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I don’t have personal bodyguards. We just kinda naturally look after each other when playing together.

Come to think of it, I might have the opposite. Hitmen with a personal vendetta against me. There is this alliance guardian druid called Thornflakes and his sub rogue friend Princessdopa. If we are ever in the same round, their only task seems to be to assasinate me or to prevent me from doing anything.

Pay attention to it if you ever find us in the same round. Their tenacity in annoying me is admirable. I find it hilarious. :grin:

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Not saying they don’t have a vendetta against you but often times I spend a whole BG chasing a healer around the map. If they are focused on me then they can’t efficiently heal the rest of their team.

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Yeah I see them a lot, they have this sickly thing where they emote love for each other at the start of any BG :joy:

You’ll often find him in WG up by opposition GY in the keep or soloing boss in Trashran.

You’re a tricky dude tho and you tend to lead so you’re gonna be a target to some regardless.

I find them cute. Their hyperfixation on me must look quite funny to onlookers. :smile:

I ended up in a premade in Ashran a few nights ago and the raid leader kept asking us to focus on you like every other minute or so. Funny thing is … we ended up not seeing you for a few minutes and you guys took out our boss.

Famous last words of Azaam-Silvermoon: “got pwned by fistus-dentarg”. I lol’d.

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Defeating me in an epic bg is actually not that hard. The handful of buddies I bring into the round make up around 5-10% of the horde team on average. I am a decent healer and make some strat calls and can pull off moves like backdooring in ashran with my squad, but if the quality of the horde team is way below the alliance team, there is not much I can do and then I lose.

On a different topic:
Had another Alterac with Larkus today, where I ended up in his team involuntarily. They played with defense, but didn’t camp graveyards. I was pleasantly surprised. I hope this was not just the exception and they stopped doing that for good. They are still queue syncing with multiple groups, but you gotta give credit where credit is due.

This is why certain people can only play unrated content in premades:

Decent healer btw

Duelist since week 1 and not taking the bracket seriously since then. I would come home drunk friday night and play these games for the vault. If you take shuffle seriously I feel sorry for you. You aren’t even Elite but also a duelist.

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I have 5 Gladiators. I will get my 6th easily this season, too. You lose more games than you win. You can not unironically call yourself decent if you lose more games than you win in any bracket.

Depends on whether you are trying. I was tryharding a bit because I wanted that Illusion and got it in 3 days, ever since then, who gives a damn if I lose? I do it for the vault and for fun and that’s it. I wanted duelist and then i stopped trying. I wouldn’t play drunk if my rating meant anything to me, but atm it doesn’t.

Now go get elite or glad and stop telling people they are bad for playing with friends. You’re embarassing yourself.

I don’t need to tell you that you’re bad for playing with your friends. Your account is quite literally a self report of being a trash player.

Hidden Checkpvp profile but obsessed with my stats.
Season Duelist but acting like you are leagues above me although you are in the same league - in a bracket you care about and I don’t.
Says people who play in groups are bad because he doesn’t have any friends.

Let’s end this, before I die of cringe.
Good night, you weirdo.

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Are you dumb?

I’m levels ahead of you. I have 5 Glads, you have zero. I’m 200 rating higher than you from half the games. My CR is higher than you’ve been all season. Want me to come back later and flex all over you some more with my shiny Glad mount?

People who play unrated PvP with their ‘friends’ to crap all over low geared people and new players are bad. Isn’t a single good player that plays so many premade random bgs.

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I misread your name as Veetaa first.

Lmao, 2.2 max xp in RBG.

This is what I would sound like if I picked random stats that are worse than mine and then arbitrarily decided that this proves you are a worse player.

Then I would also say stuff like “you can’t get higher cuz u bad”

But i don’t do this, because it’s really cringe.
You have no friends.

Is this your way of coping with the fact that you are hardstuck on duelist in solo shuffle?

Hardstuck duelist when I haven’t queued it for weeks and haven’t queued it since the MMR buffs? Good one you unintelligent weirdo. How can you be hardstuck with a 54% win rate? If I queued solo shuffle right now I’d be 2400 in the same session because blizzard decided to cater to low skilled players like you and yet you’re still struggling. I’ll do it after my assessments in that meme bracket while you’re losing more than you win at sewer rating.

You can’t bring up my RBG xp and call me bad because I don’t play RBGs other than when I queued with Boby for a quick cap. You play a LOT of arenas, so I can call you out for being trash at arenas.

Guess what, so did I.
Now go prove you aren’t hardstuck and get Elite already.
And then Legend.
And then R1 Legend.
Or ur bad.

And why are you not a gladiator in the current season yet?

I only played 2s recently because it was the easiest bracket to get my friend geared who got his account banned for flaming. We had to buy him a new one and push to 1600 for a free set piece to catch up with gear and play RBGs with us.

And likewise I played 3s with randoms at the beginning of the season to get 1.6 for myself so I could push shuffle duelist with a 2 set piece in week 1.

Apart from that, I only ever touch these modes to get my buddies quick conquest.
I have around 80 3s and 40 2s played this season.
That’s not a lot and I don’t take Arena seriously, much like you don’t take RBG seriously.

In fact, I wonder what you are even doing in the BG section of the forums.

Because I’ve played 72 games making it literally impossible to get Glad in that number of games?

Why do you lose more than you win in rated content from almost 400 rounds as one of the strongest healers?

Just putting all of you premade random bg freaks in your place. There’s not a single one of you I look at and think that you’re a good player, because all of you factually aren’t yet you have bigger egos than people that are actually good at rated pvp. As shown by your rated records, you’re all awful players.

In a Nutshell.
Premades shouldn’t fight Randoms. Premades should fight Premades. You know… Rated Battleground Mode. Then maybe that will give a reason to actually use Rated Battlegrounds. You can get just as much Honor as Random, perhaps even more.
But no, instead you want to wipe the floor with randos because its easy wins and honor.
Give yourself some credit. You shouldn’t hate yourself because you think you cannot fight in Rated Battlegrounds. Makes you sad and pathetic.

Oh, convenient, then this is also the reason why I am not glad this season…
I played 79 games after all.
Or are you only allowed to make this argument when you have 72 games and not one more?

You missed the point of that reply completely, because it was to show you that your standards are arbitrary af.
My 77% 2s winrate means nothing according to you.
But I am ONE percentage point below average in win rate in SS out of all brackets, and this of course proves, I am terrible.

Because I already explained that I viewed my arena and solo shuffle rating as a means to an end to unlock the verdant crush illusion that I wanted, which I effortlessly got in day 3 of the season and stopped taking the bracket seriously.

You would understand this if you could read.

Or understand that one can actually play a rated bracket for something else than to increase ones rating and tryhard.

Btw, I play WW in solo shuffle as a meme build with SEF, Dragon punch and bonedust brew instead of Serenity and Faeline stomp because I like meme builds and because I can.

Now go get R1 Legend, because I have arbitrarily set the standard that you have to be at least this good to be considered a good player, 2.2 RBG max xp scrub / season duelist.

Our place is random bgs and epic bgs, because “Join as a group” is a thing that actually exists and is an intended feature.

People with no friends like you don’t understand that and view it as a badge of honor to always go alone in an MMO in a mode where queuing as a group is explicitly allowed.


We do play RBGs when we have enough players online. Which is usually around once or twice a week when all have time at the same moment.
Even then we have to recruit many random players which is time intensive.
Just queuing into random and epic bgs can make you play a lot more games in a shorter amount of time.

If you have one friend on and want to play bgs, you don’t want to spend a hour or longer playing team building simulator just to disband after one loss.
You want to play bgs.

Go try to play RBGs at a rating where you have to be somewhat selective about the mates you allow into your group and you will see how long it takes to fill your 10 slots with adequate people.

You guys need to learn to differentiate between queue syncing and a 5-man group. The latter is allowed and the former is rule-bending. What people like myself and Fistus do is queue up with a group of up to 5 (that is anywhere from 2-5) for normal BGs and EBGs which is perfectly legit. There are others in the PvP community that use queue syncing to form large-scale groups for both modes, which is frowned upon.