Sexualized Content is Fine

I mean, it does kinda make sense if you consider that hardcore basically means exceptional dedication, and ppl who have their lifestyle constructed around feminist activism tend to have a very negative, ‘Karen-y’ stereotype associated with them.

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You don’t need to really be that dedicated to be called hardcore really. I don’t organise any feminist protests or rally for feminist organisations or anything. I simply just provide for myself, work hard, don’t take bs and was never depending on a guy’s money for my outcome. That’s enough to be labelled “feminazi” these days. You either fit an extreme or don’t exist at all. Stereotypes over complex characters. And if you disagree with a man trying to lecture you on what is sexism or how much of female sexualisation is okay, then you are hardcore. Because either you shut your mouth and agree or you’re the enemy. That’s how it is.

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I do not disagree with most, but woman are also sexualizing man. You even made the comment about the WoW Dating App to check the attractiveness of the man who have such a big mouth here…

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I don’t think trying to have a nuanced take about this on the forums is worth it, because people invariably rely on strawmanning.

I think I saw a few “you can decide to either be skimpy or in a burkha, pick one”-takes, when the problem isn’t really about the specifics of what one wears, but rather about the autonomy of being able to decide what YOU want to wear.

Dressing up completely fictional characters is in a bit of a grey area imo, as fictional characters don’t “exist” and thus don’t have autonomy (depending on how much ontology one has snorted).


I did indeed. Out of two reasons.

  1. I’m fed up with the promotion of a lifestyle machinery simping for a certain female beauty standard that doesn’t exist unless you use a big load of silicone and put women on radical diet… It affects young girls and how they view their body. It gives the idea of women having to run around in as little coverage as possible if they want to catch a man’s attention. It raises expectations, makes women feel insecure and question their own beauty. All this while those who make excessive use of sexualised female game options often have little to none experience with real women whatsoever, are in NO place to set ANY beauty standards or are completely ignoring what kind of effect their simping for an unrealistic portrayal of women has on society.

  2. A lot of guys can only talk big as long as they can hide behind their screen. When you meet them in reality, they not only lack the confidence to look you in the eye but also seem to have been missing out on a bit of a personal reality check when it comes to their judgement on female beauty standards. In short: the guys who want to tell us women how we have to look like in games and online media, could often use a little beauty makeover themselves…

And that’s why I was responding the way I did to the dating App topic. Because it probably would change the general behaviour of some guys (and girls) if their behaviour could be directly referred to their rl “avatar”: themselves…


Just saw the changes on Wowhead. I honestly think it’s ridiculous, expecially the fruit plate one.

I mean, I play WoW since more than 10 years and I didn’t even remember most of those paintings. Total waste of resource for a non-issue.



Never spent a significant time in the US have you outside of a 2 week holiday.

Believe me. The things I could show you and the places I would take you to would blow your mind if you are so desperate to see naked flesh.

But imagine being so desperate to see naked flesh you are reduced to begging for it to be included in a videogame.

Pixellated naked flesh.

“But GTA lets ne kill people!!”

It also lets you steal cars. You want to do that too?

And comparing WoW to GTA is like comparing football to sky diving.

Still. Im fairly certain if pixellated nudity is your thing theres plenty of websites will fulfill your desires. Dont need it in WoW.



Yeah, it’s just Americans. And yeah, it is a band-aid solution just to appeal to stupid mass that only believe something if they see it with their eyes, so they had to show they are taking actions .

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I am 100% agreeing with this (and for me personally i do not even find these current ‘beauty standards’ attractive).

On the other hand; the same thing is happening to man. It is not that there is no pressure of looks on them either. And we are supposed to be alpha, muscular, to lead, etc, etc. How do you think those shirtless bodies of man in video games are for us? It raises lots of insecurities too.

And you are even using that as a negative yourself. Putting again pressure on the man;

Your 2nd point is hard to get into. In my surroundings the guys are not teenagers anymore.


No idea why cant women stay women for real. Its their charm.


Hey, be gentle. He’s probably just hit puberty.

BOOBIES!! :heart_eyes:

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On purpose.

Oh believe me. A guy doesn’t have to be 12 years old physically to behave like that. There are plenty of 30+ examples acting just the same.

And woman do not have to be 12 to behave like you do. That is why there are so many singles right now. It are 2 negatives.

I like a lil’ sexy and dirty humor in my games.
Gonna be a bit dull n boring if they keep censoring everything.

Friendly reminder that removing “sexualized” content from your game won’t make me forget what you were doing to your female employees Blizzard.


you found way to piss off people, you cancel women’s in your own game, many players angary alongside them womens , it look like that blizzard want to anger people with such changes,blizzard turn wow into Afghanistan 2021,shame

cancel culture blizzard that what people really think

They do, but sometimes those opinions change for the worse.

Like is happening now. Don’t get me wrong; there’s definitely good sides to ‘what’s happening out there’, but there’s too many fanatics mostly on social media. And things that should remain normal are being made into abnormal things. Things are being taken to extremes that they should not be taken to.

Now, as to these particular changes; can’t say I care one way or the other.