Server question

OK I made the newbie mistake of just rolling my char on Hydraxian Waterlords, as it’s where I used to play, and didn’t put any thought into it, it was just automatic.

Of course, I now realise that there are probably less than 10 players on the entire server. There is no economy, no possibility of getting help with group quests and dungeons may as well not exist. But more than that, playing on an utterly empty realm just feels soulless and depressing. I like to play solo, but I still like to know that other players are around, and see them in game now and again.

I could reroll, but I hate doing things twice and don’t want to lose my progress, so I guess I’ll bite the bullet and transfer - but I guess it’s going to have to be a PvP server, as those are the only ones that have any kind of population. I do not like playing on PvP servers as I don’t enjoy being ganked while levelling - but so be it.

Of course this assumes I can transfer from PvE to PvP?

So questions:

1) What’s considered to be the most lively/most active server right now?

2) How bad is the ganking?
a) Nonexistent - you’ve nothing to to worry about.
b) It happens, but it’s not too frequent
c) You literally can’t walk more than 200 yards without being corpse camped for an hour by a bored L60 until you log off.

3) What’s the economy like?
a) What economy?
b) Slow, but operational - you’re stuff will sell, and you’ll get mats you need, you just have to be patient.
c) It’s faster than the NY Stock Exchange!

4) Are people running dungeons and is it possible to get groups without waiting four hours?
a) No! Forget it!
b) Groups are being formed, but you have to be patient, and will take longer for non-tanks or healers.
c) I literally type ST into chat and three minutes later I’m in a full group.

5) Are people around to help with the few group quests that I’m unable to solo?
a) No way! You’re on your own noob! Suck it up and git gud!
b) Yes if you’re patient and persistant.
c) People will spam you with whispers for help constantly.

Thank you for your time.

Most Era servers are linked into Clusters. Hydraxian Waterlords are one of the exceptions: it is a RP-realm and therefore not merged.

You have therefore two realistic options left (two populated clusters): The Firemaw PvP cluster and the Pyrewood Village PvE cluster.

The Firemaw cluster is by far the largest one, but also have GDKP runs and boosts - which means bots, gold buyers/selletrs and inflated AH prices.

The Pyrewood PvE cluster is smaller but also no GDKP going on. And yes, it is a PVE cluster :slight_smile:

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Have to say I’m more tempted with Pyrewood. I don’t mind if the server isn’t busy, but I at least want to see a few players running around, and me not being literally the only player in Stormwind and Ironforge.

GDKP and Boosts can GDIAF.

OK that’s settled then, Pyrewood cluster it is. Thank you.


There you go, would be the correct choice on that pve cluster.

And yes you would get ganked on Firemaw PvP. There are also some legends who stay almost 24/7 in the same area ganking lowbies. It’s very Criminal!

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I transferred to Pyrewood yesterday, and it’s much, much better. Some actual life on the sever, but not so much that I’m struggling to complete quests due to having to compete for mobs.

Thanks for all the help.


It sounds like the Pyrwewood cluster is where you want to be.

It is and that’s where I am right now.

Have seen absolutely zero signs of either GDKP or boosting thus far (touch wood) and that’s just as it should be.

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Yes that’s one of the big perks of the PvE cluster for sure.

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People pls get rid of this mindset. If you don’t like pvp - don’t go pvp for population.

Holy Azura. Someone actually made a good choice

I don’t disagree, but consider my mindset at the time.

As far as I was aware it was a direct choice between playing on a server with around 10 people on it, no economy, no dungeons, no social aspect or suffering being ganked. It wouldn’t have been a hard decision.

That was before I understood that the PvE servers were linked into clusters, but fortunately people on this server explained this above.

Besides which, having some useless drip like me scurrying around on a PvP server would have surely made world PvPers happy? Fresh meat to gank, without fear of being ganked in turn? There’s still people out there who envision world PvP as two equally-matched honourable warriors fighting to the death, and the worthy victor emerging - but we both know that this is not the reality.

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There are 3 factors that affect the outcome of open world pvp in vanilla wow. Those are:

-Numbers (how many characters/players are involved in the fight)

-Time (how much time have those players involved spent on making their characters stronger, this involves first all levels, gear, and consumes available to spend in the fight)

-Skill (Knowledge of the game, reaction time, mechanical execution, muscle memory)

BGs and Arenas try to equilize the numbers, and pvp gear tries to equalize scalling equalizes the time factor, theoretically reducing the the factors to only skill.

Vanilla WoW’s open world pvp is NOT a fair fight where the only factor that counts is skill. In fact, skill is the less important of the three.

Numbers is the most important factor. If you have problems with doing something somewhere because someone is bothering you, the first thing you should think about, is calling friends. And if they bring friends, then bring more friends. This is also a form of skill. Political skill.

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