Selling dungeon/raid/pvp boosts needs to stop?!

You’re clearly in denial here. “Does not hurt anyone”, yes, it does. It hurts PuG groups, which makes groups require even more just to join it, which then causes problems for those who don’t buy boosts, which then causes more problems within the community.

Now, if those people who got boosted only did it for either:

  1. To quickly gear an alt to run with their guild (Which, most guilds would help you gear that alt, so VERY RARELY HAPPENS)
  2. Just for the achievement and a little bit more gear.

Now, BOTH of these can be considered extremely rare, since I am betting the majority of people who buy boosts, do it so they can easily get into those M+10’s or that HC PuG run. This, in turn, causes more wipes on bosses, more keys depleted, all because some people cannot or will not learn how to play the game at that difficulty, they just want the free ride.

Again, comparing it to “selling stuff on the AH”, this is mainly just cosmetic stuff. Yes, you can buy SOME gear from the AH, but you can’t buy that M+10 Rio score, and you can’t buy that AoTC on the AH, which nearly all groups of that difficulty want.

Comparing it to things on the AH is nothing more than a cop-out, a sad excuse to try to make it seem like boosting does nothing.

If the GUILD needed it, then the GUILD would help you gear it up. Unless, this is not how guilds work anymore? This is where the “community” side of things is non-existent. What’s the point in the guild spending that time helping you get geared up, when you can just use the pay to win services provided by Blizzard and some of the players.

So you are selfish I get it now noone wants to play with you if what you say was even slightly true premade group finder would be “blank” let me see nope many groups up from total newbies to mythic raider speed clearing it on Alts if someone choose to play/spent THEIR OWN TIME with who they want do what they want that is no someone else business ,no one have to play with you.It hurts people like you basically baddies who do not have that many left to carry them,nowdays checking someone on WOW ARMORY,wow progress,raider Io is just worth effort,time rather invest little time look up pleople their gear traits dungeons achievements,their runs, history,last run, score then inviting blindly especially on alliance they are good players too but can not compare to HORDE.Aka reason why so many went to HORDE because of you.

About guild you seems to never been in any or you do not know meaning of word guild in wow.

Pay to win ? what you won by that definition then?I won I bought X mount from blacksmith from AH or I won I bought X mount from mount run, again what did you win?

People provide services where is demand there is supply yet another ALLIANCE baddies blaming X for their own incompetence, inability,unluck,not happiness, REEE people do not want to play with me REEE.


Cutting edge achievment, best gear you wouldnt get otherwise.
(Quite ironic that mythic guild runs via real money or gladiator boosts were/are banned just because Blizzard doest get their share, its just the same.)
You know the same things played for since 2004 that you like to mention so much.

Of course there were always boost, thats not the problem it is the amount of spam/boost in chat/lfg and no alternatives anymore to make gold any other way for a similar amount. Boosted myself since mop but quit now in BFA because since mop the game declined so bad, so yes I know there were always boost but I know even more how the amount and even the people changed till now.

It was Blizzards choice to inflate the amount of gold in WoD/Legion, it was their choice to deflate now in BFA and hope it will play out fine, but it doesnt. So all that is left in this game now is boosting and nothing more which just shows how bad everything - and not just the class design - has become.

Till now players looked down on people getting boosted , because y’know they are worse players compared to the gear they wear, but now its totally fine, cause “everyone” does it and this mindset totally puts me off.

And sure after a few weeks/months Blizz might ban bots, but what do you think how much a 24/7 bot has farmed and sold till then and crushed the marked…had enough put on friendslist to see how long they operated.

I boosted in Legion never looked down on anyone I boosted,want achieve? join guild pay them to get boost their choice not yours, gear? do you honestly think gear has value?I raided uldir first week of new raid replaced my gear from mythic 0 and world quests,If so someone wants to trade what they got that is still not your business you as someone up are just selfish,yet you didn’t claimed it hurts you so much,how it was selling UBRS run/opening without wow token economy would be collapsed long ago simple economy:herbalist pluck sells on ah alchemy lazy guy buys from ah resell on ah in flask/pots same with any profession guess who buys things PVE PLAYERS especially mythic raider, mythic+ players,normal raiders etc,If you raided you know very well how much gold costs 1 prog night people playing is reason why economy works you do not buy gold out of thin air you exchange it with someone else for your money there is nothing else.As majority of these who sell/do boosts having these achievements they know what they do and are okay with it but I guess as someone who doesn’t have it you are jelaous on others nothing else.

How do you know that the people in your groups failing keys are specifically those who have bought boosts. I think it’s just become a standard insult now that any time someone fails in a group they say things like did you buy a boost. Even on the forums someone tried to insinuate I bought boosts, as a petty insult.

Criticism of another players is one thing but completely insulting and having a go at another player can totally demoralise them and make them play worse. People are all different.


And I think you are liar, post from your main since 110 lvl with 3,4k achievements shows you are lying about anything you have said /hiding your main for some reason.

another thread about someone not liking trade chat being used for what its meant for - T R A D E.

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I don’t think they know meaning of TRADE personally CBA to spam chat with wtb XYZ when already have friends who can make XYZ or I can make it myself or I use AUCTION HOUSE.

what I dont get is, what’s the difference between “WTS Boost” and “WTS Anchor weed” for those people. :joy: at least you can get on off of AH, while other has to be advertised

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They have gold for anchor weed not for boost so since they can’t afford it they are selfish and they do not want anyone else.

Selling anchor weed have to stop!
Basically you want to remove WoW Token if you really tried to make this thread to have any value guess what we would be back in past and buy it from Chinese then I am not racist but I like more legal EU gold.Without token economy would be …

BIGMOOD, 10 cents an hour is a good money ;3

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And then it would get sold for real money… again

Why would they ever spend 20 Euros for a boost when you can easily farm your own gold to afford one ? It’s not p2w, not by a loooooooong shot.

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