Shadow needs a good dot spread!

I love playing shadow priest but i suck at setting up the dots because im slow at dotting 1 mob by 1 and many times i miss the shadow crash and im done for that pool lmao.
Could it be possible for tww to make an easy dot spread? you guys can remove shadow crash it sucks…
also (unpopular opinion probably) but im not a huge fan of the ghosts build, i know its satisfying for many people but i find it boring, if you could make another type of gameplay for shadow too would be cool af. Have a good one!


They currently got a target tracking shadow crash in the talent tree in the beta called void crash, so that fixes the problem of terrain and erratic tank movement. It’s a choice talent between the 2, so they’re probably testing which one players would prefer. I’m personally team tracking
The only thing needed now is either a 5-10 sec CD reduction at the cost of on hit damage ofc or a reliable way to reset the CD. A shorter CD would most certainly make it less inconsistent in lower level m+, and casting it won’t feel bad when mobs are at or below 25% in higher m+

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Shorter CD or one more charge.

Visually, Spriest has become brutally good.
Unfortunately, it is very slow (movement).

Be handy if there was a new macro fuction to cast a targetable AoE spell on top of your target… just like how you can cast them on yourself or @cursor.

Lost count of the amount of times I cast Shadow Crash into the environment in my foreground, especially in tight places like Uldaman…

Be nice if they increased its radius as well.

They’re introducing void crash in TWW, it casts on a target instead of reticle.

Though, it’s smaller spread than shadow crash I think?

Still rather they introduced a macro function instead of an “either or” pick. :confused:

It’s exactly the same.

Bliz won’t be making targetable spells lock on any time soon. They did it by accident for a couple days in Shadowlands season 4 and immediately reverted it when hunters were landing freezing traps mid disengage and warlock’s m+ gameplay lost the only slight semblance of active decision making it had making it literally mash rain of fire without looking at the screen.

I’ve just finished levelling a Shadow Priest on MoP Remix. First time I’ve played Priest.

The whole time I was thinking that I’ll never play this Spec again because of how AoE damage works. It’s real annoying, when pugging, if you drop a Shadow Crash and the tank moves the pack before it lands. Came here to see if anyone else was complaining about it.

Really glad to see they are adding a variant in TWW.

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Yeah, it’s really the biggest pain point we have. Here’s hoping for shorter CD and potentially more targets. It feels so awful in packs of 20 minor mobs and 3 elites, the minors always soak all the dots

What SPs need;

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www. youtube. com/ watch?v=_ED82l33Rkw

when i think of shadow this last guy cop is kind of blizzard when it comes to shadows dev team.

that and more feels like the beta is stale.

I think they should remove timers on dots and let them be on target without a timer.
or extend the timers.

It feels sad the devs arent even trying their hardest to make this class any better. We have a pet no they don’t want it to cleave, or be permanent.

We had a mind sear not they don’t want it to deal damage.

We got a dot spread no it isnt instant applied it has a chance of missing and on 50+ adds only dots 8

gg :slight_smile:

It’s underwhelming agreed the dev team taking paid 60 euros for this not so reworked class. It’s very underwhelming.

If they had any face left they sit down and work through season 1 on a dot spread fix. Also a real rework that is an actually rework.

shadow crash needs to go and shadow needs something better like a real aoe dot spreader.

Dot spread application is always going to be difficult, even for Affliction warlocks.

Anyway, as with any class 'max’ing is demanding and a shadow priest is no different, continued application of dots in dungeons or raids takes time, the damage amplification boost from having and most importantly maintaining your two lower damage dots Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain is demanding to say the least. As you mentioned you enjoy the ghosts or Shadowy Apparitions which means you should try and find a way to enjoy applying your dots to proc them.

Don’t forget there are different builds which don’t focus as heavily on dots, Shadow Crash >> Whispering Shadows is simply an easier method of applying them, if you are struggling maybe try some random battlegrounds to improve your accuracy then returning to dungeons, I’m sure you will find it much easier.

Suggestions into changes within the new expansion for dot application seem unnecessary right now, look into the current talent tree and set up a build to make it a little easier. Unfurling Darkness should help you out a huge amount, I mean you are casting on targets you cannot miss and you get application of two dots on two targets faster, it is a little challenging with its cooldown timer and may only be situational still. Using it in boss fights with two bosses for example should allow you to maintain dots more frequently.

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A quick note: Misery combined with Unfurling Darkness will allow for easier dot application of both Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain.

Problem is none plays that since shadow crash is the poor mans design an after though for a poorly dev team.

They could make Unfurling Darkness proc with [Mind Blast]'s instant cast that if it hit a [Vampiric Touch] person it spreads its dots to the nearest adds. Would make [Dark Ascension] viable.

Also they could add in a passive if [Shadow Word: Death] rests proc and hit a target applied with [Shadow Word: Pain] it spreads its dots to more nearby targets

(talking pve wise)