If you put it that way… perhaps. x)
If you put it that way… perhaps. x)
Get out of the forum. You don’t belong here. Only Horde players should be allowed to post their opinions. The Alliance should be forced to be banned from here.
Get out of the forum. You don’t belong here. Only Horde players should be allowed to post their opinions. The Alliance should be forced to be banned from here.
You are Alliance. You don’t belong here. Get out before I call the dogs.
hahahahahhahahaha oh sorry you was serious … go take your meds erevien this is where the grown ups talk
ps: baine is still the greatest horde character and the council will rule your faction forever … suck on it
Baine is a filthy traitor. And the council sucks. They all need to be killed and replaced.
but his the heart of the horde how can he be a traitor when his the very symbol of the ideals you honorless dogs fail to uphold
face it your only mad because the regent lord is not as Chad as baine your race keep being traitors to which ever faction your currently on the side of
Baine is the only traitor here. He is an honorless pig who always betrays his leader. The faster he dies the better it be for all of us.
face it your only mad because the regent lord is not as Chad as baine your race keep being traitors to which ever faction your currently on the side of
You alliance mongrels will all die. Next war we wage on you. No mercy. Face judgement.
You alliance mongrels will all die. Next war we wage on you. No mercy. Face judgement.
Next war we will fight with plasma weapons and mechs made by mechagnomes and lightforged, while you will fight with sticks and stones
says the devolved troll mongrel who can’t even protect his own forrest if the forsaken withdrew their forces you’d be mindless scourge by now face it elf your a relic of the past just like the trolls and when history is written your race will be a footnote to the Glorious Grand Alliance under our Ruler God Emperor Manduin I and his loyal butler Genn “Most Incompetent former former King” Greymane
but it’s not to late blood elf if you come crawling back we may grant you the privilege of basking in the most radiant presence of the God King himself
I guess nevermind the fact that the Horde now has a deal with pirate groups in Boralus and de-facto has influence over certain parts of boralus despite being the losers in the war? How come Alliance has to withdraw fully, while the horde basically gets a slap on the wrist?
Game mechanics. Same reason I can still go to Mechagon on Brigante even though I’m pretty sure that would be off the cards now, or that Dorlandeaux, my Nightborne can’t even walk around her own city without being attacked, or that my Gnome can go to Highmountain and be fine.
The Pirates thing was very much a quick and dirty alliance of convenience, and not likely to have been maintained, as frankly, Pirates like money, and the Horde is Bankrupt (Source: “A Night in Verse”) so somehow I can’t see that lasting.
You also have to bear in mind a certain amount of residual guilt. Kul Tiras were still nominally Alliance. You don’t get any grief going there as an Alliance character, because Kul Tiras never actually left the Alliance. Zandalar however was not Horde. Never was. They were so Neutral that they were allowed to send envoys to Stormwind if you remember in Cata (I think it was Cata, with the canoe in Stormwind Harbour). The Alliance attacked the Zandalari when they were still a neutral nation (Not that they have a history of doing such Coughs, Vulpera, Sin’dorei) so it makes sense that leveller heads will have went “Yeah, you know what, we did a bad.” Pretty safe to say that Kul Tiras and Zandalar are in the hands of their respective Factions now, with their own internal problems, remnant Blood Trolls, Pirates and Drust.
Tyrande’s concerns about their loyality was perfectly valid as they hid for 10000 years while the night elves who are mostly commoners fixed the nobility’s mess and she was proven true when the nightborne stabbed the night elves in the back and joined the horde and helped the horde burn down their capitol city
That isn’t what happened though. They walled themselves away, and then had an internal civil war and conflict with demons, and then Tyrande turns up at the last minute, having not given a hot damn for 10,000 years and only then pays attention, then has the nerve to lecture the leader of the guerrilla resistance who she didn’t even know about last Tuesday? Damn right I’d be annoyed if I was Thalyssra.
