Send "Proof" and Explain the "Premade"-problem to

Doesn’t this mean something is wrong with you guys?
If the way I play WoW makes you offended?
You lose a Bg? Queue next.
Coming in the forums offending people you don’t know, even personal offenses, is sad and doesn’t do anything.
Certainly will not improve your ability to PvP or win Bgs.


Nowhere near as sad as knoing that you are destroying the fun, literally sucking the decent fun aspect from the game and you think you have moral high ground because now suddenly you’re offended… you truly are deluded.

I mean, you genuinely take pride from the fact that you have caused loads of players to hate the game, vile, vile cretin

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I never said I got offended.
I said you guys seem mad, more than I will ever be.
For writing the things you write here.
Your game will not improve like this.

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Nor will yours, fighting imaginary players :laughing: :man_facepalming:

I don’t even
Btw - Xinesha/Nia and the rest of them/their friends DO play premades too.
Interesting isn’t it?
But they come here on forums personally attacking others for building BETTER premades than theirs, and winning random bgs.


Why would you two be salty about what Pandora does in random bgs? I don’t get it. She just plays in a 5 stack and that is allowed. Take a few good players with you into the round and you will have a chance to win.

If anything, criticize her for queue syncing in epic bgs.

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Can’t comment on what he/she does in randoms, only ever encountered their premades in Epics.

Also, I have absolutely no interest in taking a group of mates just to get easy wins, I’ve been there and done that best part of 20 years ago and they were the most excruciatingly easy and boring games. So I gave up with premades after literally a week, if that. Yeah 5 is legal according to the game itself but it’s still virtually a guaranteed win v a typical random group, so no thanks again, I’d rather earn any few wins that come my way.

It’s what they do when they’re in normal BGs. Every single time without fail, whether it’s WSG, TP, EotS, BfG, they will run the the GY and farm you for the entire BG. That is the crux of the matter, It’s not about losing to them. It’s how they go about playing the game that I have issue with. They grief, it’s what they do.

As I said my issue isn’t with 5-stack premades. My issue is with you and yours and how how play the game. GY camping 24/7. That’s not PvP even if you’re in a PvP scenario.

GY camping is for people with low self-esteem. Its degenerate behaviour and should be bannable.

We kill people in Bgs, then we try to kill them again, while our team does objectives. Isn’t this how you’re supposed to win a Bg? How come you cry so much about losing random bgs? Simply cause this is removing the fun from you then we should stop playing how we do? I have friends and these players enjoy the same things I enjoy - If we want to play together we will.

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WTF is wrong with you? We don’t “build” premades FFS. We group together for fun to build up commeradie in our guild. We couldn’t give two Fs whether we win or lose. We play for the fun element and take anyone with us that want to do BGs. Doesn’t matter what class or spec they play. You certainly won’t find us engaging in the despicable acts you’re involved in 24/7.

We group together for fun, every Community member who wants to play is very welcome to join in for Bgs. Where’s the difference?
Also what despicable acts? :rofl:


What a waste of time arguing with people like you.
Its obvious that you have real problems. U should fix them before u come back to the forum



I am trying to be reasonable and constructive.
But this is hopeless.
I am free to play with friends as much as you are.

You’re trying to force us to stop eating chocolate simply because you’re on a diet.
It’s the same concept.
You can’t bully people because they do what you do, but better.
“You are not allowed to have a good premade because my premade is worse than yours!” What logic is this?


it’s funny you say that, given that you literally play premades against random people instead of being actually good at PvP and doing arenas or at least rated bgs.
This is what garbonzo level players do to get a kick, beat noobs or clueless casuals who join rbgs to have chill fun but are getting abused by these low-brow tryhard apes. Have a nice day.

I did all that rated stuff you speak of.
And will probably do it again, if there is a set I like, or anything I want to achieve there.
For now, this is how I enjoy the game. I’m a casual player.


Ofc he have.