So the guy is for layering comes with the server community argument -> argument invalid.
All other points can be solved by technical means.
The currently dead servers were the previous highpop servers -> the player who started there never intended to play on small server -> argument invalid.
Yeah its not like Lucifron has 5700 Horde vs 300 Alliance active. I mean it doesn’t make any sense to keep the game and servers alive.
I mean where do we get when a company actually supports it’s product?
It’s not like this situation is because of bad management in the first place?
Disabling layering, while rolling out the honorsystems on 60/40 servers with 3 times the classis wow population, WHILE ACTIVATING FREE TRANSFERS has nothing to do with the current situation.
It’s not like pservers knew about the problem and only rolled the honorsystem out WITH bg’s after 3 days of mayhem.
I’m not defending Blizzard’s stupid dispositions. Layering was stupid, removing it the way they did was even stupider.
I have alts of both factions over 8 servers. I do not see any dead ones … even playing on Dragonfang (as I do now and then) I never feel lonely or playing on a dead server.
ETA: I’m just trying to say that the servers are not dead no martter how mych you are trying to make out that they are because you probably want mega-servers.
I never played Pservers … so no opinion whatever on their management of anything whaever.
Hey! you’re so not speaking for me. Mega-servesrs are game spoiling, not game saving for me! Please speak for yourself (friends and family too, maybe) but not for thousands!
Sorry. I’ll try to set you straigth.
The mega-servers are now meduium-Hign, none are low except for Dragonfang what never was anything more - and certainly never a mega-server.
What I’m tryng to say is that the population on all servers are only now starting to look like they did in Vanilla. So no. I do not want any merges.
And the “small” servers will be affected, because if you want to merge servers, you can’t merge two High-pop ones - then you’d need layers once again, not acceptable I hope. So you’d need to merge one small horde heavy with one big ally heavy or the ohter way around. Hence leaving no small servers for hose actually wanting Vanilla population on the server.