Shadow Priest Feedback for 9.1.5 and Beyond

I really don’t get where you are coming from with this “damage was not consistent” voidform in legion was effectively a rotational ability, it was not a cooldown, the damage you would do as shadow was super smooth, it had almost no burst, it was extremely sustained.

It had long ramp up time, but that could be solved.

And it was super fun.

I really don’t get your argument.

This is something i don’t really get, there has to be some uniqueness in terms of gameplay, but just for the sake of it? No.

Like fury warrior for example, although a fun spec, why was it the only one that could only cleave to 5 targets up to not so long ago? For “flavor” For “uniqueness”. No reason to do that. Like who cares, the core gameplay of shadow is quite different from other specs. That’s what matters. But no need to go out of your way to make it “unique” Because if it doesn;t work, it doesn’t work. Uniqueness does not equal fun.

You guys are too focused on that aspect, while you lose sight of the bigger picture. Also, class buffs were one of the worst things to bring back. Arbitrary crap, that you absolutely need to bring to the group in order to be optimal, while not adding anything meaningful to the actual gameplay.

Yes we discussed that in BfA when half the shadow community wanted voidform removed. And that was our argument as well.

To be honest I could just go with shadow being a consistent dot class. No voidform, no bells, no whistles. Just good old refresh the dots, cast mind blast, used mind flay as filler. Job done. Simple, satisfying, end of.

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That would be super boring.

Yea, and now guess what, you get the other half more or less, that is saying that old voidform is better.

I don;t know which has the majority, and frankly i don’t care, all i know is that legion voidform had more potential. And for me it was better.

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Good analysis and summary, thanks for taking the time Publik. Only small point I would disagree with is the use of Ancient Madness as this is almost always my go to in M+ precisely due to its AoE burst potential and that quite a few of the bosses have burst window phases. I know it does depend on group and affixes too but I still usually end up taking this. I’m pushing 22/23 keys.

What I would really love is for the devs to really take the time to listen to considered player feedback like this and to have dedicated people for class/spec design and tuning. It’s such a key and core part of the game that never seems to be fully focused on. For example there are almost always dead talent rows for each spec and this makes it seem like they haven’t put the required time and effort in on the class design.

NIce summery,
All kinda true seering nightmare is boring .

Keep it up

That honestly sounds pretty mind numbing. Also sustained single target has almost no value in raids at a mythic level. You also would have absolutely no ability to move during your rotation.

Also aoe would be terrible, like worse than it is now, and as mind sear’s damage is effectively capped by mind flay, buffing sear also means buffing flay, at which point you may as well weld your feet to the floor if you want to do any damage at all.

Either way, this really isn’t the place for arguing about what previous version of shadow you want. It’s feedback on what we have now.

So you chose to ignore the rest of my replies .

Fine by me.

Look man, it’s because your ideas are pretty terrible frankly speaking. No offense. As i understand what you want boils down to a super boring rotation, and more class buffs/support, and class buffs are one of the worst thing to re introduce to the game, as for support, they could make vampiric embrace heal everyone for example. So you would have a really strong, off heal group cd.

And also because he already said that he doesn’t want to engage in this discussion, that’s his/her decision.

I was pointing out something that in my opinion would make shadow more fun, but the original discussion was not that.

The idea about me stating people want changes but they don’t know what changes they want?

Funny how you just refuse to think forward, refuse to take ownership for a request, and you just sit on your asses and say “this sucks”. But then don’t bring anything to the table.

I’ve asked several times “what is it that you want shadow to be” and both you and the OP just outright ignored it, instead you cling to the one top of the head suggestion, because you are unable to man up and say I want this or that, instead you just sweep away whatever iterations are brought forward.

Anyway, I’m done here. There is no discussion, just a bunch of babies sitting on their behinds crying “me no like”.

I think i made very clear what i would like for s priest. You just didn’t read, or are pretending not to understand, because you clearly disagree with my ideas on voidform. And s priest in general.

But it’s fine, what i learned from people is that debates are frankly irrelevant, because it doesn’t matter who says the truth or most logical thing, what matters is making the same points again and again until someone drops out and the other declares himself the winner.


As far as I’m concerned, what I specifically want isn’t relevant or useful. It’s one singular idea, that likely has problems I can’t see far enough ahead to notice, is highly unlikely to be implemented, unlikely to be what a majority might want anyway, and at the end of day I doubt they wanna be told how to do their job.

