Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid skip not account wide

I have completed Sepulcher of the First Ones - Heavy is the Crown on Mythic difficulty on one of my chars and was hoping to be able to skip straight to Anduin on my Alts but it doesnt work. This appears to be a character only raid skip and not account wide, which is contrary to what i have read. So could someone confirm if its bugged or working as intended which is only per character raid skip

What’s weird the whole thing is that at the same time teleport/taxi points are unlocked account wide for characters who are entering the raid for the first time, meaning you can skip sections and travel directly to the end of wing bosses such as Lihuvim. Killing him will trigger the roleplay allowing the NPCs join you at Anduin before clearing everything else linearly as it was imagined, even without completing the skip quest.

Castle Nathria skip quest is warbound, but those for Sepulcher and Sanctum however are not.

Apparently all other older skips are working fine, except the one for Nighthold where the object is visible but doesn’t trigger a proper character teleport according to some.

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The dissapointing thing is that not only does this raid skip not work account wide, its that its hardly even a skip. You still have to kill the first boss Vigilant Guardian. Then if the skip works its on to Anduin, kill him and you still have to kill another 2 bosses (Dread+Rygelon) before finally getting to the Jailer… its hardly like say Battle of Dazaralor where all you have to do is kill Jaina once and then you have raid skips for all Alts straight to Jaina, that was great

Hey there Amiryth,

There is a known bug at the moment where the raid skips for both Sepulcher as well as Sanctum of Domination are not available account-wide as they should be.

The good news is that a fix is coming in 11.0.7, which is less than two weeks away at this point! :raised_hands:


Perfect thanks :ok_hand:

11.0.7 on the board, the bug’s still not fixed, is it?

Oh, I see, you just shouldn’t kill the mob that teleports two times too quickly, he simply breaks Bolvar and you are stuck until raid instance reset (not weekly)