Shadow Oil has an interal cooldown - BUG

bumb for fixes, even if am not playin a paladin


It might seem like a meme to everyone who hasn’t theorycrafted Ret, and I wouldn’t blame you for thinking so, but a functional Shadow Oil would be an absolutely absurd DPS increase compared to what we have now.

Adress this please.

They must be scared.

Hear me out.

An on-going joke is that this is World of Warriorcraft
 why? Because they are supposed to be the undisputed dps of the game. In any case, warrior, mage, rogue and warlock are “the kings”.

A lot of people have based their character choice around that fact - in an effort to be recognized as the best. The top parser. The ultimate dpser. The king.

 what would happen if a so-called meme spec was suddenly crowned the king of DPS? An absolute nightmarish outrage from all the kids on the block that suddenly goes from king to pleb. At least, of course, that is how they would feel.

Am I saying that spelladins or another meme will become the best DPS? Of course not. However, with the discovery of MCP a lot has changed indeed.

Do you want to know exactly how good shadow oil is, if unbugged? Well, here are the numbers:
MCP with iron counterweight would result in 92.7 attacks per minute. Bear with me, the math will be short.

92.7 attacks with a 15% proc rate, as stated on shadow oil, would be 13.9 shadow bolt procs per minute.

13.9 shadow bolts at 56% spell damage scaling is 778% spell damage scaling.
In other words, if you have 100 spell damage you will deal 778 spell damage per minute from shadow oil.

If the enemy had nightfall, shadow weaving, improved shadowbolt and curse of shadows on it, it would take an additional 60% damage. I know, not all of these are 100% uptime. In any case, it shows pretty well why people should be afraid.

778% scaling * 1.6 = 1245% scaling with spell damage per minute.

Now, what if shadow oil is bugged? Without showing you the napkin math, the result is around 311%.

If you have 500 spell damage:
500 * 3.11= 1555 damage per minute (26 dps - bugged shadw oil)
500 * 12.45 = 6225 damage per minute (104 dps, unbugged shadow oil)

Spelladins can reach higher numbers than 500 shadow spell damage. They can lose more than 100 dps from a simple item bug.

Now tell me
 what kind of outcry would we have if mages dealt 100 less dps?
How many whine posts would we get if warrior battle shout didn’t work?
And if you want something more comparable

How long would it take blizzard to fix poisons if they had no effect for rogues?
I assume one day.

Yet shadow oil has been bugged for like half a year, with complete radio silence.



blizz is prohibited from fixing bugs that should improve the game


Blizzard isnt prohibited on anything, its their game and Blizzard do as they please.

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Daily bump, wtb fix.

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Daily reminder to fix shadow oil.

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Daily reminder to fix shadow oil.

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Another reminder to fix shadow oil

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Another bump to fix

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It doesnt suprise me one bit thst with each update the amount of bugs might increase. The whole problem is that tgis “Classic” is emulated on a 7.3 or 7.3.5 (or even 7.2.5 if it matters). The take is that fundamentally broken on a technical level because of the changes that came after classic.

It doesn’t strike me one bit to see the “consecration debuff bug” because in retail it is actually occupying a slot, even as basic as this way of thinking can net you what is a probability of something being bugged, and second dont get fixed.

I hope for it to get fixed and right attitude to thing to be developed, even one day see it emulated on a “correct” patch.


??? Warriors aren’t using heroic strike? Are you insane or just that bad at the game?


They are using higher rank.
But dont mindnthat troll, he is just searching for ret paladin post so he could tell them to go holy.


Did this problem already got an official response by Blizzard or is still being ignored?

It’s being ignored for now. Only issues affecting classes like Warriors are met with an immediate blue post response.

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bumpyyyyyy yes

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Fix it.

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How hard is it to fix one internal cd?

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Bump would be nice to have this fixed

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