Been insane delays on doing anything ever since the patch dropped despite my ping being 30 ms, takes up towards 5-6 seconds for quests to turn in or get accepted etc.
It seems to be server dependent?
When I play on my character on Silvermoon-EU it’s completely unplayable most hours of the day whereas on Tarren Mill it works perfectly fine.
can confirm silvermoon is fricked up !!!
Wanna just quickly chime in here - completely unplayable for me on Silvermoon right now
Yeah what the hell is going on… people were complaining about lag ever since patch dropped and they didnt do anything to fix it so far.
Silvermoon also… ><
All my characters are in Silvermoon… so many lag any time ;c
I have the same issue, I’ve been unable to complete the “Kalimdoor Cup” quest because the lag means I can’t react on time and complete the races.
Perhaps related but the ungoro crater race causes excessive disconnects (over 11 in a minute or two)
Silvermoon is indeed extremely laggy. It took me 30 seconds to connect to the server, as in comparison it took 5 seconds before the patch.
Can confirm, Silvermoon is completely broken and has been for the past few days.
Open tickets.
Can confirm indeed what Shadchad said, Silvermoon is virtually unplayable.
Do we need to open a ticket?Or should we wait?
The answer is pretty easy. When you choose to create character on “full” servers, they put a warning, that there can be delays. Dragonflight start was bad, War Within better, Undermine broken. But from we can see, on low and medium servers - all completely fine. So yes, the only way is to wait when activity will be lower. It was playable before weekends, and almost unplayable now, because activity rises
But yet, Silvermoon is far from being the fullest Realm in EU and is, as of my understanding, the only one with Problems.
I could tolerate it to some degree if it was during Primetime, but the Servers were lagging 6 a.m. on Friday too.
Well, I’m playing in the morning, it’s night for the most Europa still, it’s playable, but after a couple of hours you can see degradation of servers, that’s today. Last days problems started in the night, evening for others, so I’m pretty much done playing on the weekends for now. Silvermoon is the biggest alliance side in EU, by statistics like 500 players less than Draenor, ~29000, which biggest horde side. Dont know how bad it is for them.
that full server warning is for login ques not gameplay lag… also those issues been there for days now all day not just evenings. and as far as we know only silvermoon is having these issues not the other big servers
if Silvermoon is full,i hope bilizard will at least offer to replace realm
I hope they can address this BS soon because it has already been unplayable for the last 2-3 days. What are they waiting for? I have no idea… (Silvermoon-EU)
Well silvermoon is just broke. Am in a n’zoth assalt and its 30 sec delay on everything.
Silvermoon… Looting, interacting with npc, zone change, login extremely laggy. Using skills, crafting, chat normal. In every zone.
Silvermoon might be laggy as hell, but look on the bright side guys, they just made a new cash grab mount bundle for the store… wooo