Also there were no Nightborne forces at the burning of Teldrassil. Although fair play if there were, people seem to keep forgetting that Teldrassil was an abomination against nature created by Fandral Staghelm for selfish reasons, y’know, the Ragnaros guy… There is a reason why Nozdormu went “Nope, this is sick, I am not giving my blessing to this travesty, no immortality for you…”
or Vulpera being Horde instead of neutral.
What the…OK, this is the Vulpera situation. “We trade with the Zandalari, it’s working out pretty cool. Oh, new people in Red have shown up, they too are working with the Zandalari, and now want to help us, this sounds pretty cool, as loads of our people are being taken as slaves by the Faithless. Oh, these guys are being pretty decent to us. We’ll trade with them too…”
“OMG What is this Kodocrap! A bunch of people who wear Blue have turned up and started butchering us and burning our caravans just because we trade with the people in Red and the Zandalari! What the heck is this? Why? We weren’t looking for a fight! You know what, these people in Blue are -Dangerous- I think we need friends, oh, the Zandalari and the people in Red have made an Alliance, maybe we can get in on that?”
Seriously, Vulpera have a 100% legitimate reason to have went Horde. The Alliance attacked them simply because of trade agreements!
Same as in MOP after the siege of Orgrimmar. Alliance gives Aszhara to the horde because the power of the potato…
It should be the horde that lost territories and not the other way around
Ermmm…Lorewise what happened is that the Horde fully pulled out from Ashenvale, and the Kaldorei stopped attacking the border of Aszhara, thereby allowing the Horde to acquire lumber on their -own- turf, as opposed to invading Ashenvale for it, which was the cause of that whole conflict, because Garrosh was a tactical idiot, and the Kaldorei refused to trade lumber with the Horde. The Horde -did- lose territory.
Obviously this could not be reflected in game because of game mechanics and questing, but yeah, the Horde lost a lot of turf in lore.
We are not talking about the ruling body though, are we? We are talking about the rebellion. Rebellion that sought freedom from the afforementioned Legion, which is also the point that you for some reason make next, contradicting yourself:
And what does Tyrande do? Tyrande did what Tyrande always does, which is behave like a stroppy teenager (Which isn’t actually that out of character for her, apparently Her, Illidan and Malfurion -were- actually quite young when the whole immortality thing kicked in.)
“Oh yeah, I just showed up last week, and now I am going to threaten -you- the person who led the resistance against Elisande until I deigned to show up, that you better not turn into the woman who tried to have you killed, enslaved your people and oppressed them, i am able to do this because I have no social skills and am a diplomatic freakin’ genius”
Liadrin on the other hand goes “Yeah, she’s crazy, it’s her thing, so, let’s talk like grown ups…”
First Arcanist, who then basically decided to join the Horde for no real reason other than “she wanted Lorhemar”. You can be mad at me for saying that for however much you want, that is basically 90% of the reason why the Nightbourne actually became horde XD.
Pretty sure they never met until she visited Silvermoon. And then got a ringside seat as to how messed up the Alliance were when Alleria visited at the same time. Fairly certain it was Liadrin who did the legwork there…
“We will help you, but don’t do anything stupid, for the love of god” basically. What is the FIRST thing they do after that? They join Horde. Wow. Cool.
Tyrande does Tyrande things. Seriously, the Night Elves are the best recruiting Sergeants the Horde ever had. They can never see a Neutral race without pushing them into the Horde.
Wow, being Horde sure is fun, I hope we can reconsile with our brothers and sisters on the Alliance side and live peacefully on our United pla- WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE BURNED THEIR CAPITAL AND GENOCIDED THEIR PEOPLE?!
You seem to think they want to reconcile with a people who effectively did just forget and ignore them for 10,000 years, then turn up with homilies and lectures. Yeah, I’d tell them to get lost as well. Also, as mentioned. No Nightborne were in the War of Thorns, nor to be honest, were any Blood Elves apart from Lorash Sunbeam, who was specifically a mercenary freelancer and not representative of Quel’thalas.
