But we arent playing League of Legends are we ? We are playing WoW…
(A) YES that is what the meta is defined as.
(B) you are correct. This season is an exception to the rule. There ARE 2 different “optimal comps” for 12+ and above and 11+ and bellow.
But for the past 15 years that M+ has existed, there was only 1 meta. And people make the mistake of not thinking WHY the meta is meta, and just copy paste tier lists.
And they generally fail to do so in WW S1 as well. And if YOU would have done that job, you would have figured out that frost DK, Aug, and Mage (specifically Arcane Mage) are the optimal comp in HIGH keys ONLY.
But what did YOU do ? You literally took a graph. You did not even bother looking at “what level is this”. And pasted it here as is and started to complain about DKs.
So. As you might understand, if you make a graph of keys 11 and above, you WILL see a major representation of DKs. But if you make a graph of keys 7 to 11, you see that DK representation drops.
But that was NOT your observation. You literally came and blanket blamed that DKs have more representation than 4 DDs combined.
So I digress. THINK before you talk.
Data shows that the “meta” in low keys are warriors and rets. LITERALLY.
So ? Were talking about a 2% difference here. So between 10 and 12%.
Compare that to DHs that sit on 4.2%. Or monks with 3.9%.
Look. If you really want to see a “global picture” of class representation, here is the best available data to asses the evolution of the “meta”:
In the Right you have the “gini score”. And basically : If its green its good. If its red, its BAD.
Here you have DF version so you can see how this graph would look like.
Note on the situation in S2 of DF.
Or Shadowlands :
Note S3 and S4 with locks and Survi hunters.
THOSE are examples of a truly oppressive meta.
But if you want to see a truly gloriously well balanced class diversity check out S1 of DF. That was the best it has ever been in years. And you can see youself and compare that with SL and BFA data.