[Server Campaign]: Return of the Damned: The Legions Legacy

All added to the reserve list!

Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Alliance
Guild Name: Individual
Contacts: Aethrian Thornshield
Estimated numbers: Me, myself and I.
Dates for pre-events: As many as possible!

Hey Jess just so you won’t have a hard time getting a hold of me ingame, it is -Ferow-, singular r.

Tally ho and hello! I am signing myself up and a couple of fams, who’s not forum active, but wish to partake! :smiley:
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Alliance
Guild Name: Individual(s)
Contacts: Otarus, Bochung and Lidias
Estimated numbers: 3
Dates for pre-events: We’ll partake in as MANY as we can!

Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Alliance
Guild Name: N/A
Contacts: Ashewood (Ava A. Byrne)
Estimated numbers: 1 - Individual
Dates for pre-events: Open for all.

I realise it’s a late sign up but I’ll take my spot on the reserves!

Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Neutral
Guild Name: N/A, Individual
Contacts: Katherine Shelby (Sápphíre)
Estimated Numbers: N/A
Dates For Pre-Events: Flexible

Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde/Neutral
Guild Name: As Individual
Contacts: Black Harvest
Estimated numbers: 1
Dates for pre-events: All of them!

For contacting me if i’m not online, i’m in the Discord!

Hello there! I’m just wondering if individuals are still able to sign up for this campaign?

I’d like to be added to the reserve list if able!
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Neutral-Alliance
Guild Name: None/Individual
Contacts: Elanarìs (IC: Elanaris Leafpaw)
Estimated numbers: 1
Dates for pre-events: Any and all

Offically joining:

Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde (Though wont be a problem to Alliance)
Guild Name: Individual
Contacts: Baaen (IC: Baaen Flamebringer)
Estimated numbers: 1
Dates for pre-events: 6th and various depending on work.

I guess im not the only one calling you Ferrow.

To the commanding forces of Azeroth both Horde, Alliance and neutral,


By the time you get to this I imagine most of you will be familiar with recent events. If you have not yet had an opportunity to read the reports issued across, I will briefly summarize: Multiple small explosions and craters have appeared across Azeroth, both in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, in which, military units were sent to investigate.

These investigations all bare a concerning similarity in the fact that each crater has a piece of legion technology within it. Reports indicate that multiple unknown opportunists have appeared in these areas looking to salvage and retrieve this technology and we can now safely make the conclusion that the origination of these blasts have come from the Broken Isles.

I will allay your fears: This is not a resurgence of the Legion, nor any large known group that that we have had on record and the High Command of Horde, Alliance and even the aid of neutral bodies have combined efforts against what we consider a threat to Azeroth and its inhabitants safety. We intend for this subject to be handled on a united front and as such we are making a call to our most trusted forces to muster.

On the ninth day of the fourth month we entrust that you will take your forces to meet in Dalaran above the Broken Isles. You will be meeting with the Alliance, Horde and neutral bodies with the united task to eliminate the potential threat, nothing good can come from someone tampering with left over Legion Technology. Your first meeting will be in the Chamber of the Guardians - Dalaran- 9th of the fourth month at 21:00 hours.

As per the instructions of High Command of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, the following individuals have been appointed commanders to over see your mission, you will report to them for the duration of these operations: Marshal Jessina Arthor, Captain Crawder of the Ironheart, Knight-Lieutenant Sir Troy Ragnor - Tactician of the 7th Legion, Operative Raevana Mournblade, Commander De’vontae Autumnvale - Captain of the Thalassian Skyguard and Commander Gwenifer Shadowsworn.

Your troops will be stationed in the faction areas of Dalaran, though bare in mind that Dalaran will not be supplying you for your mission and that you must bring with you the supplies you and your units will need for how ever long this will take.

We trust that you share the concerns that we each have and know that in spite of tensions between factions, we must work together for a greater good and that you are interested in taking corrective action in order to redirect Azeroth back on a course of stability, peace, and the protection of the rights and freedoms of every Citizen.

Yours in service of Azeroth,
Signed High Command of the Horde, High Command of the Alliance, Archmage Runeweaver of the Kirin Tor, High Crusader Adelard.

