Shadow Priest feedback so far

Reality is we need a row of talents that define our gameplay… Since we can’t have 3 specs.
One that revolves around support that resembles the old sp(tbc/wotlk) with no vf just an enhanced sf,
one that is CD based (current or even better MoP dark archangel like),
And one like legions…

Else i’m sure all of us won’t agree in one kind of play…

And the problem is…that in all those years …i believe that we are the only spec that the gameplay changed that dramatically and from change to change there are huge differences… And very big changes in playstyles…

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Well said, yes.
We all have different taste, so it would be nice if all of us could actually play what they like and enjoy it.
The spec has changed a lot over the years … unfortunately. And it still keeps changing.
There should be pretty much what you said - basic Shadow Priest (what used to be with orbs / what we have now) AND Void Form from Legion / BFA. It would make everyone happy.

I don’t much mind the current Shadow ST rotation, but SN is clunky as hell.
If it was reworked like this, I’d be really happy:
Replaces Mind Sear when talented.
Deals AoE dmg every sec as MS does.
Consumes 15 insanity every 2 seconds to apply SW:P. If it is already active, deals Shadow dmg instead.
So the 2 spells merge, but deals less dmg and consumes less insanity.

Edit: another rework idea. Again a replacer that deals 10% more damage every sec compared to MS.
50% chance every tick to apply SW:P to enemies hit.
For every Dot tick by that ability, there is a chance for a proc that will apply a DP to enemies hit at 50% of its regular power (so if base dot dmg is 3000 over 6 secs, this will be 1500). Consumes 20 insanity for every enemy this DP dot is applied to (so only hits 5 targets at best).

I love my shadowpriest!

That’s because SN is really terrible spell to use. It feels very awkward to use and it’s not even that good in some AoE / Cleave situations.
It should be removed and replaced by something completely new. It becomes very huge lackluster in some situations and does not do much, unless it’s a massive group of mobs.

I want back wotlk Vampiric Embrace.


I was a Legion / BFA voidform fan and I was even considering dropping my priest and switch to another main char.

However after lots of practice and playing I started to appreciate this new version. Specially in m+ I feel more valuable and I seem to get into PuGs much easier then previous 2 expansions.

I wouldn’t mind getting old Voidform back but I don’t think it’s smart to try and fit it in the current state of Shadow. I think blizzard did a nice job with the rework we got :slight_smile:

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All i want is a way to extend dots time and to change ASpirits to be proced by dots and not blast / voidbolt like it used to be.

i wan blizzard to fix the other covenant for shadow so we don’t have to go night fae

You people suffer from Survivorship Bias. I’m afraid, the only cure is logic and that’s something you either have or have not.

Let me explain. People who rolled shadow priest and/or kept playing shadow priest after the Voidform rework are mostly people who enjoyed it. I for one really liked MoP’s and really disliked BfA’s SPriest. Hence, I only really played disc, my shaman & monk. Does that make my opinion less valuable because ‘muh, you didn’t even play it bla bla forum warrior’. No, it does not.

And what do you mean by ‘identity’? Void Form was literally a more restrictive version of Metamorphosis (MoP Demonology) with renamed spells, flashy spell effects and slight mechanical changes. Heck, I probably would have played shadow more if it was more like meta.


Yeah and I know many people who hated Voidform. They quit too sometime during the Legion-BfA era.

Does barely getting KSM make your opinion worth more than his/hers even if he/she was pet battling all his/her life?

My problem with Voidform is that you could play perfectly and still do turd dps just because the mechanics in that key ruin your setups. 3rd Boss in Kingsrest comes into mind.

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Yes, it certainly does. If you do not touch certain class in end game content, you can barely see / judge it’s potential.

Word for word most likely. I never had any issues in keys. Shadow in Legion / BFA did far better in keys than it does now, because the kit shadow has now does not support cleave / AoE / DoTs at all.

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If you stand behind this argument

…then i dont know wtf is this ? :point_down:

So we like it more because we play only that version of sp…hence our opinion is invalid. But your oponion about voidform being bad , while not even playing it, is valid why again?

If you wanna preach about nonbias views you should atleast put “in my opinion” into your biased posts.

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Why do you think that? Do more spriests push high keys now?

…and you need Voidform to fix that? Don’t see your point tbh. You basicly explained why a return of voidform is not needed.

