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Same thing tonight is automatic, EBG against randoms, we win, EBG against premades we lose, it doesn’t fail tonight anyway.

It gives the feeling that alone, they don’t even win at Hello Kitty online.

Premades are just a bunch of wankers and I would be alright with it
If they did not emote at people like they are some huge gaming chads, m8 4v1 is not a Chad move and running around people emoting is just childish
Gets even better when they emote at low geared people
Always imagine some sad dude that just sits there and wow is the only thing that still gives him a rise in his pants when fighting low geared folks


Yeah, there’s always at least one, who makes ‘strange noises’ at you when they are 10v1 you in their little premade bunch of scared gimps.


Like this dumbass mage every time in Trashran, forget it’s name but as I’m tanking like 20-30 of them in there, if I do die, this idiot mage always uses the flag of ownership… yeah well owned pal, I’ve just driven the lot of you halfway back to your base and you somehow think me dying is being owned…haha

Merry Christmas everyone, don’t let your bilirubin go too high. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Love to see premades have there own que, wont happen as we know they will find it too hard and and they would all quit after a week, leaving only the alpha premade left to cry that their battleground ques are dead.

because nothing works at Activision, people are leaving their jobs, they have already sold Blizzard and now they will be squeezing money for 1.5 years. they have no values, they believe in exploitation

Why the hell would Blizzard even bother to give them a battlegroup? Seems like a waste of resources when you have rated pvp for people who want to bother to organize a group. What they need to do is a simple fix so they stop being able to sync their groups.


They need to do something to fix the issue, I can understand why they don’t bother giving us new BG’s and why they gave us such meaningless and boring trash like Seething, cos the BG’s barely ever get played in the manner they were designed for, so why waste development time on making any more? Surely they can use their data and implement something that prevents the same people from constantly joining together unless in rated and also spot those that are constantly declining queues and hit them with a long debuff.

Had that drivenscope guy in a bg yday. Killed him in the spawn room and then won the bg. Few mins later he whispers me on a lvl 1 a bunch of abuse for being in a premade (i happened to get a premade on my team) - guy went nuts for 11 minutes straight in my whispers.

Premades are making people snap!

How odd. I would swear he always goes in premade. At least when I encounter him, I usually see groups of high honor lvl hordes that put up more resistance than usual. :thinking:

its weird cuz if thats true, plus the fact that every time i’ve seen him the past 2 weeks he has instantly left after the first team fight, it makes me wonder why he has less than 50% winrate in most bgs. doesn’t afking out not count as a loss?

I Don’t know. I don’t remember losing to him. I haven’t looked at his win-lose ratio either.

Maybe his bad statistics come from before or it was simply a coincidence and the times I have met him there was some premade on his team even though he didn’t belong to it.

Premade random bg players are bad freaks.

End of thread.


Fistus Your premades are just as sad as Alfredo’s, with that warrior without hands stuck to your as s.

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He only queues with a group of up to 5 though - perfectly legit.

What did poor Hühnchen ever do to you? :frowning:

Yes. I have nothing to hide.
Most of the time, we aren’t even a full 5 man group, just 3 or something like that.

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He she or it, is an Alliance Balance druid, always seems to be with several other balance druids for his own protection lol, you’ll never catch him on his own anywhere cos he is a gutless gimp. We’ve spanked them off the face of the map several times in randoms now, I’d be embarrassed if I was him in all honesty.

Actualluy thining about it alfredo is Horde, gets confusing playing both sides lol

Leave my friend Hunchy alone, he is doing warrior’s job.

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