Shadow Priest feedback so far

Because you are bringing up something that holds no relevance to mechanical functionality of the spell. This has nothing to do with the type of content people participate in.

TBC is around the corner, for once, DoTs will actually feel like soemthing worth using.


Its absolytely relevant and you already know it as its obvious by the way you avoid to answer.
My guess?
Very limited XP on the spec, probably doing world quests with it.
You would know that shadow was/is tied to high ilvls, without a fat ilvl its horrible to play.
Such a strong opinion about something you dont play.

Ending up, i have to state that people like you whining about something that they dont play, dont know how to play and never intend to play ruined old voidform by demanding changes on the forums.

Now the only unique spec ingame became just another builder/spender spec.

Go for it.

Elaborate then. How is your question relevant to the subject of not liking the concept of Voidform? You’re bringing up different areas of gameplay which have nothing to do with the point.

Then you should probably refrain from guessing.

I simply hated and hate the Voidform in all it’s iterations, be it Legion, BfA or now. You’re talking about something that has nothing to do with my point. I want Voidform gone, erased from existence, leaving only DoTs and Power Infusion, simple as that. The spec worked fine, if not better without it before. You wanting it is nothing but personal preference.


The decision to nerf dots was across the board, for all specs that have dots, and would have happened regardless of the state or existence of voidform.

Not saying I agree with it, but voidforms not the reason it happened.

You probably figured out by now that this is most likely just another person that came to brag and won’t have many relevant comments, right?
Like, check his responses - talking about hating it, not wanting to answer to what depth he played it etc. … Really, no point responding to that at all. You can see that it’s purely for bragging and nothing else, better not waste your time with that :smiley: :slight_smile:

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Whether i raided, did mythic+ or PvPed has nothing to do with simply disliking how Voidworm works. Are you really that daft? It’s fairly simple.


The only daft person here is you; look at your language and your attitude. It’s funny and sad at the same time, heh.

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A sad reality and something that ruined my interest in spriests compared to it’s older iterations, before this secondary resource garbage called ‘‘insanity’’. It’s just so redundant.

For no rational or logical reasoning, to be honest, not in gameplay.

Not saying I agree with it, but voidforms not the reason it happened.

The way Blizzard designs the game now, they sacrifice something to buff something else, supposedly their way of balancing classes/specs.

I am not to blame for your inability to comprehend what i was talking about.
I hate the way Voidform works, always did, the idea behind it , regardless of the type of content. Can’t make it any easier for you. Just remove this builder-spender playstyle crap, and have a regular mana bar, like it always was.


My point being the ‘something else’ is just that, something else. It’s not specifically voidform, it just happened to be in this case.

welcome to the new age my friend =))) M+ and other hardcore contents are basically what keep wow alive and engaging, even though it creates a lot of toxicity. You cant expect to be among the top mmos by just provide only standard contents lol.

enlightened me then, how were they depicted in lore, how were they standing out from just a very general shadow magic user?

well, apperantly

you gotta make this up, no where did I read velf gonna be totally corrupted eventually.

sir, you may use some logic here… void is the oppose force of light, it’s just natural that it is the darkest force, the deadliest and twisted type of shadow magic, contrast to the support nature of light magic. You claimed you know the lore but I don’t think you even understand it. and all void damage in game is classified as shadow damage, so where do we go from here?

you really made up this rule in your mind and call the existence of Aleria and voidelf non-sense… I’m sure blizz is not going to erase a whole race to prove your theory right.

may come as a surprise for you, void is about mind twisting and corrupting too :scream: the fact that Spriest can thematically wielding the most dangerous source of power just make it infinitely more interesting, just cut the bs already…

The only point I can agree with, but then it does not make sense why you against old voidform mechanic that much as it required constant sustainability.

Already did.
Look again im talking about you.

By the very first sentence.
As you know already they cant hide no matter how much they try.
They problem is they dont play OUR spec, WHY THEY WANT CHANGES TO WHAT WE PLAY?

