Sense, I'm looking for it

Why do I feel such inconsistency in the Lore lately. On one hand we’ve been told that Helya was the first Valkyr. Ok. Created by a Titan infused watcher. Ok. Now comes Ian boi and tells us that the realm of the Shadowlands is the place of origin for the noble Valkyr. What? Am I just missing something out here?


You aren’t missing anything, Blizz does not care about their own lore. Hardly a surprise at this point.


And the Shadowlands, a realm more tied with the titans, and something that was there almost since before the first Azeroth race set a foot on the planet, is somehow tied to a demon artifact created about 30 ingame years ago. :clap::clap::clap::clap:


It saddens me to see the Lich King arc being destroyed just the same way Sargeras’ arc was. The pre-Chronicles Lore was spat on, the Chronicles now are becoming obsolete rofl. I assume they just go for whatever


Are you am imbecile? What doesn’t make sense about titan constructs that pre-date THE VERY TITANS THEMSELVES?!?!?! /s

No, you’re not missing anything, they just don’t respect their own lore.


aliens man… aliens…
suddenly everything make sense!

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So, are you implying Ion has been abducted and switched with a hostile entity from another area code?

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Because you are thinking about it. You never were supposed to. Enjoy the pretty cinematics, damn you!



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Why is this a “soft” retcon and not just a retcon? :thinking:

But really, this has been coming since they settled on that stupid cosmology map. It was more than clear that Death was never meant to be an independent thing from Shadow stuff, before they put it in chronicles. So yeah, to give Death some history, you need to give it some retcons.


I’m eagerly awaiting the next chronicles where “Light” gets split into “Brilliance” and “Radiance” and the Light Crusade enters our world.


You believe in Brilliance?! Heretic! Radiance burn you!


In the Light, we are one.

Cue a raid boss wielding both as a big feature.

Edit: Actually, that isn’t cool enough on its own. No, it’s a two boss encounter where the two bosses fuse, so we can interpret that quote literally! Hah!


Fusion ha ?


Makes sense actually, unless a Demon dies in the Twisting Nether or in a place fully infested by Fel magic, they don’t really die and they can come back, so I think demons just go to the Shadowlands temporarily (just like Cenarius and other nature spirits) and then they come back to the real world after a while.

So after some Dreadlords died they found themselves in the Shadowlands and had time to steal precious artifacts like the Helm and Frostmourne that were there before returning to life…

Y-yes. Of course it does. Everything makes sense if you are willing to accept dumb explanations.


I literally gave you a valid explanation for that :stuck_out_tongue: demons go to the shadowlands only for a while like nature spirits so they had time to steal powerful artifacts from there…

I don’t see why your fan-fiction deserves the label of “valid explanation”. Its full of holes.

I only feel consistency.

Yep, and now its confirmed by the Deep Dive panel…

The Helm of Domination AND Frostmourne were both created in the Shadowlands. And stolen by the Legion.

The Nazthrezim always had this obscure background, and initially were the ones that corrupted Sargeras before Chronicles retcon. (Won’t comment on that, partly because i’m kinda fine with said “tweak”).

But even without the above, this does seem like another punch, and a disservice to them and their role within the Legion ranks.

The “Master Plan” of forging two corrupting means to puppeteer Azeroths downfall seemed like a cool move that kept the Legion a broader and more interesting antagonist beyond “ME SMASH! ME FEL! ME INFINITE IMP ARMIES!”.

Its fine to want to pump hype on the newest lore, but it shouldn’t come at expense of defanging or “stealing” the accomplishments of previous stories…