a while ago the server crashed, some players from the guild respawned among the living mobs in the cave and died few seconds later. It’s not their mistake, the problem was caused by Blizzard, what’s next ? They don’t have much motivation to continue under such circumstances.Especially if it can happen again… Blizzard has to find some smart solution to such situations…
" [...] By agreeing to play on these realms, you accept that your character's death is permanent for whatever the reason. This includes **disconnect, lag, server outages**, gameplay bugs or any other reason. [...]"
Blizzard has made their stance abundantly clear on this and in fact requires you to specifically click “agree” to it before you can make a char.
Server crashes are a fact of live when MMO gaming. We all knew the possibility when playing on a HC server. It happens especially when the servers have been live for a short time.
Fingers crossed things will stabilise as numbers get manageable. They may open new servers as well if things don’t calm down.
agreement with the rules does not mean that the players will remain in the game under such circumstances.
They were never going to do rollbacks or allow appeals. They don’t even have the staff for it. Like 3 people in a trenchcoat are working on classic (wotlk, era, som and HC) at this point.
Ouch it sucks, glad I was taking a break. But see the other side, you just experienced the first official hardcore crash ever: you guys are History now.
Tough. You agreed to it and its part of it.
Then leave? Wtf ??
Over 200 minutes to see if the wolves ate my face at present
you are confusing wow with some freeware product. A company whose clients pay can’t think like that.
are they all in the same said trenchcoat?
a scroll of ressurection issued to all players or a rollback really wouldn’t be hard to do.
It may be our fault for “agreeing” to their terms, but it is their fault for only giving us two servers
You are agreeing the terms when you start playing.
Now sht or leave.
Tired of hearing QQs all over the place. Pathetic QQs that is …
if any company whose success depends on paying people entrusts management to people who think like this, it will go bankrupt within a year… 'Yes, we caused your problem. Do you have a problem with it? So get out… just leave." … lol.
Point is, the ones who died because of the server disconnect vs the ones who didn’t … is so slim that … I can safely say : Agree to the terms or off you go.
If this problems were on a bigger scale, well … that would be another story, but it isn’t! Until then, just play the game and stop crying for your level 10 who died …
If you pay to play a specific gamemode wherein you don’t agree to the terms of service, why are you paying to play said specific gamemode?
Good point. But here is another. There are 4 World of Warcrafts: Classic Era, WOTLK, DF/Retail, Classic HC. The first 3 combined have over 200 servers and adress 97-98% of the playerbase. There, you can climb on the highest mountain and jump down 1000 times for 15 hours non stop, ressurect and go again. Forever.
On this specific game mode which only has 2 servers per region, you cannot. The way the game was designed to be played is not Hardcore. This is just a fun challenge. The other versions of WoW are more enjoyable for someone like you and you will probably find more fun there.
They said they might make roll backs if the problem would be server side. But any disconnect on player side is his/her own problem.
Note that the OP does not ask to resurrect his characters or solution for his case, he asks for improvement of the issue.
It is not about enjoyability of OP, the design is flawed. Having a “death lottery” at a random time is not intended mechanic. Death in such situation in no way was caused by player action. Do you see that improvement for this issue should not be developed? It almost seems as the DC=die is defended by players here.
I see how easy it is to say at this point - “you agreed to this”, “go enjoy other mode”, “this is not for you”, but when the same will happen to lvl 60 40 player team after a year, this will be different level issue, but at that point it will be bad management as the issue has been ignored from the start.
it is the same as saying after a plane crash - “we will not look into technical problems of specific aircraft as all who stepped on board agreed to this, other forms of travel are more enjoyable for you”.
Is this new?
Blizzard Players are a special Type of Player and defend anything really.HoW DArE YoU ATTacK BlIzZaRD xD
I clicked “agree”.
I died at level 6, due to a 15 year old UC elevator bug.
I will not try again.