Nice try though.
Get out of the forum. You don’t belong here. Only Horde players should be allowed to post their opinions. The Alliance should be forced to be banned from here.
Don’t be so absolutely ridiculous.
hahahahahhahahaha oh sorry you was serious … go take your meds erevien this is where the grown ups talk
ps: baine is still the greatest horde character and the council will rule your faction forever
I think we know Baine is Christie Golden’s favourite because he likes Jaina and Anduin who are her favourite characters. I mean she has actually said that!
Besides, when you say ‘Baine’ is the greatest Horde character, you made a rookie mistake, you misspelt ‘Lor’themar Theron’ as ‘Baine’.
face it your only mad because the regent lord is not as Chad as baine your race keep being traitors to which ever faction your currently on the side of
Umm…Elves? They’re not exactly known for being the most altruistic people in -any- setting including our real world myth and legend…
Besides, I’m sorry, what is not to like about a grizzled one eyed war hero who hates paperwork and doesn’t play by the rules, leads from the front like an absolute unit, the only character in game to have BTFO’d Garrosh -and-Sylvanas -and- Jaina, -and- Alleria all to their faces, who is a snark beast beyond compare. Who actually survived Zul’jin doing the whole ‘Mola Ram’ thing (Might be showing my age there)
Say what you like about Erevien, but if you diss the LTT, me and you are gonna fall out!
Next war we will fight with plasma weapons and mechs made by mechagnomes and lightforged, while you will fight with sticks and stones
Just saying. Tactical Mana Bombs can melt mechs Nods
Just saying. Tactical Mana Bombs can melt mechs Nods
Without the focusing iris these “tacticals” mana bombs aren’t a thing…
It doesn’t allow horde to win the 4° war. So I wouldn’t put much faith on these weapons.
Mecha-originator say hi. Lets convert horde in robots slaves
Kirin Tor village on Netherstorm would like a word.
Without the focusing iris these “tacticals” mana bombs aren’t a thing…
Thunder Isle says Hi!
I mean sure, the Alliance don’t know how to -make- them, but they do know how to use them, because Jaina and Vereesa, the two people who you would have thought would hate them the most are both perfectly happy using stolen ones in the very quest called…“Tactical Mana Bombs”
You also have to bear in mind a certain amount of residual guilt. Kul Tiras were still nominally Alliance.
Dude what? The entire point was that Kul-Tiras LEFT alliance since they got no help. The entire point of the Alliance campaign was Persuading Kul-Tirans that they need help from the outside, much like the Zandalari campaign on the Horde side.
The Alliance attacked the Zandalari when they were still a neutral nation (Not that they have a history of doing such Coughs, Vulpera, Sin’dorei)
They were a “neutral” nation that fiddled with affairs long before BFA (Rise of the Zandalari), they harboured enemy troops and were actively participating in negotiations to form an alliance. They were neutral in nothing but name. As for Vulpera - literally advancing corridors to military positions that just so happened to go through some of Vulpera territiories, at which point they thought it would be a good idea to atack military convoys and subsequently got their bums slapped around.
Pretty safe to say that Kul Tiras and Zandalar are in the hands of their respective Factions now, with their own internal problems, remnant Blood Trolls, Pirates and Drust.
We, unfortunately, don’t really know if that is completely true about Kul-Tiras. Zandalar is deffo Horde only though.
That isn’t what happened though. They walled themselves away, and then had an internal civil war and conflict with demons, and then Tyrande turns up at the last minute, having not given a hot damn for 10,000 years and only then pays attention, then has the nerve to lecture the leader of the guerrilla resistance who she didn’t even know about last Tuesday? Damn right I’d be annoyed if I was Thalyssra.
What happened was as follows:
Initial war with demons, literally everyone: Nightbourne, help, we can win if we fight together!
