Servers are broken?

god this is utter garbage
reset router
disabled every addon
new delve discons me every few seconds
retrieving chars takes forever

blizz - sort yourselves out mate - we are paying for this shambles

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Been trying to play wow since friday but been stopped by this horrible lag on Silvermoon, am I going to be able to finish the story before season 2 starts? or do I have to take a full break from life and wake up at degen hours and play at hours most people sleep?

We need to upvote this more.
Today i log in to see my usual ping (48-50ms) go to 400+, 100+ or even 200+ at times, funy thing all the other online games i play i donā€™t have this issue i get my normal ping even in some not official WoW server.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to log in - March 4

Yeah, iā€™m also having issues logging in. Not only that. I also have an interesting estimated queue timerā€¦ Litterally went from; < 1 minute, to < 2 minutes to < 3 minutes < 1 minutes < 14 minutes < 17 minutes < 22 minutes < 24 minutes < 22 minutes < 24 minutes < 25 minutes < 24 minutes < 25 minutes and waiting.

I honestly believe the entire tech crew, is a nothing more than a bunch of toddlers, after seeing how many things keep ā€œbreakingā€ and how often something dosnā€™t work properly (including in-game bugs and errors).

If you encounter issues to log inm please see this thread. If you are logged in, and experience lag, heavy latency, or issues loading your characters, please use one of the existing thread. Thank you!