Server merge with BL

I’m sorry, my memory’s like a sieve but, from what I remember, BL didn’t really need a connection at that stage. It was the realms that were joined to it that were desperate for a connection that meant guilds could recruit players ready for SL and this failed completely as none of the Polish players wanted to join English speaking guilds.

My understanding as to why they did it was that all the ones that were connected together all had similar populations.

I had no idea that BL had such a large population by its self.

Hold up… they merged servers from different language sets together?! Crazy.

I don’t mind the idea of same language realms being merged for super small realms, but in that context mentioned? Nope!

Not quite. one server had a unofficial Polish community and without Blizzard realizing/ignoring backlash they merged them with a bunch of English servers so now the Polish are at war with the English players on their own server.


So a case of not having done the homework, yikes level bad.

When WoW classic was launching, I choose to make a character on X realm. But then i seen not long after it had become Russian? focused. I never took up leveling that character again and rolled on another realm. I don’t play classic anymore now though.

Edit: My point is, a little research can stop a major headache :slight_smile:

Thats crazy.

I was lucky enough to pick Mirage Raceway which is almost exclusively English.

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We heard your concerns about checking languages, so this time we are going to mix an English European server with an English American server. What could possibly go wrong?!

Just remember, the next time they announce a merge between a bunch of mostly English speaking realms, and a realm that’s unofficial (another non English speaking realm)
Get someone to post a thread on the USA forums!
They don’t bother much on the EU realms, other than to close down problem threads from what I can tell

Hell, it took someone’s from the USA realms complaining about the issue with alliance non exiles reach characters not being able to start BFA leveling to make them realise that alliance can’t start BFA in the EU…

BL is mostly high pop

The thing is now it’s been done Blizzard won’t undo it so its likely going to be 2 clusters of players just at war with each other unless one side decides to move.

Just play on the Alliance side. All comments about these problems are from horde side for some reason.

The reason is that most of polish people that play wow find alliance races unmanly and gay, so they are more likely to main horde.

Wow wouldn’t expect this much drama over a server merge. :wink: Polish myself and I don’t mind either way about it. You guys sometimes could take a chill pill, adjust and move on instead of crying about every single change out there. The game is there pretty much the same way it was before the merge. Didn’t see any rule out there that would force players to speak one language over another. Thing is if you want to communicate with others speak the common language like english if not then speak some local one with your mates others won’t understand it anyway. Unless you have some paranoid need to understand every language around you I don’t see a reason to cry about folks speaking their native language. Peace

First thing is that BL did not need to merge.

Second thing is that I don’t expect blizz higher ups to know every server and their inner workings, but we have community managers for some reason, they should be consulted, other thing is that if you wrote gm ticket on BL in polish they usually replied faster than if you would wrote in english, tested it many times over the years. And reply was in polish if you wrote in polish.

Third thing is that i don’t know if you could call polish community some small underground community and its not like on this server was 50/50 polish english players, it was mostly polish players like 90/10 maybe even more.

Fourth thing is that there are servers like that in europe where they are called unofficial X server, BL was unofficial polish server, and for example Drakthul is if i am not wrong unofficial Czech or Slovakian server.

Last thing is that blizz merged this server to get ppl together and improve their chance to play in a larger group, to find a guild ect. English speaking ppl who joined BL will not join polish speaking guilds which is vast majority on the server therefore this marge will not serve its purpose. thats all.

Thats some bold statement, did you not think that maybe, just maybe, Horde is perceived as “better” choice coz of racials ? or maybe, but just maybe ppl join side where there is more players to better their chances to find a guild ?

Same problem at Defias, there are some polish trolls at public channels, reason why I left the server

IMO it’s a good opportunity to learn Polish.

Nah, I’m Polish myself and I know this community well. However, many Polish people hate blood elves too despite of the fact that it is a Horde race. Example: In other thread some belf player said that they had been called “pedał” which is polish equivalent of “fagg*t”. That’s because belfs are called “pedal elves” or “gay elves” by many polish players.

That’s because the biggest polish wow youtuber plays of Defias.

and the best polish guilds are on BL.