It means exactly what is written there. I didn’t play voidform shadow much, because I didn’t like it.

Is that related to my post in any way? Literally didn’t say any of that.

Yeah, that’s exactly what I was talking about. Let me give you an example.

Let’s say we have 100.000 shadow priest playing the version X.
Blizzard now changes shadow to the version Y.
90.000 now quit.
We end up with 10.000 remaining priests.
Now Blizzard changes it to the version Z.
9.000 shadow priests now get mad and cry on the forums.
The remaining 1.000 shadows remain silent. I mean, they liked the previous version too.
From those 90.000 shadow priests who left, 10.000 come back and now face statements like ‘you didn’t even play it. Everyone I know wants voidform back’.
Now tell me, do you think version Y is good and that the first 10k have a more ‘valuable’ opinion than the other 10k?

Before you even think about it. This is just an example to make you understand Survivorship Bias. The numbers are totally made up and as long as you are unable to provide any numbers there’s no point in arguing about them.

Thats not my point. My point is that youre saying that your opinion is valid (true…since its your opinion) even though you didnt even play it. Then you asume that ppl who like voidform are only theose who played only legion and bfa- which is hinting that their opinion is invalid since they didnt playwd pre legion priest. Why is your opinion valid, when you didnt played voidform, and opinion of ppl that liked it is something we shouldnt even pay atention to?

Right. So then your “Survivorship Bias” is also just completely maid up argument out of thin air. Since you cannot “provide” any numbers that would back up the claim that “mass exodus” of sps even happened…right?



Your entered the topic with this statement.

Then you explained it with your example.
And at the end of that explanation youve posted this. :point_down:

So by that definition of “survivor bias”, you should have some backup numbers or proof that it even happened or its just made up argument because its made up and therefore no point arguing about it right?

Of thats not true, then please tell me. “survivor bias” of what if not the massive exodus of.priests. Im not asking for definiton of “survivor bias” but im asking you, since youve used it, survivor bias of what?

I do not know and I do not care; I speak from my own experience. I’m telling you this as it is.

Your whole response to that makes zero sense.

And judging by how you even started your post, there is no point even to respond to you anymore, because you just come with some blank statement of yours, convinced that what you say is 100% accurate and you do not even have anything to back it up.
You couldn’t come and say “This is what I think” or “This is my opinion” , no, you just had to state that everyone here is biased … yet again, you have hardly any experience with this topic yourself, so everything you say does not even bring any good point, no, you just wanted to either brag or just to state that people are biased and that is it.

Apparently its been answered already, plus a fact that youre still missing: Old void form needed alot of gear to shine. Which makes a low geared SP horrible.

Nowadays no matter how much gear you have it doesnt matter vs the 3 specs that rule this game and will no matter what outdps you by a 10+% or more.

Which was legit because if you did not have a limiting factor SP would be as broken as Fmage is now and nobody sane wants that.

Also, ive stated many times that old VF was PERFECT and only if they would add a fix that stacks wont degrade out of combat SP would be a beast in raiding + M+ but that is only a fmage priviledge.

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This was just meant to illustrate it for you and you just keep proving you either don’t read what I write or simply don’t understand it.

But that would be exactly what you need.

Well, you could have written ‘I did far better as shadow in keys in legion / bfa than now’. But you stated the spec itself did better. So I can just tell you back:

The personal opinion part is here:

Eh, what? I specifically meant those people that were telling others their opinion has less value just because they played legion/bfa shadow less. My statement was precise. I even gave you guys an example.

At this point you must be trolling.

That’s just like… your opinion man. I have a different one and as long spriest stays away from that legion rework, I’ll consider playing it. :upside_down_face:

Im not refering to that example man…pleaae read what im typing. Im not refering to that 100k priests …90k left etc…im refering to your “if you dont have any number to back up your claims then its pointless to debate about it” which is a true statement in general. Basicaly what you have said is “dont preach your opinions as a fact if you dont have any proof that youre right”

What i did was just use that phrase to point out your hypocrisy because you dont have anything to back up this claim :point_down:

Which is your opening statement in this topic. You dont have anything to back up the claim that any “survivor bias” is even present since you dont have anything to back up the claim that any “surviving” (read ppl quitting priest) happened.