Sexist Rogue Quest, Tigole Bitties and Bly'Leggonde

Me make tree go hot hot.


It is too soon… :fire: :evergreen_tree:

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A fair point to make, however the same is applied for the alliance.

Oh and, intelligence is definitely an attribute. Even though it might/might not apply to the horde doesn’t change the fact that it’s an attribute. Kind of a weird point to make but whatever floats I suppose?

Which wasn’t the case with your example

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Î didn’t say it wasn’t an attribute. I said it’s not an attribute, that can be ascribed to the Horde. And you’re just proving my point.

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No, you definitely stated it wasn’t an attribute AND saying it can’t be applied to the horde faction.

In fact, you said so again.

Here’s the time you said it again. While you can say you didn’t say it doesn’t change the fact that you did as it is literally here in black and white.

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You don’t understand the english language.

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Thank you OP

Sex jokes are not appropriate in a PG12 game. especially such vulgar as topic name…hmm.

also mental illness joke yikes

Totes yikes

get a job man.

glad the admins unflagged your post. the angsty ‘‘lulz its just a joke’’ crowd can go to 4chan for this kind of junk humour, wow is 12+ not 18+

We also send people to that profile when they ask why people are leaving the Alliance side.

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It actually surprised me. I think the hide post system when people flag it is horrible. People nowadays always think that something is a troll post, just because they disagree with it.


You should leave your guild, makes you look like a hypocrite otherwise, big yikes.

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Are you a homophobe?

Cheers for another depressing blue post in the near future with this quest and NPC being sanitized because your hurt feelings.

The comment isn’t homophobic, you’re just trying to bait them with this delusional thinking.

Gag Sausage for Azerite could be very easily deemed a sexual innuendo/joke and that is the name of Retributor’s guild. Given that he’s arguing on your side that this is a 12+ and not an 18+ it does in fact make him look hypocritical.

I thought you were fighting against these kind of things, or is it now okay when its linked to someone who is defending you on the forums?

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We assume its a troll post because we know your post history. And given you were banned for the last 2 threads go figure.


If you have a problem with his guild name you might be a homophobe.

I call that oppression.

Like I said, people always assume someone is trolling, when they disagree with what that person has to say, because they can’t fathom someone having a different opinion than them.