i cant decide on which class to play for many expansion so give me some reasons why one is better than the other in pve, pvp and general world things to do. some history of both class would also be nice to know in terms of how blizzard treats them. i do tend to prefer more complex classes, and i want to have fun with them doing world things like world quest quests, old content for transmogs, wpvp and etc.
I found warrior’s got boring. The only spec I found fun was fury in pvp.
Warlocks feel like a raid boss. Destruction is great for big numbers and demonology is fun for all the demons. The only thing I don’t like is how low mobility it has but overall the utility is a good trade off.
For me warlock wins hands down. It has the best mogs in game imo, great class fantasy and has 3 interesting specs.
Warlock is eye candy class with really bad mechanics and design. Warlock gameplay are infested with bugs, bad gameplay design choses and tech. limitations.
All warlock specks works the same way
- Gain max shards.
- Summon infernal(Destro), Stack imps(demo), Stack UA on the target(affli)
- Stack buff from grimoire of supremacy(destro), Summon tyrant(demo), summon darckglare(affli).
- Deal massive damage.
- Wait 3 min for repeat(Destro/Affli), wait 1.5 min to repeat(demo).
Demo is particulary broken, because demons AI is worst AI in the game, hunters and DK at least have tools to efficiently control their pets, while we cannot do the same.
All talk that warlocks are “gods” in PvP are comming from people who never fought an actual good pvp player, or people who didn’t bothered to closely study the current state of the warlock.
Yes the rough damage numbers can be good, but numbers are nothing when your overal class design is just a mess, that no one in blizz are intend to fix.
Warlocks was good in the past, but now, we are heavily pruned class, that only have rough damage numbers and nothing more.
This is a good old topic that summarise warlock and demonology problems.
Played Warrior for a bit, most recently for a bit of BoD. It’s pretty fun, the whole “Rargh! I’ve got a massive weapon (or two), and I’ll smash you all to smithereens!” thing. Figured I’d go for a bit of change in anticipation of EP, and while Rogue was tempting (had a lot of fun with that, back in WoD) I felt the raid team was already melee-heavy enough and I wanted to try ranged.
Since there wasn’t a lock on the team, that’s what I went for. Hey, every team needs a cookie-vendor and summoning-bot. It’s been good, playing as Affliction mostly (tried out the other specs while levelling; didn’t get into Demo, and Destro is visually very pleasing with the Chaos Bolts and all that, but Affli felt “nicest”; idk, maybe it’s just simplest, and is what I kept going back to until settling on Affli for the last 15-20 levels).
So for raids, I feel like I can recommend Warlock. While Affliction felt best for me, I’m pretty sure that the others are no slouches either - and all can offer at least the Healthstones (and summons for the lazybutts, slackers, and people whose RL stuff prevents them to be on early enough to be inside the raid when it starts; or for when people want/need to switch characters half-way through). Coming from being a melee-exclusive player for most of my career, it was a nice change to be at range - get a better view of the field, usually more time to get out of the way of bad stuff happening.
I don’t feel very useful in M+, though; that might just be a personal issue, though (I do go Demo for that, because that’s apparently best, but I still don’t really dig it - might just be because that’s the only time I do Demo). I do have a bit more fun as Warrior in those. Possibly because of the interrupts, I just get a kick out of interrupting the mob/boss. And Warriors have a shorter cooldown on their interrupts than Warlocks. (So do Rogues, btw.)
Same for PvP - dabbled slightly in that on the lock, didn’t really enjoy it. Again, had more fun there as a Warrior. Might just be, again, the whole “AARGH! I’ll bash your face in!”-factor versus “Eh, I’ll stand here in the back, in my sissy robe, doing unnatural things to you”. (And rogues have their “Hey, I’ll just stand behind you, stab you, poison you, punch you in the kidneys so you can’t do anything, stab you some more, then throw some powder in your eyes so you’re blind while I’m regaining energy or bandaging a bit, before stabbing you some more - and hey, if it looks like I’m losing I’ll just vanish in a puff of smoke, stalk you and hit you again when you least expect it” deal going, which is very nice.)
This is all very subjective; I’ve not done so much PvP to say which is actually better, only that I personally felt I did best as a Warrior.
So, from these two classes - yeah, I’d suggest go Warlock. However: If I didn’t feel so “locked in” as a lock (both because I want those fel cookies and I’m the only lock in group atm, and because my Rogue is pretty far behind in terms of gear and essences and Necklace Level), I’d be switching to Rogue.
play an unholy dk…?
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