Seems like 80-90% of BG lately are premade and it has made me tired of PvP

Guys, just tbh and absolutely neutral for a moment.

For how long have pre-mades been around? Some say since Vanilla and others say a little later. Let’s just say they’ve been around for ~15 years, okay?

I mean here, from left to right, top to bottom, back to front, insults are thrown by rnd players against pre-made (Q syncher) players and to put it harmlessly, words like “stupid” or “dumb” were used.

Pls correct me if I’m wrong with the following but who is really “stupid” or “dumb” here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: If after 15+ years still nothing is done about it from Blizzard’s side and yet ppl still complain and don’t learn… Pre-mades will never stop playing such games on their own. Point. Try to accept that. Otherwise I think u are the “stupid” ones here who will never learn. No offence btw. :pray:

He or she did this…
I’ve seen this or that…
They should be banned for…
Simply pathetic to do this and that…

Who cares about conversations like that? Blizzard? Nah, not really. :weary:
After such a long time, u should change ur approach. But that’s just my opinion.

You want to change something? Then direct ur words to Blizzard in a factual way and put your time and energy into that instead of fighting with other players here. It won’t help in the end at all.

As for the pre-made players, don’t let the comments provoke u.
If u think that u r safe in what u r doing and have nothing to fear, then u should actually take it ez. No need to be abusive.
Some of the other side stay factual (and some of them do not ofc) in the threads but don’t mind the ones spreading fake news or insulting others, they’re just in that mood because they’re taking the path of least resistance to vent their frustrations: That’s u btw. Since they can’t do it directly to Blizzard. :disappointed_relieved:

So pls don’t overshoot the mark :+1:


In case you hadn’t noticed, Blizzard have taken some form of action with solo shuffle and blitz, although it’s taken a long time for it to happen.

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I have noticed it :slight_smile: But since 90% of the cases here are specifically about EBGs, I only wanted to comment on EBGs :smiley:

I was just telling you that no one from the screenshots you posted there was a player that is in the premade community, yet you post lengthy posts trying to prove who-knows-what.

If you’d spend half the energy wasted complaining here on something more productive for your matter, like teach the other players about battleground tactics, the entire world would be better.

No one is asking you to sync queues or whatever. Get in a battleground, ask for lead, start leading. I’ve done this. I’ve succeeded with this.

So please stop seeing premade leaders whenever you lose a bg and git gud.

Honestly, it’s no longer just a matter of getting frustrated when you lose. Unfortunately, I am often forced to play with this guy in my team. And let me tell you, these are the most boring games in my life, playing against or with premade is kind of absurd. If you play with them you smash everything without any challenge, what’s the point? If you play against them they smash you when your team can’t do anything. In these two situations you already know at the start how the game will play out.
Imo this guy is damaging the game as a whole, and if for some past life sins, you end up with him on your team then you are in for the most boring game of your life.

wow HKs go up, wheee, 0 opposition, free win, amazing…


But the point is that it shows Blizzard actually have listened, it would seem, to people not being happy. So I wouldn’t rule it out that the same could happen with EBG’s, since that’s where the biggest issue with premades exists and where a lot of this dissatisfaction and complaints are aimed.

But if it’s the biggest problem in EBGs then they should have started with it first. I think EBGs or even all BGs should just be cross faction and that would be the end of it.
A pretty simple solution imo but apparently something is holding them back to make it happen. :man_shrugging:

Because you know every player in every premade community in Europe including their alts and the characters they played in 2022.

I do this pretty much every round.
It’s almost like it makes a difference whether you take a handful of friends or a private army consisting of multiple groups into the round. Zado and Zendefine do the latter consistently and end up with win rates near 95%. This is surely a coincidence and it makes no difference whether you fully control half the teams group composition and player quality and can give them direct commands over discord and expect disciplined obedience. They are just the same as random players and premade raids just win so often because they play better than 95% of opponents.

The Copium here is real man. You ain’t pulling the wool over anyone’s eyes.
It is queue sync premades that are the reason for these one-sided rounds and many players want them gone.

Since Blizzard doesn’t seem to take action we can only appeal to the premade players themselves to knock it off and recognize that queue syncing hurts the game.

When you play with a premade for a long time, you learn most of the players in the community. There will be new players here and there, but 80% of the premade composition is the same players and their alts. And in your screenshots there are none of them. Stop embarasing yourself.