Nightbourne: Nah, peace! (Proceed to wall themselves off from the world for thousands of years, secretly making a pact with demons afterwards).
Modern times, Legion:
Nightbourne: We need help! We can win if we fight together!
Literally every Nightelf that remembers what happened 10 000 years ago: Oh, hey, deja vu much? How can we trust you?!
Blood Elves who were NOT present during the initial conflicts and are just about oblivious to the whole thing: WHY ARE YOU SO PREJUDICED?!
Also there were no Nightborne forces at the burning of Teldrassil.
Which is why I said that majority of Nightbourne who wanted to reconsile were probably NOT happy with being Horde when the war happened.
Although fair play if there were, people seem to keep forgetting that Teldrassil was an abomination against nature created by Fandral Staghelm for selfish reasons, y’know, the Ragnaros guy…
Teldrassil was an attempt to rebuild a world tree, which was noble a cause at the time, although Nozdormu felt otherwise. Since Nordrassil was kinda borked and Nelfs didn’t exactly have anywhere to live, it became the capital for Nelfs. Also, Alexstrasza was then SO IMPRESSED BY TREE, SHE BLESSED IT INSTEAD OF NOZDORMU! And pardon me if I think Alexstrasza has more merit to her, after all, she does not become a life-threatening evil afterwards. ALSO, funny how you refer to him as “the Ragnaros guy” when he was fairly ok, if not an A-hole, before cataclysm.
And what does Tyrande do? Tyrande did what Tyrande always does, which is behave like a stroppy teenager (Which isn’t actually that out of character for her, apparently Her, Illidan and Malfurion -were- actually quite young when the whole immortality thing kicked in.)
Aye, that’s totaly what happened. It’s not like she’s been working her butt off with malfurion in Val’sharah, protceting it from Emerald Nightmare, as well as having to kill Yzerah. All of which could, in theory, be called byproducts of Nightbourne allying with Legion and having foothold in territory DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO VAL’SHARAH!
“Oh yeah, I just showed up last week, and now I am going to threaten -you- the person who led the resistance against Elisande until I deigned to show up, that you better not turn into the woman who tried to have you killed, enslaved your people and oppressed them, i am able to do this because I have no social skills and am a diplomatic freakin’ genius”
You could also interpret as: “Hey, I just got here and I’m curios as to HOW IN THE HELL ARE THERE SO LITTLE PROGRESS?! Are you people actually trying?! Why do I feel like we have to basically do everything while you do so atrociosly little? Get your stuff together!”
Liadrin though went:
“Yeah, no, we don’t think so.”
Pretty sure they never met until she visited Silvermoon. And then got a ringside seat as to how messed up the Alliance were when Alleria visited at the same time.
Alleria visited in peace, not knowing that the void would affect the Sunwell so hard. She then gets exiled from a place she sworn to protect, place she called home, which made her pretty mad. Meanwhile, Thallysra thinks: One side won’t accept us, the other side has this hunk of a man that I like even though I just met him. Guess it’s settled, then!
Tyrande does Tyrande things. Seriously, the Night Elves are the best recruiting Sergeants the Horde ever had. They can never see a Neutral race without pushing them into the Horde.
Literlly when? Name 1 that aren’t Nightbourne.
You seem to think they want to reconcile with a people who effectively did just forget and ignore them for 10,000 years, then turn up with homilies and lectures.
THEY FORGOT AND IGNORED THEM?! Are you serious?! What part of “walled off from the entire bloody world with no way in or out” did you miss in the Nightbourne campaign? What, were they supposed to shatter the barrier for lulz and giggles? And yes, they DID want to reconsile, that was the entire point of the campaign in Suramar! Nightbourne wanted to right the wrongs they made, overthrow oppressive regime and then LIVE IN PEACE WITH ALL OF THE ELVES AND WHATNOT!
Besides, when you say ‘Baine’ is the greatest Horde character, you made a rookie mistake, you misspelt ‘Lor’themar Theron’ as ‘Baine’.
