Sexualized Content is Fine

So demonstrate Jailer’s nipple in every single video is fine?

Didn’t you see the last cinematic - he’s all in plate armour now.

Idk, thats looks like as witchers hunt and books burining. They have much more to make game better, but this is not.

Sexier than Doom- / Felguards by a mile for sure.

Activision: Woman are Bad - Fruits/Vegetables are Good

Ya’ll way to thirsty.


What’s wrong with the label hardcore feminist?

Nah, I can be passive aggressive too for sure but we shouldn’t. It doesn’t help anyone.

What? I don’t know anyone in this forum. I don’t observe you. I didn’t read your history or anything. I observed you in this thread.

Against the some of the views/reasoning for those views state here. I didn’t talk about you as a person. One should not identify with his ideological and political views. It’s very unhealthy to do that. That’s an issue. I might still be friends with you as a person and still not agree with you on your views.

I discuss a political and ideological issue with you. I don’t discuss about you. It’s purely you who takes it personally.

I guess you mean objectifying? if so, I did state that my views are subjective because they inherently are. There is no need to objectify anything.

General human beings? We like to rub our genitals against each other.

What does that have to do with anything? I just don’t get that point at all. It’s not like the society is all happy life for men. It basically sucks for everyone. Again, watch red pill and get some opposing views.

I think the whole men vs. women debate is contra productive. That’s why I dislike feminism and especially its hardcore forms. That’s why I dislike hardcore ideologies in general.

And no, I don’t believe that sexualization in those cultures come form men because belive it or not, women do like naked men. Look at that stripper movie and look at all the women who grope muscular man and all that stuff.

I don’t know why people assume that men were happy in the way society used to be.

Look we might just misunderstand each other since it’s a loaded topic. Maybe I do have a wrong picture of your view (not you as a person but your view, which is generally mean) but the arguments you bring are usually what I hear from the “There is no difference in men and women at birth. All difference is caused by cultural bias. Biology does not impose any difference. Thus, the patriarchy is the source of all evil.” crowd.

If you think society is **** up and sucks for both genders because humans are complex beings and there is no simplistic explanation and you also think that neither does necessarily suffer more but different - then we probably more or less agree else we disagree, which is also fine.

And again: My issue is less with them replacing a picture of a women with fruits but the fact that it happens now while there is a way way way bigger problem.

Lastly, that’s a valid point but I think the normal human being simply got my point. Which was that it’s fine to have sexualized content like e.g. the sexy nightelf dance or a sexy picture or something along those lines. It’d also be fine to have very explicit content in a game but since this is a child friendly game, it shouldn’t be included. Of course, sexism shouldn’t be part of the game at all. And with sexism I don’t mean female centered sexism but sexism in general.
Now is “gigantique sack” sexism? Not in my opinion, it’s childish humor. Is "Bro’s before Ho Ho Hos? based on how I view the original phrase, it’s not. It’s again childish humor but that’s simply because I interpret the original phrase way different than you. If I’d view it the way you do, I’d agree on it being sexism but as you stated, it leaves a very bad taste considering what we know of the culture in Blizzard now.

Sexism and all that is very complicated. While for us a strong male is considered sexy, a fat guy is considered sex in other parts of the worlds because it symbolizes wealth.

So e.g. that video you posted. Those people should have gotten fired in my opinion. It wasn’t only disrespectful but also simply not professional.

Now we are talking! But yeah, all that stuff is one sided in World of Warcraft (here in the sense that the player only has one gender for his bdsm demon) and that’s 100% because male nerds (in their puberty) created the company.

When I created the thread I meant to say that e.g. content like the succubus is fine. There is no need to get rid of it. Same goes for the picture or the calendar.

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Blizzards first priority check are

  1. Remove player freedom and fun from game.
  2. Sell cash shop items in game.
  3. Blame on customer.
  4. Destroying evidence from employees.
  5. Blackmailing and sexual abuse to employees.
  6. Fix every system.
  7. Fire employees.
  8. Hire PR to appease the customer and major focus minority audience.
  9. Start the whole process again…from step 1

Ewwww, not in the entire existence of the Universe people like me would be attracted to such women (no offense, also got the Joke).

What’s wrong with not liking to be labelled by a total stranger, who doesn’t know sh… about me nor my views?

One should not speak on behalf of others. Especially not when it’s about sexualisation or sexual portrayal of women, when you aren’t even a woman. It’s very unhealthy to do that. That’s an issue.

Is funny because I was actually talking about female dignity and how it is at risk when men want to set the rules for what is appropriate in that regard. Has nothing to do with politics or ideology but psychology. I take it indeed personal when some stranger tries to drag my statement into a political corner when I am purely speaking about my experiences.

No. I meant objecting your views aka rejecting your views aka not agreeing with you. Is the Gerund of “to object”.

Which, in our society, for some is an intimate act that doesn’t need to be publicly dispalyed or perverted.

You talk of a naturally sexualised society as a global concept when the standards regarding that are varying from country to country. Even if you only focus on Western culture. You’d get a good feeling for that writing guidelines for common etiquette in holiday destinations, I assure you.

I think over 2000 years of male dominated policies, literature and education concepts left their trace in society. And while I’m very aware of the term “patriarchy” not being applicable everywhere, you have patriachal structures reaching from religious doctrines to career options.

As for differences between men and women, that’s where your claims about not identifying with your views will get complicated. At least when it comes to me. Because the reason for you assuming I’d lack the awareness of men suffering from society too stems from you not knowing my personality.

A person’s personality development is the motor of developing your own opinion. Those two can’t be separated. A person without a backbone will most likely adapt existing views without questioning them. A strong independent personality instead will rather act eclectic and only adapt what makes sense to them. I’m no sheep, never could afford to be one, never will be. And minding the things I went through in my life, I indeed take it personal if someone has the audacity to assume my identity. The term per definition incorporates aspects of behaviour, convictions, beliefs, interests etc. I once again object your statement that it is an issue to identify with your views / philosophy as they are a part of your identity. A flexible and changeable part, yes. But still a part.

Is it not a derogatory term that implies a desire for some kind of vengeful role-reversal rather than for actual progress?

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At this rate all female characters will be wearing burqas before the end of the year.


You do if you’re a hunter. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Funnily enough now i actually see it looks like the male genitalia as they brought attention to it. And i couldnt care less. At the age of 13 kids have seen far worse stuff.

I think that would be a radical feminist rather than hardcore :thinking:

Also, yes to incubus. I need my sexy demon daddies

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Afaik they’re used pretty interchangeably, in common language.

You may be right. I’ve only ever heard radical used in a negative sense. Sometimes its hard to keep up with the terminology

Exactly… i don’t think most people see it and it’s the first thing that comes to mind.
Now that Blizz pointed it out lmao, ofc i can see that and i really don’t care either way.

Sometimes it’s better not to point things out, Blizz…

Thank agencies bringing cases with “women get paid less than men here” with the prime example of a pay difference between two CEO-level figures (completely stupid) vs the company. Blizzard could just be trying to avoid reasons for future such cases. That’s all.