Random players are generally bad for your team. They have no concept of bg objectives, tactics, and most important, THEY DON’T READ DIRECTIONS. So you’re mad at a premade just because they bring more people that read than you have in your team and you think this is the biggest issue in the game?

I don’t think u can force ppl to change their way of thinking. You can try to talk them down and hope for the best. If that doesn’t work, then u probably should respect and accept their opinion. But since some ppl can’t do that, they insult them or threaten them with reports and bans. :roll_eyes:

I have never heard of (Prem) leaders being banned for leading in EBGs. Not even for Q synching or anything. Or do u know any1 who has been banned specifically for that? At least not me m8 :thinking: Possibly suspended for spamming too much of RWs in the BGs themselves but nothing else.

In my exp, forcing ppl to do something they don’t want to do only makes the problem worse. And who wants that here, tbh? But every1 has to decide that for themselves. :slight_smile:

So the players who play almost exclusively in premades and are known to run queue synced premade raids are never actually in a premade whenever they face me, even though they play exactly like one. Whenever they know that Fistus is queuing epic bgs on horde, they stop synchronizing invites and the leader joins completely alone and leads a bunch of random players.

Good to know.
That sounds very plausible indeed. :clown_face:

It’s almost like having an army of obedient and disciplined fighters who obey your every command is an advantage over having unreliable random players in your team.

They should put a limit or something on the number of players you can join into a lobby with so that the balance of power is maintained and one team doesn’t get all the skilled and determined fighters who know about strategy and have superior coordination with their team via voice chat while the other team gets a bunch of random scrubs.

Oh wait, that limit exist and you are circumventing it on purpose which leads to exactly the imbalanced rounds the rule is supposed to prevent. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Premade raids = Concentration of all the reliable players in one team → one-sided, boring rounds → no fun either getting slaughtered or winning without having to lift a finger → people quit playing = bad for the game.

Btw. random players don’t just disobey instructions in general, they just don’t reliably obey them. If they did, then attempting to lead random players would be pointless, which it isn’t.

I know fully well that I have no way to force them to act the way I want, but I can attempt to persuade some premade players to play in small groups instead, which has already worked with some of them.

Oh okay, well then I’m really excited and curious to see if this will also spread to the big Communities (Nepha, Pandora, Zado, Larkus etc). That would literally be a historic turning point in WoW if it works :exploding_head: Personally, I’m still a bit sceptical, but we’ll see :smiley:

It’s like having skill in a game of skill matters. Are you even listening to yourself?

I think people’s issue isn’t necessarily directly with full-premades, but with these teams being pitted against the Randoms/lowbies/less-skilled/uncoordinated -that makes the game lopsided/unwinnable/unenjoyable.

Full premade leaders can make their raid team as much as they want just not in ebgs and everybody understands that apart from a few forums trolls who suddenly wake up because they feel their premades are being threatened.
Just the bare thought of them having to fight against equally geared and organised groups scare the wits out of them.
Eventually it will sort itself if not by Blizzard then among players themselves because as I wrote earlier, the majority who runs ebgs are fed up from what I hear in every single ebg I’m in and I guess at one point they will pull the plug if nothing is going to change.

Blizzard need to wake up and sort stuff faster. With their rate of considering for months players will already have left and the premades issue is not exactly new, it’s just out of control now.

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Idk about that, I’m sure some of them are good players.

I’m sure some are good and some are bad but then if they are so good why are they fighting so hard to avoid any changes??? I don’t see any premade players here admitting that premades are roflstomping casual players in ebgs. And that’s a fact. They are. And it’s causing big frustration.

We already fight against others premades. Statistically, given the number of premades in both factions, we ended up facing each other.

It’s always baffled me why it’s taken them so long. There are obviously various other reasons why some people stop PVP’ing or playing the game altogether but the numbers will be massive over the years due to premades and/or bots. That’s a lot of revenue lost over something they could have fixed so easily, so long ago.


Playing in a premade requires no skill. It’s the equivalent of setting the difficulty to “very easy” by the selection of your players. You ensure that your teams has a ton of players who can carry the team while a typical epic bg team, such as that of your opponents only has a few players who can carry and usually a majority of useless players.

The more good players your team has, the LESS individual skill is required of a player to carry the team to victory.

Do you genuinely think that these winrates of 95% come from skill?