Lor’themar is good, but boy is he inconsistent. The man can be a cold, passionate leader in one second and a crybaby tantrum-thrower the next (much like Tyrande, tbh).
Lor’themar is good
Yeah, no.
I hate that guy. And Rommath.
You don’t exile your people simply because they disagree with your more than questionable survival tactics.
That’d be like removing the citizenship of those people who don’t want to get the COVID vaccine and kick them out of their homeland. Radical, inhumane and pointless.
And you don’t exile scientists who seek to understand and control the very force that one day might raze down your homeland.
Those two should be prosecuted and sent to jail.
Dude what? The entire point was that Kul-Tiras LEFT alliance since they got no help. The entire point of the Alliance campaign was Persuading Kul-Tirans that they need help from the outside, much like the Zandalari campaign on the Horde side.
Difference is that the Kul Tirans -were- Alliance. Zandalari never were.
They were a “neutral” nation that fiddled with affairs long before BFA (Rise of the Zandalari), they harboured enemy troops and were actively participating in negotiations to form an alliance. They were neutral in nothing but name
Still more neutral than Kul Tiras though…
As for Vulpera - literally advancing corridors to military positions that just so happened to go through some of Vulpera territiories, at which point they thought it would be a good idea to atack military convoys and subsequently got their bums slapped around.
How dare those pesky Vulpera decide what to do with their own land. The sheer nerve of it! And lets be fair, the Alliance kicked that one off, and that was the -toned down- version after Alliance fans complained about the unit’s being called ‘Purge Squads’. Originally the Alliance were literally flame throwering Vulpera in the face!
We, unfortunately, don’t really know if that is completely true about Kul-Tiras. Zandalar is deffo Horde only though.
This may possibly be because of the actual habitable landmass. By the end of BfA the entirety of Kul Tiras is in Kul Tiran hands. The Ashvane are broken, some Drust and Quillboar likely remain, and also there is the friendly isle of Mechagon off the western coast.
Zandalar however has Vol’dun, which is a place even Trolls are sent to die, Nazmir which is still full of Blood Trolls (Though less so) and Nazjatar which…I don’t think we can even still get to…so really, the Alliance ended up well ahead of the game there!
Nightbourne: Nah, peace! (Proceed to wall themselves off from the world for thousands of years, secretly making a pact with demons afterwards).
In fairness, that is the bad ones, that we, y’know, famously just fought and killed…
Blood Elves who were NOT present during the initial conflicts and are just about oblivious to the whole thing: WHY ARE YOU SO PREJUDICED?!
Ehhhh, given Elven lifespans that was one generation ago, maybe two. i’m pretty sure I know what happened in the Vietnam War, -and- World War II, despite it being one or two generations ago…
Which is why I said that majority of Nightbourne who wanted to reconsile were probably NOT happy with being Horde when the war happened.
We don’t actually know what policy the Kaldorei in general took. Everyone loves to paint them as some as heroically duking it out with the Legion, but that’s not exactly what seemed to happen, is it?
Teldrassil was an attempt to rebuild a world tree, which was noble a cause at the time, although Nozdormu felt otherwise.
Whaaat! No it wasn’t! It was a selfish grab for immortality by one twisted Druid who turned out to be a thorough bad guy!
Doesn’t matter what Alexstrasza thought, the whole -point- of the Dragon Aspects blessing those trees was that they were in coherent agreement that it -deserved- blessing. That didn’t happen with Teldrassil. Alexstrasza eventually went “OK then” and Ysera soon afterwards, but Nozdormu was like “No, this is an absolute study in spitefulness, I am not blessing this damned thing!”
I Mean that is why Blizzard explained the fact there was so much corruption and corrupt entities on Teldrassil, it was already tainted from the start…
Aye, that’s totaly what happened. It’s not like she’s been working her butt off with malfurion in Val’sharah, protceting it from Emerald Nightmare
Oh please, please let us never talk of the most awkward and dire quests in the entire expansion. I don’t think they were really doing much of anything apart from re-enacting a bargain basement version of ‘Wuthering Heights’.
