Selling dungeon/raid/pvp boosts needs to stop?!

The amount of boost selling is getting totally ridiculous now…

I’m playing on Ravencrest alliance and all that happens in trade chat is “Wt boost wts boost wts boost”. It’s literally every second there is a new post in trade about selling a boost. The spam is flying in so fast you can’t even read what the booster is selling.

GG blizzard though I see what you’ve done. I know it’s not breaking any rules… But there should be a rule against this because its ridiculous. Oh lets have it so people can buy tokens with irl money and convert them to gold. Oh look now people are buying tokens and converting them to gold and buying boosts. Blizzard sits there all smug rubbing their hands at people buying tokens.

Well done for destroying the game activision. Well done indeed. No sense of community anymore.

No king rules forever.



There wouldn’t be any people selling if there wasn’t a demand for it. You can’t blame blizzard/activision for the players choice…


Activision hope you go bankrupt for ruining such a great game.

But u can blame them for allowing people to sell it, even for gold. Most People would stop posting about selling boosts if it wasnt allowed to adverties them in trade chat


The only reason they allow it is because they make money from it. It’s ruining the game, it’s ruining the community.


It’s a service that’s sold for gold (in most cases). Then you shouldn’t be able to sell anything in trade for gold as that falls under the same principle of X thing for gold.

If there wasn’t a market for boosts you’d hardly ever see anyone post about it in trade so again, the players created the problem and then blame blizz? Nice


Don’t understand how they say oh you can only pay for stuff with gold… But they let you but gold for irl cash… then spend that gold on stuff… Effectively you’re spending irl cash on services…


Isn’t this what trade chat is for?

Except blizzard could fix their UI better so we could choose what trades we are looking for instead of spam


Blizz gets blammed pretty much for everything these days…
So how did they become a scapegoat on this one?
If anything. The community itself made the problem.
To do some random +10 you need a specific r. io score and bare minimum ilevel.
If you dont have the “right r io number” then either do the long grunt work to get it up or pay some gold and have the weekly chore done in 20-30 mins.

So…where is Blizz to blame in this sheme?


Doesn’t matter if there is a demand or not, some people buy drugs illegally yet police chases the dealers.

Having a demand doesn’t mean a whole society/system/company needs to plow in front of anyone wishes.

If people want to buy boosts let them do it in private through networking or websites selling them. It can’t be stop: but the spamming Can disappear. Which is what all those threads are asking for.

Are we going to continue reading such posts every time someone makes s complaint about boost or people are finally going to understand nobody goes on a lvl 1 alt on another server to trade herbs, that demand is not king and emperor, and that blizzard should fix gaming mechanics to reinforce community and by doing so cleaning the trade chat of spamming would go wonderfully along? It’s getting very old.

Those boosts became a thing because there’s a market for it. There are always people that don’t want to put the work in order to get something but instead they prefer to just pay and get it.


Selling a service for gold in game is not against the rules and Blizzard are not going to do anything to stop them. They are at the buyers risk and Blizzard will usually not get involved if you are scammed out of gold.

Trade chat is where they belong, if you see them in the group finder you can report them for advertising. They are not permitted to sell there. It’s where players are able to find others to do content with.


It may be the place it belongs, but it is horrible and annoying.
And with the token its just a pay 2 win by now.
You see nothing more in trade chat by now than WTS Boost.
While Blizzard isnt 100% to be blamed, sure - they helped it to get to this point either passive (removing gold making possibliteis by farming, letting bots run wild again)) or active with the tokens.

But whatever game isnt worth it anymore at this point to even care anymore.

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I just hide the trade channel most of the time. It’s on a separate chat tab I don’t look at unless I need it.

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AFAIK they ban bots pretty regularly.

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Ah ye, 1 topic wasn’t enough for you so you had to make another… You prolly got scammed and now trying to ban this “horrible” service players are selling… It’s completely legit service offering and as such it’s place is in the Trade chat channel. I have it on a separate chat window and I’m completely “safe” from those horrible spammers. I would agree though they could be given a new separate channel so the trade can be used for other trade related stuff.


Ok i understand the sentiment but you do know if they go bankrupt its not only them its Blizz aswell, meaning all blizz games closes down aswell… Classic included.

Just hope they realise the proffit loss by being this way aint worth it in the long run and change before going down but ppl love to see everything burn down and then think they can play with the charcoal.

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Blizzard are selling WoW token which players then sell on the AH for gold, and use that gold to buy boosts. Blizzard pretends it’s ok to sell boosts for gold because they’re making real money out of it.

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And why is this different from cosmetics and mounts? If one bought items on AH with the gold from tokens? Why are you including only one aspect from it and not all of them? Aslong as its not random in what they get (aka gambling) its all fair imo.
Never found the need to buy a token with real money and never will but will buy them with the gold ive earned. As it goes that way aswell its even better as i can get shop items without ever paying real money for them. So in what way is it Blizz’s fault that ppl sell boosts for in-game currency?


I don’t get this.

They’ve been merged for 11 years now. But sure, its Activisions fault. Forum logic is about the same as that of a toddler sometimes.