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Ok, but why? You have no honor levels left to farm, you get no more achievements, you get no rating, you get no rewards. Is it fair to say you just enjoy beating casuals and noobs because you don’t want to play fairer matchups?

You’re tryharding (by your own admission) against people that for the most part don’t care about whether they win or lose, hence why they queue unrated. Don’t you think it’s a little bit…idk…weird? Do you cheer whenever you win? Do you say GG to each other when you beat groups where half of them are in timewalking gear?

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You disappoint me.
You are still a duelist, I expected you to get elite by now and brag about it. Instead you did some Forums PvP with an abysmal winrate, because you embarass yourself with every post.

Your gladiator doesn’t matter for players who don’t even compete seriously in the bracket you got it from.
You are a basketball player trying to impress soccer players with basketball achievements. In one word, cringe.

Speaking of the current season, you are a duelist. Not a glorified duelist, a plain old duelist. I grinded myself back onto duelist, had to get my vault done this week anyway and thought “why not?”

won 43 / 80, would have been more if not for that one lobby where I was 2-1 and my PC crashed, that cost me 2 additional losses and minus 150 rating. Grinded back to duelist anyway with a winrate that is 54% just like yours. :stuck_out_tongue:

My overall win rate is bad because I was taking the piss. Both figuratively and literally, while playing SS after reaching duelist. Tell me one reason why I should maintain my rating?

You are a guy whose fragile self worth depends on video game achievements and instead of comparing them with arena players who play for their stats and care, you compare them to bg players who don’t so you can feel better about yourself.

You have marginally better season stats than the guy you are flaming.
You act like you are the greatest, but you are just a regular glad, not even r1 or AWC material.

I responded to him because his arguments are retarded and I don’t like to let stupid people get away with spewing nonsense unchallenged.

Good that you realize this too.
A reasonable definition of a decent healer in epic bgs would be someone who can keep the raid alive, has decent hps, doesn’t die in stupid and unnecessary ways, and plays the right objectives, is there to help at the right spot at the right time.
It is a definition that makes sense for the context and is entirely independent of any rated bracket. A 0xp 0cr player can be a decent healer in epic bgs.

Only a dunce like him who desperately wants to prove his L take that only bad players ever play bgs with friends would pick the one bracket where my win rate happens too be slightly negative because he is grasping at every straw to make his argument appear valid.

That title goes to you. It isn’t even close.
Queue syncers are nothing compared to your level of cringe.


Your overall win rate is bad because YOU are bad in rated content.

Now stop barking at me and go get excited over beating players in timewalking gear in your premade random battlegrounds you absolute weirdo. We can all see that when you try to play by yourself you can’t even win as much as you lose. 49% win rate from almost 500 rounds of solo shuffle. Absolutely embarrassing.

My win rate this week is what matters, but of course you focus on the overall win rate that only slightly shifted because it suits you more lol. Go get elite, duelist forum pvper with 0% win rate.

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Oh great, I have a 100% win rate in 3s this week, guess I’m a God.

471 rounds on one of the best healers and 233 - 238. Pathetic.



That had me in stitches. Here I was expecting some gameplay or something to disprove Bûdspencer’s comment and instead I got something entirely better!

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I know you are a tad dim, so let me explain it to you in detail why the weekly win rate matters more than the overall win rate.

When I am not playing WoW in my free time, I sometimes play “Battlefield” games. These games have many things in common with the bgs in WoW, you run around on a map as infantry or in vehicles and fight over various control points on the map with the other team, but in a first person shooter instead of MMORPG setting.

You can play the game somewhat seriously, learn to become a very good shooter or vehicle pilot and top the scoreboard every time, but battlefield is also famous for silly stuff like zapping enemies with a defibrillator meant for reviving dead teammates, bashing them to death with a ballistic shield, shooting them with the smallest handgun in the world or piloting a fighter jet, ejecting, pulling out a rocket launcher mid air and shooting another jet, just to hop back into your jet.

Playing in this “trolly” way affects your stats negatively by a massive amount if you do it often, but who cares? It’s a video game and as long as you have fun, nobody cares.

Does it make you a bad battlefield player if you goof around from time to time? Not as long as you can be good at the game when you try to play seriously. And that’s the point. Even if your overall stats look worse than if you hadn’t goofed around.

I played seriously in order to get the duelist illusion fast, then I stopped playing seriously and caring about my shuffle stats because what the hell do I need them for anyway? Might as well throw them away.

So I regularly played rounds while coming home drunk in the weekend. I could get my vault done and earn rewards for playing seriously while not playing seriously. Alcohol is very bad for your reaction time and awareness if you haven’t played while drunk yet, especially in a game like WoW PvP. If you care about your win rate, avoid playing while drunk, but if you can afford to throw your rating away and don’t care about your win rate? Why not?

I know I can play better when I try to play seriously, and I have proven that I can easily maintain a good win rate and make it back to duelist rating within just a few hours. It is just a question of whether you are trying or not.

Do you get it now?

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A gnome in warden armor?
You deserve an one-way trip to the maws for this.


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Great, I’m 100% win rate in 3s this week, I’m a God. Thanks for the confirmation :slight_smile:

Trolls in rated content, tryhards in unrated. Very logical person :’)

But ofc it’s easy to say that you’re ‘trolling’ or ‘drunk’ when your approximate 500 rounds played shows that you’re just not very good.

How about you actually answer my question and give me a logical reason for why I shouldn’t troll in SS after reaching duelist. Give me a single reason to maintain my rating and win rate.