Alleria visited in peace, not knowing that the void would affect the Sunwell so hard. She then gets exiled from a place she sworn to protect, place she called home, which made her pretty mad. Meanwhile, Thallysra thinks: One side won’t accept us, the other side has this hunk of a man that I like even though I just met him. Guess it’s settled, then!
You’re right about the Alleria bit. She did not visit with malice. A bit of Naive stupidity maybe, but not active malice “Hey, Do you want to join the Alliance again?” “Are you for real? Have you not heard what they did in Dalara…actually, you probably haven’t…Let’s just say ‘No’.”
Like I say, Liadrin had already done the heavy lifting long before Thalyssra even met Lor’themar.
Literlly when? Name 1 that aren’t Nightbourne.
Err…The Sin’dorei?
I mean you’d have thought as Elves they’d be so much better at actually not driving other Elves into the arms of the enemy…
And then -One- bunch of Elves started giving them the stink eye, and the -Other- bunch of Elves with whom they have much more in common with were actually nice to them. I have no idea why people seem to think Alliance were somehow ‘owed’ Nightborne…
You don’t exile your people simply because they disagree with your more than questionable survival tactics.
The High Elves figuratively went Mana-Vegan. I mean that is what they did. They were also the ones causing the problems. I mean what mad level hypocrisy is that? “How dare you consume energy from living creatures!” say the High Elves. Whilst still eating meat.
What the hecking heck?
That’d be like removing the citizenship of those people who don’t want to get the COVID vaccine and kick them out of their homeland. Radical, inhumane and pointless.
As someone who will flat out die if I catch it again, no questions asked, and is already dying because of Covid, if someone doesn’t have a damned good medical reason, and I mean medical, not religious, then damned right I want their citizenship removed and them ejected from anywhere where they can kill me. Absolutely kick them out. I would not share my air with such selfish worms.
You don’t exile your people simply because they disagree with your more than questionable survival tactics.
That’d be like removing the citizenship of those people who don’t want to get the COVID vaccine and kick them out of their homeland. Radical, inhumane and pointless.
That is one of the “mood swing” moments that I cherish with this guy. As in “FINALLY, this guy being a stuck up m-ron caught up with him!”. Also, I would like to remind you that this guy had done that to a group of PERFECTLY LOYAL ABLE MEN AND WOMEN, yet he threw a temper tantrum at the ALLIANCE when they exiled his men over TREACHERY. Not to alliance, mind you, to Kirin-Tor. It’s almost like this:
Some random guard (SRG): My lord, we have news that Theramor is gone.
Lorthemar: …ok?
SRG: It was destroyed by a mana nuke.
Lorthemar: so?
SRG: The nuke was smuggled through Kirin-Tor by our men.
Lorthemar: That’s ok, it’s not like it’s such a big deal, right?
SRG: They asked us to comply with investigation, we refused, and now they exiled us from Kirin-Tor.
SRG: M-my lord, we are in the middle of negotiations to join them, is it really wise to call it off because of some dumb decisions on our peoples part?
Difference is that the Kul Tirans -were- Alliance. Zandalari never were.
Yeah, they were, and they capital H HATED it for being so easy on their enemies, to the point where they sided with enemies a lot more then with Kul-Tirans. Hell, Theramore was the last drop! Once it got nuked, that was it, it signaled to Kul-Tiras that the alliance they knew was no longer viable. So, they broke off. And boy were they pissed.
Still more neutral than Kul Tiras though…
Kul-Tiras basically went full on Soviet Union, they were pretty much on their own. As Alliance, we basically had to bend over backwards to earn their trust. Meanwhile, in Zuldazar, a Zandalari PRINCESS and HER FATHER, WHO IS THE KING, ACTIVELY WELCOME THE HORDE TO HELP THEM PROMISING THEIR HELP IN RETURN. So, which one is the more neutral again?