OOC: The Campaign is officially starting on Saturday the 9th at 21:00 realm time in the Chamber of the Guardians for its first official meeting. Please note that all non-officers will be kept to the higher tier of the chamber and must remain silent during the proceedings. Officers will be expected to join a raid group with their faction commanders for ease of communication during the meeting itself, please DM your faction leader in plenty of time before the meeting starts.


Don’t even start Asta.

Among labeled crates of spare parts, unusual artifacts of interest, and vials of questionable content echos the footfall of light boots; scuffing along a lit path of the stone floor, boots doo big, dragging each step clumsily. The bright blue eyes of the young envoy gazed over the crowded shelves with curiosity, his fingers idly dragging along draped tarps and workstations neatly aligned with tools for various operations; he leaned in close to inspect a set of well-kept lockpicking tools, and what looked like a brass lock in a vice. A clank echoed out before curious fingers could reach for the tumbler of pins shining in the light, startling the boy.

With a loud gasp, the envoy clung hard to the letter, crumbling it in his shaking hands as he turned towards a rather large machine in the room; in a small oasis among the various items stored for safekeeping or future sales, was what looked to be one of those Gnomish Flying Machines that he had seen coming in for maintenance, but this one looked a bit different bathed in light. Each footstep felt heavy, but that might just be because his new boots were too big, or sheer nervousness, but they surely and slowly lead him towards the sound of metal, talking, and the scent of oil and … tea in the air?

With a final step, he entered the light, looking for the receiver of this missive, crumbled as it may be, delivered it will be, but he was unable to spot anything except that of a small white teacup perched on the machine; a small fingerprint smudge barely visible on the side. His eyes went wide as he noticed the small plate of biscuits next to the cup, enticing him to take one, just one he thought as he reached out - the person won’t miss it?

“Pardon me, mister, but I do believe you are here to make a delivery before taking payment?”

The young envoy was startled once more, hand retracting at the speed of light, cringing as the sound of the missive being crumbled more while looking for where the voice came from.

“A missive tends to hold more value before being destroyed”.

He jolted back in shock, the poor boy being startled once more as a spectacled man in a white shirt and apron peeked up from the engine room of the machine, the apron clearly having taken the brunt of oil stains.

“Shall we make an agreement? If you do not crumble said missive anymore, you may have a biscuit as a reward, I believe that holds a beneficial outcome for the both of us?”

The auburn-haired man spoke with a calm calculated voice, as his other hand reached out toward the envoy for the letter.

“Of course, Director Lochton”.

He spoke in a light, squeaky tone as he began straightening out the crumbled document on his thigh as well as possible. As he reached out with the missive, his eyes started wandering slowly towards what options of biscuits he had; chocolate, vanilla, custard, berry jam.

The director offered the young envoy a firm nod as long fingers took hold of the missive, unfolding it skillfully with one hand, leaving the young boy with the freedom of choosing a biscuit.

As his fingers started hovering over the plate, trying to make up his mind, the man called out.

“Shall we make a deal?”

Lochton sighed as he folded up the missive with one hand, pushing up his glasses before sliding the document into one of the many pockets in the apron.

“If you retrieve an oil clamp as well as a piece of the tube from the box behind you, you may claim all the biscuits. It seems that I will be in need of departing earlier than expected”.

The now elected workshop assistant gave an impressive salute before sprinting to the box of parts behind him, triumphantly finding the tube but spending some moments of confusion as he looked for the other part.

“They are labeled, young man”.

The boy blushed. This was not as easy as he had thought. Letters.

Hope everyone has fun, nice to see Dalaran so alive with loads of different rpers. Makes the server feel alive again. :+1:


Best of luck with the campaign over the next few days! It’s already looking like you’ve got a huge attendance!

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Hi! Is it still possible to sign up for this event? I’ve just come back to WoW today and saw that there’s this big event going on. Thank you. x

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As it stands we are full, and there’s quite some reservists waiting in line, so i will honestly say i doubt you will be given a spot at this rate.

There is however a lot of social RP happening in Dalaran (legion) from now until the 16th, so feel free to pop by!

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Campaign finished! thanks everyone that participated for your time, hope you had a good one!


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