Sexualized Content is Fine

But the reason why Blizzard is filled with abusers isn’t that they draw hot women. It’s that they are a typical Californian tech corporation - they focus on hiring bros, who they can hang out with, their rockstar status, the drugs they did.

Many men still pursue rockstar status as a means of getting access to women. Many believe that when you become a rockstar, there’s some form of an entitlement to getting women. These same men are also the ones who had to repress their sexuality while growing up, maybe because they felt it was wrong or because they couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Removing hot girls from videogames won’t do a thing to address that. What we want is less repression overall, not more. Sylvanas and Valeera are hot, but their designs are not creepy. They’re cool. Just like how Garrosh is cool. What I want is not less sexy women, but more sexy men instead. Of course the way women find men sexy is sometimes different than the way men find women sexy. For example, I’ve seen the correct sentiment that Denathrius is ridiculously hot floating around. We need more of that, not less of it. Half-naked dudes, let’s go.

I’m just wondering if they’ll touch Black Temple in one way or another. If so, then I’m wondering how exactly are they going to do this.

Thats sad and fed up. Didnt know.

Yeah I got it wrong a bit.

Yup they are different. I dont agree.

Yes. Succubus are now renamed nuns, and are covered head to toe in full nun regalia.


Nun outside, succubus inside - seems like a common anime theme.


I’m part of the Rock / Metal scene and boy, can I affirm that.

Where are Incubus then? Best example of how sexualisation in World of Warcraft has been quite one-sided from the start and therefore questionable. You can be master of a hot female demon but where’s the male servant for “hardcore feminists” like me? I still have to procrastinate on finishing my Venthyr campaign, so I’m able to run around with Kael’thas Sunstrider in chains…

Yeah, all those topless demons with 8 packs of muscle and bodybuilding biceps are nowhere to be seen. Oh wait


I’d be so happy if we get incubus!

One of the features me and many of my friends love about FFXIV is how it has hot dudes and it even lets you put the 2B dress and stockings on a dude. You even get the little “thigh pinch” from the stocking on a dude’s legs.

I want that type of stuff in games.

Taken a look at their faces recently?

I played the game at 8 year old. The age limit does not limit anything.
The age limit does not reduce the playerbase, if people want to play it or not

Who would go around with no chest armor on? Oh wait… me :slight_smile:


Of course it does, but it requires parental control.

Nope, i got no parental control in TBC

Are you saying succubus have… sexy faces

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I dont think Ive ever noticed sexualised content in WoW. As a game it has always seemed pretty tame and unoffensive (assuming that its only nipples and naughtiness that offends you and you are fine with extreme violence, murder and genocide of course as that is apparently all fine!).
Just hoping they dont mess with my Steamy Romance novels…most of my characters have at least one in there inventory.

Also everybody needs to stop with the cancel culture and removing people from history. We dont learn, grow and evolve by burying our heads in the sand and ignoring unpleasant aspects of the past. Lots of historical events and people are decidedly dodgy by todays standards but we cant learn from them and improve if we pretend they dont exist.

Also Blizzard?? Changing a few names in game will not make us forget you are being s****y to your employees…I care that you are providing decent working conditions not if Jainas outfit is too revealing!


Will never understand US sexualizing men with naked chests, perfect bodies and muscles, but censoring women or breasts. Not to mention somehow violence and gore is fine, but attractive women bad, it is just a weird place.


Maybe not in game, but in order to play the game you either needed a credit card, or to buy game time both of which are subject to parental control.

You don’t understand, removing the booba will end sexism!