Sexist Rogue Quest, Tigole Bitties and Bly'Leggonde

There’s an old Rogue Quest that leads you to a female NPC in Darnassus, where the guy that sends you there comes off as incredibly creepy.

They say I’m ‘lovestruck,’ whatever that means.

Sure, I spend my every waking moment thinking about Syurna. Sure, my home is full of paintings and drawings of Syurna. Sure, I often go days without eating, sleeping, or drinking, while I lament about the love we could have had. Is that so wrong?

Now she won’t see me! ME! I’ve tried sending her messages but she won’t even talk to another person unless they are a rogue.

Could you deliver this flower to her? Don’t forget to tell her it’s from Jannok.

So he seems to be a stalker type.

Would be nice if with the whole purging of inappropriate stuff from the game they could take a look at that.

Also there’s a couple more sexist references in the game.

Tigule’s Strawberry Ice Cream

They’ve already removed the Foror part, that was a reference to Alex Afrasiabi. But the other person in there, Jeff Kaplan, used to be known as Tigole Bitties, which is a play on the phrase “Big Ole’ Tit ties”. You simply switch the T and the B around.

How is it ok for such a sexist reference to remain in the game?

Also, the NPC Gwennyth Bly’Leggonde, the last name is an anagram for Leggy Blonde.

This is sexist and only reduces women to the role of functioning as a sex object for men.


Omg, another thread…


Just stop with your crusade…


I’m just helping Blizzard.


Help our inner succubus too by not giving them ideas :no_mouth::joy: It’s just a game after all.


When people ask why I hate the Alliance players so much. This is the profile I direct them towards LMAO


here we have two choices:

  1. you are a troll: at this point isnt fun anymore. this argument is old and we had enough laugh
  2. you are serious: noone in blizz (except some forum moderator) read this forum.
    so in both cases: stop. this is becomin sad.

You already said it:

Also both NPCs are Rogue Trainers. Stalking is part of the Class. At least try with your trolling and dont go for a speed record just because your bann has ran out.

Yeah. And? His references were removed for far more serious reasons.

Who cant be compared to Afrasiabi yes.

Yes and the character is as old as eternity. And he dropped the last name more than just a while ago and went on to keep the name Tigole only.

Because the entire name is. He dropped the latter part. Tigole was kept. And in regards of doing something bad in the past youre not one to talk.

Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem - #365 by Kornag-draenor

Yours not even a year old.

rolls eyes

ye sure mate. Up your trolling for the next thread.


This was actually quite funny. Good work OP


You having a mental ilness mate ? This threads are clearly not coming from a healty person


See the child is back! Grow up for God’s sake.

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There’s also another really creepy dude that should be cancelled before all others, because that one is really particularly horrible.

Among his sins, there are :

  • breaking mental sanity of others
  • rape (not explicit, of course, but the theme is there)
  • genocide and other crimes against humanity
  • disgusting necrotic stuff
  • etc.

Please cancel Arthas.

That way our beloved game can look like a sanitized version of Care Bears, like it should always have been.



No, leave rogues alone! They have the most interesting class hall campaign and they are perfect as they are! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

unless they are gnomes

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I must say it’s actually very disturbing when these renames happen. We could all be targetted next!

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WEll is he a stalker if he’s just a simp?

Thank you for being helpful good Sir! And may you have a blessed Monday!

Oh buckle yourselves in, here comes Nindoriel with another fake outrage thread.

Good afternoon snd this is BBGH News. The morning burning issues brought to you live. Today!! What are you pretending to be outraged about?

“This morning its…”

*“Nindoriel… Eurgh… Just goto the weather…”

“Today’s weather with Greta Iceberg.”

"Thank You!. Today the weather will be loud angry voice “HOT!!!”


this seems like a Cultural Revolution and it’s more like a maoist crusade at this point. Just get rid of the past and build censorship. Glory to Blizzard!

Thank you OP for being vigilant. Blizzard needs to FIX it ASAFP.

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Might as well get rid of Stealth from rogues and druids since you can “stalk” your victims…

Before long there will be nothing left in this game of Wokecraft.