It’s all too often nothing to do with the BG being empty, it’s mostly pure bad gamesmanship/bad sportsmanship by deliberately not carrying on with the game. Instead you get full groups of geared players that the opposition simply cannot even compete with, never mind try and win against, camping them at the GY in WSG for example, standing there with the flag and not capping, forcing the opposition to either /afk or spend 15 minutes just being PVE-AOE’d into the ground, repeatedly.
It’s that kind of childish, bratty and nasty play that puts so many people off from wanting to play. It wouldn’t be anywhere near so much of an issue if they just won their game and moved onto their next game where they can just faceroll another win.
I guess that would be the case if players hadn’t so much time-overhead between real PvP fights. If have to wait 15 minutes to get a BG invite I will surely not try to win that BG in 3 minutes, instead I want to fight as much and as long as possible before I have to wait for another 15 minutes for the next game related to faction-imbalance mentioned earlier, cross-faction BGs would be a good solution here
Well if everybody wasn’t keep grinding the game out for it’s entirety then the queues would naturally decrease in length as some of the games would decrease in length. There’d also be way more people still playing if they weren’t facing the kind of opposition they have to now, which would also decrease the queue times.
If you have suggestions for the devs regarding premade queuing through discord or other methods you should use the ingame suggestion box for feedback or continue posting at relevant threads in the PVP forums about it.
Magical Suggestion Box
As it seems that no rules are being broken, using the Hacks@Blizzard email above is not the proper way to report. You mainly have feedback about not wanting to play against premades.
By now, all the mentioned forums and media’s inboxes is likely already filled.
Oh imagine, i wrote this answer while facing a premade.
Anyway, this game is niche. It barely has new players. The excuse of new players smell alot.
Hopefully Microsoft changes something here Would be much more better, if we had new players. I fear the game has become too complex for that though
Eliminating the subscription and changing it to a cosmetic sales system could work.
More DHs playing than ALL ranged speccs combined. This tells a whole story on its own, if you ask me. DF so far is an absolute failure for PvP. Only the gearing is awesome finally, I hope they keep it and don’t blame low PvP numbers on the gearing system or whatever.
Nah, there is no single bigger problem in PvP then premades, and has been going for years. Everything else is perfect this expansion, they just need to delete the premade clowns from the game, then we can all have fun again.
Said the DH xd
Premade existed since the start of classic at the introduction of battlegrounds, since the very start
Saying it is only since now is not true
The only change from before and now is how easy it is :
- making new friends
- vocal communication ( wow in game voice / discord)
- 40 players listening to raid leaders (back then people tend to less listen)
- players tend to be seeking more how to improve instead of complaining on the forums complaining like blizzard like a religion to get what they wrongly want
But why does it matter to you, you dont even play rated pvp???
Premades affect 90% of PvP players because most dont play shuffle or other arenas, they are casuals, its much easier to beat any OP class in shuffle then to beat a premade if you have a full random team. Especially new players, they will just quit pvp or quit the game if they get roflstomped by 1000 honor level nolifer degenerates premaders.
Funny how you ask a Prot Pala to play rated, be it RBG or solo shuffle, with the conditions right now Maybe those conditions are why many of us don’t play rated (anymore)?
PvP in this game is unfair in many ways, already gave a list before. Everyone is looking for a way to have fun and/or win in their own interests and conditions. I’m certainly not paying 13 bucks a month to play with 200k andies queueing as healers and expect to get carried
This is why there should always have been a clear line in the sand as to what is casual and what isn’t. See, to me, casual just means playing it for the fun, not caring if you get a reward for it, I couldn’t care less about the pixels on my armour and I absolutely don’t care to be so strong that my opponent can’t do anything about it. So for me, causal should just be where you can hop into a BG, without some pre formed, fully geared teams roflstomping players cos they think that being too strong for their opponent = being skilled and that killing enemies that literally can’t fight back is some kind of PVP.
There should have been a queue for casual fun BG’s, for those who actually just enjoy playing the games and a separate queue for those who claim they want progression and for those that don’t want the beauty that used to be totally random games.
another post of bullies not understanding the bulllied
over and over.
See? And because of this kind of energy I don’t mind playing with premades Most players don’t give a damn about the other players’ issues, as long as it doesn’t concern themselves.
Sometimes is better not to reply to these people, but still if you got a premade of your own, I’m sure your friends wouldn’t mind you being a prot pala in a rated BG?
Sure. I tried that at 2300 in SL-S1/2 when prot got nerfed hard and there was no other option besides Guardian druid. My RBG group back then still wanted me to continue. I tried a bit, but it is 0 fun to play knowing that the enemies will win because they have the meta specs (and therefore also pointless, where RBG is about winning and increasing the rating).
Russian dummy streaming every night and nothing happens but we have a lot of other places to go!