They could have anticipated this based on pre-sales , it’s not that hard to look who bought shadowlnds and what realm they play on most of the time.
yeah position in que seems to be RANDOM … ?
Hi Trelw,
We’re UK based, we would get the disconnect errors straight away upon attempting logging in (before the character selection screen) that everyone else seems to be getting. I can’t add much more to the thousands of posts on the forums / reddit / twitter.
I’ve not tried again since last night, so hopefully we have more luck this evening!
Well IDK about random, but it does look like people are skipping ahead somehow?
Look you have many realms. Can you just enable a free transfer from kazzak to a realm that has medium population? I mean what other avenues are you exploring?
Irritating when u only have a few hours to play, and you have to spend em in a 2 hour queue…
After 20min of gameplay just i’v got DC and again 2,5k Queue - Draenor, Thanks Blizzard, over and over again.
Yo at least you are level 60 dude. I still haven’t played Shadowlands yet. I am in the queue for 3h now…
Still learning a lot from those stress tests?
Pretty nice, After 3h and 30min in the queue, I got in and after 10min I got kicked out. That’s some nice experience you have there.
Consider splitting up the super big realms into like 4 realms and connect them so you can offload more perhaps you can manage new capacity that way and even higher, this can be like Dreanor 1 2 3 and 4 for example
we want free transfers out of these stupid overcrowded realms please kazzak been the main one!!
Its not the downtime or queues that annoy me most. Its the fact no blue post has directly commented to say. We are aware of issues right now and are looking into further fixes is this every day now until 2000 pay to leave an overfilled server. #freekazzak #freedraenor
Can you PLEASE open free migration from Kazzak? It’s been days now and it takes 3 hours to log on. We pay for the game to WORK. If you insist on charging people for problems you create, at least adjust the prices. They are insane, it’s just a game and you have enough money.
Great launch
The frequency with which you update us is insufficient. I don’t want to repeat what others have already voiced in perfection. I have cancelled my subscription.
I get instance not found when i click on the helm in introduction, when i try to relog to my character it says that server is down. Tried it on 3 different realms ( 2 chars in draenor, 1 in tarren mill and another char in bronze dragonflight)
3+ hour que on kazzak STILL, refund days or character transfer is what i want, im paying for a service your not providing!!!
i try to get in into maldruxus but i get teleport in to near landing zone and transfer aborted instance not found
i had my wife log me onto draenor while i was at work when i got home over an hout later from work i was 800th in the q waited got to loading screen after an hour and a half for it then to all freeze up get kicked and have to rejoin the q at 3800 this is simply a joke not been able to get on for 3 days