Send "Proof" and Explain the "Premade"-problem to

Ah right, the zero RBG exp people full of rivals and challengers from elsewhere walked into RBG, stormed into the top 0.5% within 2 weeks of playing, then couldn’t even qualify for an achievement the next season and called it a day. The duelist max players were able to strategize and come up with tactics on every single map against the best players in RBG and got into the top 0.5%. Goood one.

I’m being told you were boosted by Realpala, which is far more reasonable than some challengers and perma rivals being legit players.

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Im not interested in 3s at all - havent played them since WoD or so. But if my friend was Whaaz and he asked me to play I’d be interested for a season too if you know what I mean

I didn’t even know him in season 1.
He was not in the team mate.

The challenger - duelist max players were able to strategize and come up with tactics on every single map against the best players in RBG and got into the top 0.5% within 2 weeks. Goood one man, gooooood one.


Well, we did.
And you seem very jealous of it :slight_smile:

Consistent hero rbg players are literally telling me in their streams you were boosted by Realpala and in season 1 you were ‘well below’ every other group that was queuing.

Well, that’s not true.
Realpala arrived in season 2.
Like I said, I didn’t know him before.
And he signed up on LFG in OUR team, and Iksy invited him, cause we needed a healer.
This is how I met him.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyone with a brain will be able to look at your achievement history and be able to conclude that you are very, very fishy.

And again, you were playing with multiple hota players. If my GF starts playing WoW today and I, as a multi gladiator player in arena play with her in arena, am I boosting her?


“more popcorn”

Checkmate. Thanks for playing.

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Why should Pandora stop playing with her friends though? It’s like saying I’m not allowed to team up with my friends and forced to play solo. :thinking: Just curious.


Wanna know the hilarious part? Some of Pandora’s so-called friends are talking behind his back.

Must feel good.

Also there’s a massive difference in playing with friends, and playing with an organised group on discord syncing party queues to avoid restrictions purposefully put in place to avoid the situation we now have.

Convenient that their ‘friends’ are always fully/highly conquest geared and using all the consumables they can as well. Yep, just a coincidence, all friends, nothing to do with the power advantage over low geared and new players at all.

It’s all a cop out to avoid being held accountable for their actions. No use directly arguing with these crooks. Just remember to report whenever you see the heavy abusers, and keep bringing to Blizzard’s attention that premading has turned into Monopoly. I shouldn’t have a 50/50 chance of being thrown into an EPIC BG vs a premade.

Always so full of crap.
I’d love to see screenshots of this.
You can’t stop us. Some of us have played together since Legion. And we gear up and use consumables cause this is what we do. We play random bgs and we tryhard them.

Imagine tryharding in random BGs. :laughing: Says a lot about you guys.


People play the game for various reasons and content. Some farm achievements. Some collect pets, toys and mounts. Some push keys. Some role play. Who are you to judge how we play the game? How sad are you for even giving yourself the right to do that? Play your game how you want and we play how we want.


Some of these guys are just jealous and full of hate :dracthyr_shrug: they have no better way to process their frustration than coming to the forums and whine, spread lies and demand stupid implementations (like force everyone to play solo) :man_facepalming:
Imagine blaming a single group of people, or even, a single community leader for the downfall of PvP in Europe, and at the same time trying to prove that this person has no skill or power :clown_face:

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Because there is no single option in the game for playing random BG’s with more than 5 players, if any of these premade gimps were sticking to that, then it wouldn’t be such an issue. When you go out of your way though, to bypass the original game mechanics, to swing the game in your favour, then that is why they should be stopped from playing with their friends, cos their ‘playing with friends’ is making many, many people hate playing. Those people don’t want, nor should they have to look for an army of people to hold their hand just to play entry level random BG’s, in a game that doesn’t have that option in the first place.

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Just to be crystal clear, the “you” wasn’t referring to any particular person on my part but rather at premades as a whole.