Sexism, ANTI-LGBTQ+ and Skin-Based Racism has no place in RP in 2021

Well, sometimes they express it less directly. Like talking about jars of dolmio.



It is not a tale that the Jedi would tell you.

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Sounds like we should keep it at that.

I’m glad you brought that up!

Bad memories are much, much more easier to remember than good ones- Even when they conflict with each other, exactly how you brought the idea up. People find all kinds of (questionable) ways to either completely skip the cognitive dissonance and retain their beliefs, because people are not logical.

Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll never know I suppose.


That’s the thing. Why you need to mention sexual prefrences of a character when you meet a person? It doesn’t matter, unless they met -exactly- for dating purposes, or I believe, when it comes to inducting into some official military organization, so they could house you properly.
That’s whole other thing, when the topic comes to it, and everyone around start talking about it, then yeah - why not. For example, as you have stated above, when character describes that they went to the picnic with their partner.

As of my first part of the message.
Any one-dimensional character with just one quirk that people popping into other’s faces when situation does not ask for it is a poor taste in my opinion. It doesn’t have to be sexuality, it could be their political preferences/xenophobic stances, e.t.c.

Ok if Atahalni tells you that he wants to buy a present for his asian panda gf* for love is in the air, is that him telling about his sexual preferences?

*He doesn’t actually have one (sadly).

No. He’s talking about buying a present, and specifies who he wants it for, so you can give him the right advice.
The same situation as mentioned above, with going to picnic with a partner.

i assume you are reffering to people that put their preferences in their trp?

Somewhat. The original point was that I don’t understand people who put “LGTBQ+ friendly” stuff into their TRP. When majority of players on this server are sensible and automatically don’t have anything against those people. It’s just feels unnecessary.

Sure, but in this case you’re writing a character. You actively make the choice to have them retain their beliefs, even when it would be logical, because ‘people are not logical’. However, you have not lived on Azeroth, so you’re still basing it off your own real world experiences or views, which do not fit Azeroth.

In real life, there’s many reasons for that, and generally it’s as I said, an introduction. And it doesn’t have to be ‘hey, i’m , i’m , and i’m , my pronouns are , nice to meet you!’. It can come out (heh) in different ways, e.g. your character might ask about a loved one (since we’re introducing characters to eachother). It doesn’t even have to be for dating purposes.

Yeah, for example, I found people yelling ‘make azeroth great again’ during those riot events in stormwind in very poor taste. However, I don’t think I’ve yet to meet any character whose only character trait is their sexuality. To me it sounds more like a gay character myth. Something more homophobic people have conjured up, for example.

As idealistic as it sounds, unfortunately that’s not the reality. Many even on Argent Dawn can be LGBTQ+ unfriendly as well. In many cases, you might not even know of the other person’s stance and don’t want to bring it up (perhaps in fear of becoming the gay character myth). And it’s not even always just for IC stuff.

Some still fear coming out OOCly because they don’t want to cause drama or conflict, and until they explicitly see (through discussions, or… the LGBTQ+ friendly flag?) that it’s OK, they may actively hide parts of themselves or even lie about it.

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The characters are played by players, and the game is designed by humans. As such it is not really a hard assumption to make that the game and it’s characters are (mostly) similar to us with their motifs and actions- And you can kind of see this being the case even with the current lore, lol. Makes absolutely no logical sense, but appeals to emotions.

But anyway my point wasn’t to say “ok just be homophobic/sexist/racist in the game because an argument exists for it”, my point was to show that the idea that people have (as the poster I quoted pointed out)that biases are easily defeated with facts and logic is just completely and utterly false.

Talking about loved ones - is perfectly alright. I was more refering to “Hi, I’m that, have those pronounces, e.t.c”(I’ve met a couple of those people, that’s why I’m making this point. Even if it’s exception, not a rule).

As of unfriendly players. In my experience, they are just vocal minority that are not that pleasant to RP with, without even bringing that stuff up. I had some not pleasant OOC experiences because of my RL views, but does it mean we need to make flags for every opinion now? “Gun friendly” “Right-Wing friendly” e.t.c .

They are mercifully not that common on WoW. Elsewhere, however… :pensive:

Walk around in Stormwind a bit.

I mean, you can’t defeat something who’s irrational and illogical with facts and logic, yes. But I’d rather not interact with such a person anyway, especially if they don’t listen to reason.

But it’s literally just basic introductions though? What’s wrong with this?

It’s literally just a flag to let a person know they can be their authentic self instead of repressing themselves, though. It’s not a big deal that I’m still not sure why it’s a problem for you.

yeah damn hallmark movies with their constant straight rom-coms :unamused:
(until this year hehe)

You really should stop seeing issues and problems in absolutely everything Vixi

I never said that “LGBTQ+ friendly” in profile is - bad, or wrong. I just said to -me- it feels unnecessary. For you and others it may be necessary - and that’s fine.

As of basic introductions:
I was specifically talking about “situation not asking for this”. For example, if you are seeking to befriend a person. Then, yeah, I believe it may be a good thing to tell them in a little bit, as you are getting to know them. But when you are enlisting into mercenaries squad to kill some cobolds - that’s a weird thing to say during enlistment in my opinion.

Yeah but I was talking about introductions in general. What feels necessary for you depends entirely on what situation you’re in, but in this case, it was introductions.



Well maybe if you’d responded to my affectionate discord messages I’d feel better about your people Nerathion, but apparently I’m not good enough so here we are =/

No gf on the Warcraft streets no gf in the real life sheets :pensive: