Selling dungeon/raid/pvp boosts needs to stop?!

You are presuming an awful lot of how people want to play or how they should play.

Having said that I do tend to presume if someone is going to buy a boost they aren’t going to be good enough to do it without a boost. So your’e expecting people to spend an awful lot of time failing keys and not getting anywhere and not getting any gear. That’s not really what everyone wants to do with their game time.

You can’t force others to play the way you want them to. Personally I don’t care if they want to spend their gold on boosts. That is their choice. It does not affect me in any way. It is no different to people going to WF or doing Emissaries or WQs. IT’s just another way they get gear for very little effort.

Personally, I can’t imagine anything more boring that doing boost runs myself.


Yes you pay millions to get gear to 425 in day 1 it is not even possible what you are talking you ,you and as druid here are just envy.

Well. In that case. What are you doing to help it?
Everyone can scream (or facebook like and etc.) that Country A is poor and there are children who can’t go to school! WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING!
And how many of you are willing to pack your bags right now and leave to this country and for example to actually read some books to those children and etc?
Start a community, start making friends. Try making the community better if you think its bad. Offer some m+s run for newbie or new players?
Screaming at the problem, won’t solve it…
Or…blaming everything on Blizzard…


i just giving example man. i do not know how the boosts are working. i am lvl 415 why should i envy ?

There always were groups dedicated to it. It’s just now its very visible.

Pre-token you bought gold the old way, but gold had no real use so boosters were not really interested in it, so you just paid them directly in cash.
Theres still plenty of groups operating that way

Situation here is just as bad as in the topic that I opened a day ago. No one is able to acknowledge the opposite party’s issues and all suggestions are too extreme for both sides to agree on a compromise.

But as long as there’s a discussion going on, we are still better than the animals, I applaud all participants on that. Well done.


I like popcorn too. Not that i’m trolling but it’s interesting to hear others views

Good luck with that, majority of those were personal attacks rather than arguments against my opinions.

You can move general and trade chat to another window first of all.
Then I totally agree with you. Why do you need these boosts in the first place? Why do you need a curve achievement where you are actually brought along, paying. Why don’t people join a guild who runs HC? Why don’t people start building their own Rio? Why do we have to pay in the first place? For what? I’m never going to get the edge, but who cares, right?

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Let them sell their stuff. I just want a chatfilter in WoW to block certain chats with specific words in them. ‘Boost’ would be one of them.

You have to pay what do you mean?

Hand it over golds… paying means paying. Unless they accepts riverbuds which in that case I’m totally fine whit it… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Dont judge Activision, judge the apes who buy boosts.

Tbh , im glad they finally implemented a system to buy gold ingame via irl cash.
There were so many external sites doing that job for years and i think they’ve lead to thousands of suspensions since it was against ToS or w/e its called.

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It compromised accounts. Since Blizzard has it’s own means to buy gold it’s much safer now. Players aren’t risking their accounts because they want to use a short cut to get gold.

Sorry I didn’t get that from your post. Misunderstood :slight_smile:

No, of course not, but there would be much, much less of it.

And yes, some portion of that would be from sources incompatible with the ToS. But I find it hard to draw a moral line between boosting for gold and boosting for real money; the Token broke the principle that what you had in the game was what you earned in the game.

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I was like :

  1. Dont blame Activision about the boosts . Blame the apes who buy em
  2. On the other hand , token was a good addition to the game since a lot wanted to buy gold and they had to get it from an illegal external site.
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So true… They basically erase any motivation to form a group of strangers and try the more challenging content with people of the same experience. In other words if you don’t play with friends or aren’t in an active guild, you either have to pay gold to experience the content or rely on pugs, which are becoming more scarce because of this boost business…

What kind of nonsense you are talking about just made pug raid on ali and killed few bosses and you blame X for your incompetence or what ?

What kind of mindless BS sentence is that ? YES YOU pay to acces wow that is no one have to is forced to even say HI to you not even group/do anything with you etc.Just another excuse for these excusemakers blaming XYZ instead of selfreflecting.

You are what it is called the WORST of alliance personification why all good players went HORDE and do m+,higher raiding mythic,pvp etc because of snowflakes like you have you heard it GET GOOD and stop trying to find XYZ excuse for why no one wants to take you/play with you no one ever will .

Idk what to say to this, I won’t pretend I’m some wow veteran, but in the past few months I’ve been using the lfg tool a lot.

I can say that I’ve noticed the boost selling, in past month actually more than before, but assertions such as “buy a boost if you have no friends” is simply an exaggeration.

The little that I have achieved I’ve done it all through the lfg tool and I find it a bit surprising people feel the need to have to pay for 10’s and curve.

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