The events of “In the Shadow of the Sun” happened 7 expansions ago. The battle of Quel’Danas is long over and the Blood Elves have replenished their forces. The Sunwell is restored, Zul’jin and Arthas are dead. And even then, it was the Kirin Tor who begged the Blood Elves for help in Northrend.
I think the writers forgot that it was Rommath, and not Lor’Themar, who had a personal grievance against the Kirin Tor, because parts of their leadership chose to look away when he and Kael got sentenced to death. In the short story, Lor’Themar was far more level-headed. He had “no dog in this fight”, so to speak. But even so, I can’t blame him. Helping the Kirin Tor in Wotlk was supposed to continue the 2000 year old friendship between Dalaran and the Quel’dorei, and it ended with both sides feeling screwed over.
That only applies to Talanji though, and she went to the horde for help because the Alliance refused. King Rastakahn absolutely refused any and all help until Talanji points out that:
Not to mention the horde champion(s) had to prove themselves being viable to the Empire. Nowhere does any of the two actively welcome the horde into the Empire with open arms as is implied. I ought to know, I’ve played the BFA horde intro more times than I care to count.
This isn’t gonna work for basically the same “reasons” stated here:
One really cannot argue that “bandits” are roaming Kul-tiras while saying Nazmir is “almost free” from blood trolls when that most certainly isn’t the case. At least in terms of gameplay
And we will use a manabomb to bomb Stormwind into oblivion. You alliance mongrels will not survive. We will get rid of all of you in the next war. Prepare for your anihilation.
Umm, I don’t know how to break it to you, but that isn’t what happened at all… Am I only one who reeds the lore and know that that this is not what happened.
[quote=“Гинир-gordunni, post:161, topic:324485”]
Some random guard (SRG): My lord, we have news that Theramor is gone.
Lorthemar: …“ok,what the heck? We have troops there, I’ve just come back from visiting Kalimdor what happened?”
[/quote] Seems like a Mana nuke, but unlike anything of the scale we know had to build Sire. “OK, Thank Goodness, the Alliance might have thought
it was us…hmmm, it -wasn’t- was it?” No sire, all our tactical mana bombs are accounted for." “And we didn’t have any hand in transporting it, no?” "No Sire it was transported by air, by the Goblins
"Then who…would wipe out his own allies as bai…
Are you sure you are not confusing the Mana Bomb that took out Theramore, with the Theft of the Divine Bell?
Literally none of this is true. The next time Jaina and Lor’themar see each other after some initial tension they agree to cooperate against the one person responsible for Theramore (Well, apart from Thaelen Songweaver as well)…
Err, the Vulpera were famously trading, not attacking Alliance caravans
Err staring quests for Sin’dorei in both Eversong and Ghostlands (Most severely Ghostlands, that is where the Kaldorei incursions are a mid more solid and numerous.
In fairness only the Highvale Elves swore off hunger for Mana, other Quel’dorei still have it, as we can tell by the tragic example of Quel’lithien Lodge. The HIghvale ones only managed it by utterly rejecting magic in it’s enitirety
Yep! That was surprisingly my pont. Both sides use them on Thunder Isle, I mean that’s even the name of the quest!
Nobody can do that, not even the Sin’dorei. Tac Mana bombs are the biggest anyone can create so far (Without a second Focussing Iris!)
I Had to edit that because I originally typed ‘Focusing Irish’ (I’m allowed to 50% make those jokes…)
Now now… Its all going to be alright… It’s movie night tonight. We’ve talked about this …’‘Not infront of the other patients’’ …We’re watching Alliance slayer tonight. Come come