Pros: I get to unlock vault rewards and get to play a fun game.
Cons: I lose some worthless rating in a joke bracket

sounds like a good deal to me.
I am not a narcissist like you and I don’t derive my sense of self worth from video game stats. I can play well when I try and when it matters, and that’s the only thing that counts.

A friend would ask me “wanna play bgs?” and then we have some good times chilling in bgs. Maybe after a round a third friend comes along for the ride.


I mean, your argument was in shambles when I easily climbed back onto duelist yesterday with a good weekly win rate, but I can gladly increase my winrate to over 50% in the following days and weeks so that you finally shut up about my SS stats.

im night elf now, the armoury can’t match my speed though. it is what it is

Shows you’re the decent healer you claim to be? You realise trolling people is a reportable offence and is against ToS as well, right?

Meanwhile you tryhard unrated BGs against people who are in timewalking and levelling gear but don’t seem to think that unrated BGs are a joke :')

And so is yours since my weekly win rate in 3s is 100%. Does that mean I’m a God? You see, the thing with data is you get a lovely sample and indication from it. You have close to 500 rounds, you lose more than you win, you are dreadful in rated content. You got your rating when the meta literally held the hand of MW and got them free CR. This meta is so anti SP and so pro MW yet I’m 250 rating higher than you from 300 less rounds. And before you try to pull the ‘HeAlEr MmR iS bRoKeN’, the highest rated MW in Shuffle is 130 rating higher than the highest SP.

But hey man, I’m sure you’re insane at using consumables with your fully conquest geared premade against players that are still figuring out what their keybinds are.

I’m also really flattered that whenever you play Solo Shuffle now you will think of me. I’ve rattled you and I’m rent free in your head.

You played a sum total of 0 games this week. 72 as it used to be.
And don’t play like 3 games and brag because you happened to win all 3 of them.
Statistics need a certain sample size to mean anything. This is not the first time you struggle with the concept of sample size.

And before you say “400 rounds mean more than 80 this week” - The overall stats are skewed towards the negative from not playing seriously most of the time.
If you want to measure how well someone can play, measure it at a point where they are actually trying. I will be back over 50% by next week so you can finally shut up.

I was simply playing moderately worse than I normally would when I put effort in.
Since it is shuffle and everyone rotates with everyone, nobody was even harmed because even if some dps lost with me, they had an easier time winning against me in return.

Already told you I don’t. Neither do I invite only conq geared people with high xp, nor do you meet only undergeared bg players, nor do I only play in 5 stacks. Your opinions on bgs are ridiculously out of touch.

I pushed back to duelist because I had to get my vault done anyway and saw how you couldn’t stop talking trash about these stupid stats, so I decided to prove you wrong - which I did.

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Nope. I played 5 3s games on the 2nd January (Tuesday, this week). Won all of them. 100% win rate.

And you think 491 rounds isn’t sufficient when many people don’t even play that amount for the entire season?

Extremely easy for you to sit there and say you’re losing because you’re not trying. Extremely easy. Nobody can measure that for you, it’s simply you saying ‘well I was trying here but I wasn’t trying there’.

Didn’t you admit that you queue intoxicated and that’s a reason you lose more than you win? I.e. deliberately sabotaging and griefing the game for up to 4 DPS players?

Oh, but you’re still losing more than you win? You’re still 250 rating lower than me despite me playing 300 less rounds on one of the worst specs in the meta? You try to say I arbitrarily determine what’s good and what’s not but now you’re basing it on weekly stats rather than the close to 500 rounds of solo shuffle you’ve played where you’ve lost more than you win. My eyes.

So do you also think unrated BGs are a joke too then?

That point with “a small sample size doesn’t mean much” went right over your head, didn’t it?

I wrote a detailed explanation about how trolling can skew average statistics. If you don’t understand that or pretend not to understand that for the sake making it appear as if you aren’t losing the argument, I can’t help you.

The fact that I happened to increase my stats significantly yesterday might be an indication that I was, in fact, trying again.

Players rotate in shuffle, everyone gets to play with everyone. they lose more with me, but get that back by being able to defeat me more easily.

No, not since I started trying again to prove this point to you.

Do you know how many lobbies I have to go 4-2 or 5-1 in to repair my troll statistics to over 50% again? I will do it, don’t worry.

Yes. I don’t get any ego from winning in casual random and epic bgs. I play them for fun, and they are better with friends. If you wanna play solo, that is your choice, but playing with up to 4 friends is allowed.

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500 rounds isn’t a small sample size.

It’s only ‘trolling’ when you say it is. By admitting you’re trolling, you’re admitting to breaking ToS.

Nice bro you went from a 49% win rate to a 49% win rate. Only thing you significantly increased was the amount of games you played.

Rent free in your head. You’re playing to please me, alas, still have a 49% win rate.

Good luck man, I’m sure another 100 rounds on one of the best healers, if not the best, will do it for you.

Idk why you have an ego at all when you’re a garbage player.

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And my rating by over 100 points and I love how you conveniently chose to overlook.

To show everyone here what a moron you are and succeeding at it. xD


Yet still have a negative win rate from 500 games. Idc about the 80 games you played this week, I’m looking at the 500 you’ve played all season. Paints a good picture.

Yet infinitely better than you at the game. Love how you can’t stick to anything related to the game and have to resort to insults outside of the game. Shows you’ve lost. Keep it up.

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