen him make calls. Only the other players who are with him sometimes write something into the chat.
Imagine that every time the game catches you attempting to queue sync in epic bgs you are put against Simeoa in Ashran and get to enjoy a 2 hour long staring contest because he literally never leaves his base.
These two types of laming truly deserve each other.
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That’s right, he doesn’t leave his base and using the Lock’s portal he ends up winning the EBG, this is very enjoyable indeed.
Are you being serious? Alfredopauly is a small child compared to Larkus…
Fado/Nepha/Alfredopauli are in the same Community and they play on Horde side; when one of them logs off the other leader takes over. They also have a leader for the Alliance side so they run premades on both factions.
Then there is Larkus on Horde, and Simeoa.
Then me on Alliance.
Btw…some people 10 premade SYNC small bgs too, just fyi. In Fado’s Community they organise full 10 man premades for small Bgs for the Achievements, on both sides, Alliance and Horde. And some Russians on Horde side sync small bgs too in multiple groups.
This has been a thing since forever. Blizzard could esily stop this, if they wanted.
They could mix the factions in random Bgs, so it would completely kill the syncing.
Or they could give a debuff for declining a queue pop, that increases the more declines you do.
Feels like every bg is full of bots these days.