Shadow Priest feedback so far

Never said that but I guess I can agree with that statement.

I pointed out a logical fallacy in an argument that is used here quite a lot.
I never commented on what has happened, what is happening or what is going to happen with that spec or any other spec in this thread. I never talked about a ‘mass exodus’ or called anyone’s opinion invalid.
To make it as simple as I can:
The arguments

  • You haven’t really played it and thus don’t have a valuable opinion.
  • Most/Many/Alot shadow priests prefer old void form
  • Anything similar…

Are not good arguments due to survivorship bias. If you think any of these statements are true, you are biased. If you don’t understand that, look at my example from before.

Well, it is present here:

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From all these replies you got so far, does it seem to you its “my opinion” ?
There is another “gap” in your theory. :laughing:


What theory?

From what i see above people only argue with you.

Then you probably should have read the thread before replying.

please people, stop arguing with Tate, yall are talking to a literal brick :joy:

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No doubt about that. Unfortunately, there are countless people on the forums like him. It’s a sad story.

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Very persuasive arguments for voidform. When people resort to slander and name calling, I know that my work is done. :upside_down_face:

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Every single argument and point about Void Form has been said above multiple times.

Your knowledge and experience are too limited and you are too arrogant and ignorant to even listen / understand to things, there is literally zero point trying to talk to you or trying to explain something to you, complete waste of time. So sure, go ahead and believe what you will.

So you admitted that you’re just here to troll :slightly_smiling_face: no real experience or proper knowledge of og voidform, but love calling everyone advocate for it “suffer from survival bias”, and then proceed to spill your own opinions and perspectives too :clown_face:. When you got pointed out, you resolve to spilling even more bs and probably still think what you said is factual :joy: The people who loved the old voidform just want blizz to do us right, give us options, a sub spec, a talent to switch to that playstyle. A large group of player who love it should be a good enough reason to bring back old voidform, and also i’m sure adding more diversity of playstyles isn’t harming the game =)))

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I just read this:

All been said by priests with serious XP specially that velf that is 10/10m and have seriously awesome logs.

What did you miss that i didnt ? :rofl:

I don’t personally see a sustainable way to put what’s essentially a completely different spec on a talent row. Even if it’s technically the same buttons, the interactions between them is so different that they may as well not be.

I’d like to see the core mechanics that made up legion and BFA voidform on a new spec, but with some more future proofing / a more robust idea for an aoe rotation. It wouldn’t even need to be a priest spec, honestly it might do better not being one.

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Got to post 30 something and skipped to the end so my apologies if I repeat something.

I’m pretty sure Blizzard didn’t reworked the spec because people moaned about it. People moan about everything. Loads of people loved old voidform anyway.
They reworked it cos they couldn’t balance it with their systems. They did it so they didn’t have to spend time every patch working out how much they needed to nerf shadow priest before they looked at balance tuning for every other spec.

I loved old voidform, I used to get lost for hours at a time watching the streams of ghosts hitting training dummies and seeing how high my avg dps could climb but its never coming back im afraid. They reworked it to lower their workload and it wouldn’t make sense for them to bring it back.

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I don’t think that’s true. Indeed, people complain all the time and usually it will not create real impact. But with spriest, I heard there were many top players and some famous discord server involved in pushing this rework too. And if tuning is what they concern to make such major changes for the class, we would’ve seen this from the beginning of beta, but this happened 2 months before release, so you know this is players’ impact

Also, the Dev tried to keep LotV in the initial rework, which means they did have some intention to keep the mechanic for those who wanted it, but of course that’s just messy and didn’t make sense. So they finally decided to get rid of the whole mechanic for this expansion at least. But they most certainly can add it back if there’s a demand.

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Pretty much this, yes, it is VERY likely.

There nerfed it every patch through bfa because it scaling was too strong. Lotv didn’t have rising haste did it?

tuning happened to every class and every patch, like what you can see on current ptr, I don’t think that was what they looking at to make this change. as I said

of course if they retained haste with LotV in additon with PI, the old mechanic would dominate over the redesign (which is obviously not smth the the angry mob would want and uproar would happen again), even without rising haste LotV will outshine in later patches. This simply showed that they did not have enough time to think anything through, the old and current voidform cannot be put on the same spec, that’s why I said it’s messy and did not make sense.

They make the rework to please the community, not because they afraid of tuning

And when I said they may add it back, I don’t mean they would implement it back into Spriest, a new spec like Ellipsis suggested would be great

Iv’e made a post some time ago about this.

I think the best approach would be to merge the 2 aspects, so you don;t have as much ramp up time, but void form is still cool to use.

I really really liked void form in legion, the big problem is that it’s too slow to pick up in damage and it lacks aoe.

Multidotting is not aoe, searing nightmare needs to be baseline. That’s an absolute requirement.

Basically my idea is that outside of voidform you devouring plague would consume insanity reducing the cd of void form, and instead in voidform it would generate insanity and it would essentially function as old void form did.

This way the amount of voidform you get is based on how well you can optimize your resource generation and expenditure.

You would have more aoe as searing nightmare is baseline, which it should, and also, i would personally standardize the duration of shadow word pain and vampiric touch.

I would also remove mind sear, instead mind flay copies some of the damage dealt by your dots to your enemies, instead nightmare is your aoe button.

No need to have mind sear anyway, no one likes it a lot as far as i know.

Either mind flay copies some of the damage dealt from your dots to other enemies, or mind flay cleaves on every target that has dots for reduced damage. Visually the second would be way cooler.

One thing you need to remember as far as ‘Did Blizzard want to keep working on voidform’ goes is that the person who designed it left the class design team, and subsequently wow entirely, in early legion.

There was also a lack of continuity in design direction beyond that point, as well as the ‘bug fix’ at the end of 8.2 that indicated to me that the people doing class design weren’t really sure what to do with voidform themselves.

I don’t think it’s particularly unreasonable, though nobody here can say for sure, that that ‘lack of knowing how to work with / move forward with voidform’ is what lead to it’s dire state in SL Alpha, the introduction of Void Bolt rank 2, and then subsequently the removal of the voidform mechanic.

that’s a real shame…

But who’s the original designer of voidform? Is he working on some new mmos? lol