How dare those pesky Vulpera decide what to do with their own land. The sheer nerve of it!
Y’know, maybe not atack convoys that pay you literally no mind and get yourselves atacked?
And lets be fair, the Alliance kicked that one off, and that was the -toned down- version after Alliance fans complained about the unit’s being called ‘Purge Squads’. Originally the Alliance were literally flame throwering Vulpera in the face!
I would muc prefer the un-nerfed version to be in the game, would at least be a reason enough to justify Vulpera being Horde.
This may possibly be because of the actual habitable landmass. By the end of BfA the entirety of Kul Tiras is in Kul Tiran hands. The Ashvane are broken, some Drust and Quillboar likely remain, and also there is the friendly isle of Mechagon off the western coast.
True, although let’s not forget that there are still coven witches that hold on to their powers, there are plenty of bandits and internal political shenanigans, plenty of cursed wildlife and general ruin. I mean, the Pirates DID destroy Daelin Gate, and the Horde DID breach Boralus in retaliation for Zuldazar, severely weakening it.
Zandalar however has Vol’dun, which is a place even Trolls are sent to die, Nazmir which is still full of Blood Trolls (Though less so) and Nazjatar which…I don’t think we can even still get to…so really, the Alliance ended up well ahead of the game there!
Vol’dun is now being reformed, also the Sethraks now have Sethralis avatar with them. Nazmir is now being considered partially habitable as the blood trolls are being purged, and Zuldazar is basically recovered from recession.
In fairness, that is the bad ones, that we, y’know, famously just fought and killed…
In fariness, those were ALL of them, there were no quote-unquote “bad ones” or “good ones” then, don’t sugar coat it.
Ehhhh, given Elven lifespans that was one generation ago, maybe two. i’m pretty sure I know what happened in the Vietnam War, -and- World War II, despite it being one or two generations ago…
High elves had lifespans much, MUCH lesser than, y’know, being Immortal, so that is a bit off the point. Also, we know that wasn’t ONE or TWO generations of High Elves ago, it was at the very generous 3-4.
We don’t actually know what policy the Kaldorei in general took. Everyone loves to paint them as some as heroically duking it out with the Legion, but that’s not exactly what seemed to happen, is it?
What was taht about? I’m talking about Nightbourne wanting to reconsile, you start talking about Night elven policies? Also, considering that, wasn’t there dialogue where, in essence, the Night elves basically said “We’ll consider you ok for now, We’ll see what you’ll be doing with your freedom from now on”? Because by gods, they are probably incredibly sour that they helped them (and that is to be VERY polite and soft).
Whaaat! No it wasn’t! It was a selfish grab for immortality by one twisted Druid who turned out to be a thorough bad guy!
After the cataclysmic events that followed the invasion of the Burning Legion , Malfurion went missing. Archdruid Fandral Staghelm took over the leadership of the night elven druids, convincing the Circle of the Ancients in Darkshore that it was time for the night elven people to rebuild the World Tree and regain their cherished immortality.
The Circle of the Ancients and powerful druids combined their powers to grow an immense tree in the Veiled Sea. They called the tree Teldrassil, meaning “crown of the earth” in Darnassian. The night elves made their new home in the boughs of Teldrassil, creating a forest of mighty trees and flowing rivers, bathed in the endless night that fell over the lands of the elves from the dawn of time.
Taken from WoW wiki, so… Yeah, the main point was to rebuild the world tree, the immortality thing was a bit of “we’ll get there in process” type of thing. As for corruption - it wasn’t Fandral’s fault, IT WAS YOGG!!! It was him that managed to get his influence all the way to the new world tree, which was the real reason Nozdormu did not bless it!
Doesn’t matter what Alexstrasza thought, the whole -point- of the Dragon Aspects blessing those trees was that they were in coherent agreement that it -deserved- blessing. That didn’t happen with Teldrassil.
