This is funny coming from a DH…
Fun fact, the proof that i linked to in the actual support forum, for being targeted by mass-report by a Streamer-Premade leader. (All i did was to say: “Say no to Premades” as he did his “Join my Community, this is a Premade” macro).
He streamed his whole ordeal and was clear as day that he told his community to mass report me through the Epic BGs we ended up together in for the evening. He has now removed this video from his saved feed, one might say to hide proof? Lucky me i recorded it.
Also i updated the first post as to not promote abuse, i agree that is wrong.
Just forwarding what was written to me.*
make a DH then and maybe get your first rival in shuffle?
Yeah, not something to brag about really. I mean DH is putting 10.0.7 Ret Pally to shame atm. To say Havoc is busted is an understatement.
Never having played a single rated pvp game is also not something to brag about How do you even know DH is busted? From streamers ? Youtube? Friends?
drustvar. com/leaderboard/solo-shuffle-stats/eu
Yes, a lot of people enjoy playing DH, it’s a very fun class. Participation doesn’t prove anything. Coping mechanism.
Who was bragging? Certainly not me and FYI this isn’t my main. Aslo having 300+ DHs above 2100 rating pretty much says it all when the next class has three times less representation. But go on, I’ll grab my popcorn.
Ah, the classic “a lot of people like it, so it’s not broken” defense. Enjoyment and brokenness aren’t mutually exclusive, chief.
Your logic is like saying junk food’s healthy because many love it. That’s not participation; it’s denial.
Participation without acknowledgment is like playing a broken piano – might sound good to you, but everyone else is cringing.
Coping with reality seems harder than mastering a broken class…
Sure, because you need a culinary degree to know when the soup tastes like garbage. I don’t need to play PvP to recognize a broken DH – it’s like spotting a neon sign in the dark.
That is not even the worst we have been reporting some group over and over for botting, and they did nothing meanwhile we went to rage on chat 5 of our people got silenced… seems something is getting wrong with this game towards real players.
Nothing feels better than wasting Pandora’s time in a BG and not feeding the trolls HKs and Honor by whole team by not rezzing.
I’m winning Bgs yo! I’m having a great time with my team mate.
You know who I am but I got no clue who you are tbh.
And if nothing feels better than that then…
Woah now.
This reply seems quite violent.
Are you sure you’re ok?
Seems a pretty accurate comment to be fair
You guys seem very mad about losing random Bgs.
You seem mad about life in general and take it out on the only people you can do so on, pixels that can’t mount a challenge… not even half a man not quarter of a gamer
I am simply playing a game.
I am not taking anything out on anyone.
You lose Bgs and come here on the forums to offend people.
This seems to me a “mad behaviour”, more than anything I will ever be.
Because actual gamers are offended by your imitation PVP