Seramate: New Way to Check PvP

I should’ve clarified better. For chars that haven’t played 2v2 this season, the icon for the date of the highest rating in 2v2 never shows up. For chars that haven’t played 3v3 this season, the icon for 3v3 never shows up. For chars that have played both, both icons show. I’ve tested it with multiple chars of me, friends and off the ladder, behaviour is always the same, I couldn’t find a single char that has the info button on a bracket with 0 games in the current season.

I guess you either only fetch this date for or only show the button on brackets that actually have activity in the current season. After updating a char, you should (in theory) see this info for any brackets that had a previous max rating, despite their activity in that specific bracket in the current season, no?

Yikes, so that’s why their own armory doesn’t show it either…

Yep, the backend wasnt providing any data for empty (0 CR) brackets. Fixed that, thanks!

There was one thing why I personally preferred xunamate between the others - ladders activity separated by melee/range/heal and sorted by spec games. Was fun to spectate meta changes in this way. Raw numbers of games per class are not very informative imo

Yep, you’re talking about ladder stats which is the next big feature on my list, after character gear inspection.

Check back somewhere in September/October, should be done & deployed by then.


It’s getting better and better, keep up the good work :slight_smile:
I’ve already replaced all my pvp bookmarks with your site

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I just noticed that the share links don’t work when the character is on a server with multiple words in its name as there is a space in between. “%20” is what should be there i think. Nether/Daymio Nether/Daymio/og_image/og.png

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Fixed, thanks. :slight_smile:

Nice, I like it actualy!

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Probs the best arena tracking site currently out, well done :+1:

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