True that.
Alexstrasza eventually went “OK then” and Ysera soon afterwards
EVENTUALLY? Alexstrasza had no idea the tree could survive on its own without the blessing and was like “oh sh*t, that one’s good!”, which prompted her to give one, as she was impressed so much! As for Yzera, well, the Cataclysm took a number on Nordrasil, and so she gave her blessing to Teldrassil as she was afraid that Nordrasil would not recover. Nozdormu, on the other hand, didn’t.
I Mean that is why Blizzard explained the fact there was so much corruption and corrupt entities on Teldrassil, it was already tainted from the start…
It wasn’t though! The corruption came as soon as Yogg latched himself to the roots of Teldrassil! That’s how Emerald Nightmare was created, basically!
Err…The Sin’dorei?
I mean you’d have thought as Elves they’d be so much better at actually not driving other Elves into the arms of the enemy…
If you could remind me abot that, I would be most pleased.
And then -One- bunch of Elves started giving them the stink eye, and the -Other- bunch of Elves with whom they have much more in common with were actually nice to them. I have no idea why people seem to think Alliance were somehow ‘owed’ Nightborne…
One had damn good reasons to do so, the other had little to no recollection or consideration for it. Besides it almost seems like they did it just to spite the Nelfs.
The High Elves figuratively went Mana-Vegan. I mean that is what they did. They were also the ones causing the problems.
Yes, they swore off mana as they realised that hunger for power caused more harm than good. Which is why they collectively went “NO!!!” when Blood Elves sugested harvesting living beings for their magic.
I mean what mad level hypocrisy is that? “How dare you consume energy from living creatures!” say the High Elves. Whilst still eating meat.
What the hecking heck?
One is a method where you kill an animal and cook it’s meat for best possible nutrition, no unnecessary suffering, no stuff like that. The other is highly inefficient way of harvesting little to no energy at the cost of living creature suffering desintegration of its very being. Yeah, totally comparable. Besides, they stopped harvesting living creatures eventually… and started downing Fel. Much better, isn’t it? They then stopped harvesting Fel, and when faced with decision of “maybe our bretheren WERE correct and we shouldn’t attach ourselves to sources of power that would controll us” or “lul, let’s just cleanse and rebuild sunwell to become mana junkies again lul”, they made the most wise and fitting choice, didn’t they?
As someone who will flat out die if I catch it again, no questions asked, and is already dying because of Covid, if someone doesn’t have a damned good medical reason, and I mean medical, not religious, then damned right I want their citizenship removed and them ejected from anywhere where they can kill me. Absolutely kick them out. I would not share my air with such selfish worms.
As someone who’se entire family, including multiple 90 year olds got over covid, I absolutely most certainly DO NOT support you in this. People are free to do with their bodies whatever the hell they want. Penalising being cautios of your health is beyond mad, much more so when some of these vaccines don’t even really work (Got vaccinated, got covid 3 times afterwards here as I’m a teacher and work in public. Still here though, no problem). So yeah, don’t be so fash about it, that’s not how you want to be seen, don’t you?
Kirin Tor village on Netherstorm would like a word.
And we used a mana bomb to destroy the Shindorei base in Terokkar
Kirin’tor village in Netherstorm was destroyed because they didn’t even know what a mana bomb is. We investigate it in Terokar.
I dont played Horde campaing in BFA, so i dont know if they used any mana bomb during the war, but they have not had a major effect during the four war.
Blight was the cause of most casualities.
I mean sure, the Alliance don’t know how to -make- them, but they do know how to use them, because Jaina and Vereesa, the two people who you would have thought would hate them the most are both perfectly happy using stolen ones in the very quest called…“Tactical Mana Bombs”
This is the funny thing. We can use your own mana bombs against you, like we used against Blood elves in terokkar.
Originally the Alliance were literally flame throwering Vulpera in the face!
Maybe because vulperas was helping horde in the war against the alliance?