Instead this is feedback on what’s already there, what works what doesn’t, a rough idea of why, and 1-2 hypotheticals to get a point across.


I made some suggestions about the AoE of shadow priest in another post: My suggested Shadow Priest changes for 9.1.5

I think it would work well but would need some tweaks, I talked about it in another post and the “eternal nightmare” talent might have to be changed so its not too powerful in large pulls, eg: Searing nightmare refreshes mind sear cast, searing nightmare does 33% less damage, searing nightmare shadows do 33% more damage (or generate more insanity for more SN casts). This way you don’t nerf the small pulls but don’t make the large pulls too op.

I don’t really have a problem with searing nightmare having to be cast when using mind sear, seeing as you’ll probably want to be using mind sear to generate insanity anyway, so I don’t see that it really changes the rotation that much to let you do it outside of mind sear. You’ll still be going “mind sear>searing nightmare>mind sear”, the only difference is you won’t have that initial GCD from mind sear. But you know they could solve that by just making the first cast of searing nightmare in a mind sear cast ignore the GCD.

It’d also be nice to have something which allows us to use mind blast and vampiric touch on the move, like the shaman ability Spiritwalker’s Grace. That would be so useful in bosses like The Eye.

Another thing that might be nice, although possibly a little OP, is to make shadowflame prism also proc off searing nightmare, so it synergises well with AoE.

Maybe not a popular opinion, but here it goes: I like Searing Nightmare. I just hate that it’s not baseline.

Before entering a dungeon you have to think whether it would be worth it to take it, even if it’s just for small parts of the dungeon (think DoS Ardenweald). Moreover, if you are playing with a tank that does not pull big, you aren’t going to get the best value out of it. And then you have these singular packs (like ghosts in ToP) that would be really nice to have it on, but you just really can’t miss out on misery in that dungeon. Not having an aoe spender makes no sense, it’s like ele shaman without earthquake, or balance druid without starfall or something.

So for what it’s worth, please just give it baseline. That would solve a lot of m+ woes for me.

I don’t, only hits enemies around 10 yards, with GCD.
One suggestion is to rework mind sear, that is hitting enemies in a line (like chain lightning), but channeled. Add a damage bonus somehow so it doesn’t do trivial damage. A % proc from somewhere - idk where, that buffs the damage. Simple and effective.

It hits all enemies within 10 yards of the target which isn’t bad, its a 20 yard diameter.

The GCD sucks, maybe make mind sear off the GCD.

It’d be good to make SN baseline so we can have misery for the smaller pulls, it’d solve a lot of problems easily.

For the empty talent slot that comes from making SN baseline, it could be something that doubles down on the AoE, like giving a chance to gain a free SN while channelling mind sear (call it “darker thoughts” maybe :smiley: ).

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Thats a good idea yes!
Or a passive talent which instead of only applying sw:p at the first cast, applies it and already does the dmg if sw:p would be on the target.

Ok so with 9.2 beign able to equip two leggos where one must be a covenant one…i feel like shadow covenants become irrelevant… just go necro everywhere…or im.missing something?

Maybe they pull out some mirraculous tunning changes…but all cov leggos are for shadow kinda dogno except necro.

Bring back Cataclysm priest…

The Legion priest ruined priest for me, or perhaps its just me that I dont like to play class that i feel i sit on needles and highly active for 100% of the time to upkeep the voidform.

Shadowlands is not perfect, but a lot, lets say, easier to play.

Ofc one can say the insanity mechanic made shadow priest a distinct class and not just dot bot, but I think at least in my very personal opinion, the amount of stress was not worth xD

That is to over powered we were the best passive healer as shadow priest back in cata too.

Blizzard just needs to get it past their head priest feels stale.

Holy priest i don’t know what they did with it also feels stale and more boring now than it did in pandaria.

Their solution with fixing shadow right now

lets buff talents we’ve seen a streamers use once problem solved sort of like blizzard hides behind a blanket winking towards us that void form is so fun.

when it kind of destroyed a fun spec.

blizzard should bring back the utility’s shadow had bringing healers mana back and being able to passive throw a renew on to them self and others .

They should bring back the dark angelic wings we had make them like ret paladin remove void form altogether void bolt is a jokebolt compared to how fun shadow was and isn’t now

Mind sear is like a joke sear compared to how good it used to be.

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