Can confirm - Silvermoon is completely broken. Can’t load character screen. Any Blue response???
I won’t personally expect a blue response until at least Tuesday of next week, and it’ll just say that the developers are aware of the problem and are working on a solution.
same here, it is unplayable atm
I wanna play! Please, give us free transfer!
and now silvermoon fully died in the middle fo a raid GG
Silvermoon as died and showing off-line for me
Yep, Silvermoon just went offline.
yep… the server is offline
Yep. Silvermoon down. Good. Maybe a restart might fix the lag.
Blizzard, please, it would be a very nice and honorable move if you grant us a free transfer.
seems like lags gone, vendor and looting mobs not causing any of them
Can confirm, after restart it seems to be back in good working order.
Shame that it had to take “so long”. Next time this happens after a patch I’ll make sure to make noise on the forums sooner
i think fix (silvermoon)
Awesome blizzard it went down in the middle of a boss fight during a glory run 6 bosses deep it booted my fully out of the raid boss died saved but no achievement GG
Use the “Scan and repair” feature. It worked for me and I’m on Silvermoon as well.
EDIT: It does not work
Of course not, it was a server issue and had nothing to do with the game itself.
and it broken again?
I just waited for 2 minutes for my characters to show up on warband screen.
Yep here we go again. Retrieving character list takes ages