Sexist Rogue Quest, Tigole Bitties and Bly'Leggonde

Grrr, no! I need my stealth!

I used to camp the feast rare in MoP 24/7, it got to the point where people would turn up and say “Is the rogue here” and I’d just /lick from the shadows.


I recall hearing or reading somewhere that Tigole was Jeff Kaplan’s old in-game username. Little lore bit.

Can’t wait to see the next Call of Duty game by Activision, all about paintball and friendship.

Maybe they’ll even do a “sarcastaball” game for those who remember that Southpark episode! :rofl:


Keep looking and you may find the rare NPC by the name of Hugh Jainas :roll_eyes:


Hey everyone, if I remember his others posts correctly, this guy, the OP is pretty serious.
He is not even trolling, which makes it way more disturbing :frowning:

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That’s really great, because it’s so mutual.

How is it fair to ban people for suggesting, that Blizzard continues doing what they have already been doing?

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No, it’s the first one. Not even a decision to be made here.

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Oh but I think we’d all just love to play Sarcastaball.


Stop it. This meme stopped being fun weeks ago.


You obviously don’t remember his other posts then, he accused Monty Python of being transphobic.

Edit. And got a week’s forum vacation for the trouble!


Oh come on, stop that nonsense woke crowd preaching all ready :roll_eyes:

So shall we remove Maximillian as well because he saves females? Or because the quests is called “Demsels were made to be saved”?

As a woman I am getting SO tired of this woke shizzle, it has gone way too far.

Btw it is not sexist, what you describe… it’s obsessive (both men an women can behave like this Metoo or not)
Obsessive like your nitpicking on a quest, that nobody care about, just to start a heated debate.


Ehm. About that… Well…

I really have no respect for people like you trying to ruin the game in every fashion, riding on the SJW-wave from the recent “wokeness” boom that sadly has affected the game.

Must be hard to get offended by literally everything.


Please don’t feed the trolls.
Every time you feed one they duplicate like Gremlins after midnight…


Why ya gotta be like that mon?

But it be fine. De Darkspear be havin’ fine cookin’ trainers, dis no problem.


Ohhhh now I remember…


It’s Blizzard, who feels, that certain things in the game are inappropriate and needed to be removed. I’m just trying to be a good ally. I don’t get why Blizzard closes these threads. They’re perfectly in line with what they are thinking.

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Hey, the horde might be ruthless a-holes but what they lack in morals they make up for in intelligence :smirk:

Intelligence is not an attribute, that can be ascribed to the Horde.