Sexualized Content is Fine

You’re right.
There are no male outfits or NPC’s in skimpy armor in this game.

As long as you ignore all the ones that are in the game anyway that is.


For some people it might have a negative connotation and yeah, I dislike them but what I mean by that word was “Someone who follows the feminist ideology in a fundamental way.”

Yeah, maybe radical would have been the better word. And yeah, I do mean it negatively but simply because I personally dislike radical ideologies. I think its bullpoop and unhealthy.

You views, described in this thread, look very strict to me. Who are you to speak for all women? And I, as a men, can give my view on any topic. I never told you what to think or what to do.

I didn’t call you hardcore feminist because you disagree with me. Disagree as much as you want, I really don’t care too much. I simply thought that you views are very strict and I sorted them into the corner of a radical feminist. That might be correct or wrong. I never said “shut up stupid female”.

You are the one who asked what gender I have because you assumed I am a guy and wanted to be correct. Poop like that is why I called you hardcore feminist.

In such discussion, most women were either just hardcore in their feminist views, similar to you, or were like “Who fk cares about that poop”.

To end this, I suggest you watch red pill, then you might see why “hardcore feminist” has a negative connotation for some people.

And also: I’m not against any kind of person. I don’t care if they are binary non-fluid homosexual or whatever else there is. I simply don’t give a fk. They can do what they want and society should accept them. But society should not celebrate any kind of person. I never told someone he/she can’t have his/her opinion nor would I ever do so.

was this decision on one painting only tho?

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How exactly do I behave? You still referring to my sarcastic comment on dating apps?

Yeah the US has a big problem with wokeness. The whole gender study crap is totaly out of control. I can’t remember the name but a physicists submited some made up bullpoop t paper to the biggest gender studies journal (or one of the bigger ones) and got accepted and even got the award for the best paper of the month.

But that might also just be a loud minority in social media, which I basically don’t use.

I think it’s just the issue with having so much information and not having learnt how to process it. I guess?

No it is clear. Man are bad and putting pressure on woman. And those things are never happening to man. And there is no sexualisation of man either. There are not beauty standards for man. And it is fine to throw out more negatives about insecurities for man, since they should be a man. Man are also never abused in relationships.

I don’t think it’s “woke” culture the one to blame here, I’d say it’s that big country in East Asia Blizzard tries so hard to appease.

Just look at the twitter (TWITTER!) replies on WoWhead post.

You really think Mr. Whinnie Poo is the driver? I don’t think so. They did that back in classic just fine for china only. (skeletons etc.)

I might be wrong ofc.

Maybe it’s both, in the sense of: We have to do it for china anyway, can’t hurt to do it in the west too because you know.

Jaina’s cleavage and Whitemane thighs in Hearthstone were done for them, no one in the west found them to be a problem.

probably, I am female and it does sound quite nasty that, though I never personaly got offended buy it.

But one thing if you look at how Blizzard have portraited females in game, you start to wonder, do they actualy think most females are totaly clueless and emotianal wrecks.

they made Jaina bi polar, Syvanas totaly insane, Tyrande doesnt seem to have clue if she should be in love or go crazy again, like every woman in game has some sort of insane problems, like they all need therapy.
Even yrel they managed to butcher whit this super holy crusade, Talanji, might be the most stable one, but she seems to had dady issues again, so not many female npcs that do not have some sort of mental brakedown in game realy. there is some that is more stable, but none realy have any real major screen time then.

I barely see male chars running around like that tbh. Wouldn’t dress a char up like it either.

At least I have more experience as a woman being on the receiving end of sexualisation than you do, no? And my negative experience is kind of valid because it’s a fact, no? If those experiences make me a hardcore feminist in your eyes, well.

Asking before drawing conclusions is now poop. Brilliant rhetoric.

So you assume I haven’t watched Red Pill also? Because my opinion contradicts the idea you have about a woman, who watched the movie? I am no hardcore feminist and being against sexualisation in a game doesn’t make me one either. Therefore, I’d appreciate you stopping to play that record on repeat and using the term whenever you respond to me.

I’ve supported more men actively on getting independent, overcome their ideas about male stereotypes and process trauma they got from having an abusive mother / partner than you would guess. So please, do us both a favour and stop shooting yourself in the knee trying to surrect an image of my identity / beliefs / intentions that doesn’t match reality. Not that I’d care about what you or any other guys trying to constantly shove me into a stereotypical box that suits your agenda think of me. I know that you’re utterly wrong with your assumptions and everyone, who actually knows me knows it too.

Just because people choose not to do it as much as they do on female characters doesn’t mean the option to do so isn’t there, does it?
Or should people not have the option to dress themselves and by extension their character the way they want to?


It’s more about the implication that cleavage and female sexuality is bad. It makes me think they’ll just remove everything from the game going that is deemed too “provocative” to better align with their new puritan values, including transmog for my characters. Setting the example of ‘covering up’ women like somehow they shouldn’t be allowed to be sexy or revealing. Even FICTIONAL characters.

The hypocritical nature of not doing it to any of the male related things, how many of those are sexualized?

Every time they update character models they tend to do this slightly, like anything that was ‘thong/bikini’ related got changed already some.

Good post +

I didn’t overly recognise them, which might also be related to the fact that important male lore characters mostly run a round covered while female characters don’t. I also don’t see Anduin, Lor’themar and Co. getting a genital resizing every two years to make their crotch look bigger. Nor have I found more than one top for male characters that shows male torso much except for the Chest Protection of Orgrimmar from the Horde garrison.

Coincidence? I think not.

Come on, please don’t act like there wouldn’t be enough - armor - sets to customise your char.

So is creating female characters that appeal to the male gaze considered bad or is covering them up and hiding them bad? I’m confused now.

illidan is a prime example. Basically all the Eredar related ones do. Plenty of Orcs, like Garrosh and etc. Pretty much all of the ones that are real beefy. Dreadguards too, like Balnazzar. Dragon aspects, sometimes.

You’re right.
Who would recognize this guy?
Not like he was even a part of the Warcraft story before World of Warcraft.


Let me give you my angle from a financial perspective , the angry mob angry at everything , qq-ing about everything pleasing them with literally no real work or development . works in the us perfect and works for them .
On the old concept throw them some crumbs of bread to shut up .
LBgtq or whatever ppl invent just makes them more money that’s the reason they never shut this threads down .

With the difference that those you name are all sort of antagonists, while the faction leaders all wear “classy” and “formal” outfits. The imaginary plays quite an important role there for me.