Send "Proof" and Explain the "Premade"-problem to

“negative winrate andy”

“you aren’t even gladiator yet”



‘Who cares that I lose more than I win from 500 rounds, you aren’t even Glad from 72 3v3 games’ 4Head

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Oh ffs get off your cross and use the wood to build a bridge and get over it. Not every group you face in unrated BGs has crap gear. I don’t like using the word but you really are a cringelord who doesn’t know his @rse from his elbow outside of arena. Go back to the arena forums you special snowflake.


Just ignore, block and move along.


Sounds wise

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I just met this Alfredopauly guy you were talking about earlier when I queued into Wintergrasp as attacker with 2 players, just me and Hühnchen by coincidence.

I didn’t ask for the raid leader because I wanted to observe how he handles the situation. He was absolutely silent for the entire round. Our first attack was completely uncoordinated. We won in offense, but that round was anything but smooth and easy.

I expected him to be more like Larkus and coordinate the raid more.
Is he always like this or was he just exceptionally quiet this time around?
Somehow it is hard for me to believe that this guy is the bane of Alliance players in epic bgs.

My first encounter with him was in a WSG game, he kept trying to bark orders at people to do what he said but he was extremely obnoxious about it, he got told off one or two to be quiet. He just carried on being disruptive and not helping and when we went 1-0 down he left in a huff. Someone with a backbone entered in his place and we won the game.

Maybe too many players reported Alfredo for flaming and Blizzard put a muzzle on his mouth so now he has to remain silent for a week.

From what I’ve seen from him, he’s a perfectly ordinary player.

I have the feeling they probably have a core group that does most of their talking in disc

Embarassing last Wintergrasp, you lost again 40 randoms with 2 only heals.

As a group of 2 with 38 randoms.
You also had Lurtex in your team.
But hey, congratulations on defeating me for once, I still don’t get why you dislike Hühnchen so much.


Rogue even not presented in top 5, while all forum crying how OP sub-rogue and need to be nerfed to the grave. LOL

Well, that screenshot was back in November^^

The top ratings (I selected 2700+ because of rating inflation) seem more evened out now. DH is still strong, and Rogue is in fact at the top.


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Daily reminder to report the major culprits for premading. Actively avoiding restrictions to join BGs with more than 5 people is against the rules.


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