You didnt do any of those.
The trick part in my question was… The question, you know people can see your progress right? :upside_down_face:

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Shadows had a secondary resource for longer than it hasn’t at this point, did you just forget shadow orbs existed?

Also do you have any idea how mind numbingly dull it would be to play a spec that was. “Keep dots on target, mind blast on cooldown, mind flay otherwise”.

The game has changed a LOT since cata. We no longer have to last tick our dots for maximum DPS, we no longer have snapshotting, encounter design requires players to move more, and players have arguably gotten better at optimising their DPS while moving. Theres no more aspect of the fox either, which was one of the big reasons turret casters continued to work to some extent as late as warlords. Can you imagine playing shadow on blackhand mythic without 3x aspect of the fox? Not to mention mythic plus, shadow has never been good at mythic plus I admit, but previous iterations would be even worse than any shadow priest of the past 4 years.

The last time shadow only had mana was almost a decade ago. I can understand disliking voidform, I can understand disliking blizzard’s overarching design decisions regarding dots (I dislike that too), but the spec we played back then just would not work now.

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Well if we talk about voidform i asume that legion counts aswell. I would like to point out to the guy that wants rot spec that legion version of shadow had the hardest hitting dots this spec ever had…ye you throw them and forgot…but it was the pain and vt that did the most overall damage.
If you like to manage dots and nothing else…i feel like lock is the way sadly.

I see ppl wishing this a lot. Dont see a point in playing a dumb rotation for years. This kind of playstyle is literally the most boring and braindead one you can imagine nowadays but they want it because everything else is too hard for them. I mean its fine missing it but, hell im really happy no specc plays like this anymore.

And the reason they nerfed the dot playstyle is also because of balancing. Its just easier to keep them in balance in multitarget. Imagine back in legion where dots where constantly nerfed but as fights got more complex and more than just one boss, affliction and shadow dps went stupidly high.

BUT i cant deny, that i also miss the real dot damage. It was definitely fun in combination with the voidform, which was probably a bit hard in legion, but got a really good tuning in bfa.

I’m well aware, and it wasn’t good in any way. All secondary resources are terrible by default, it’s just makes the game convoluted and for many, if not most, not fun to play.

Why would it be boring? It wasn’t boring in the past and it wouldn’t be boring now if they make slight adjustments. But as always, fun is subjective and i will say that you are among few who don’t like it clearly, and that’s fine. When TBC comes shadow will be popular, sure some of it is due to being mana batteries, but predominantly the way it feels to play. It was satisfying. No doubt the arguably superior RPG-fitting talent trees contributed.

That’s a encounter design issue, not a class deisgn issue. Classes should never be designed around game mechanics. Not to mention Blizzard e-sport mentality that should not even exist. No wonder the game has been going on a downward spiral for years. All this ridiculous focus on mechanical complexity in raids and dungeons instead of player skill and creativity like it used to be. Something that will eventually kill this game. But whatever really, WoW is a shadow of its former self anyway, i don’t expect much, i’m just going along for the ride casually.

It would work if Ion Hazzikostas let go of his horrendous game design philosophy and focused on the game design qualities that made the game so good in the past(result of which formed communities) Simpler times, not this convoluted mess of systems and trillion encounter mechanics.
Then again, it has been known for a while that the developers have long since been disconnected from the game’s core values, so there’s that. It’s been straying away from the whole RPG element for quite a while…even the most devout longterm players see that.

And what’s wrong with that? If multidotting is the class’s niche, then damage is the reward. It’s not an issue, it’s just Blizzard’s irrational fear of something outperforming the other.

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I totally agree with this.

Im not saying this was a problem, i really liked the way you were rewarded for playing with A LOT more effort in some fights like coven back in legion. This should always result in a bigger damage increase.

I dont think ppl not playing dot classes could imagine the difference between a class which is able to hit one boss all the fight and a class being able to constantly damage everything that spawns. But this was so much disliked by every other class that blizzard probably decided to nerf multi doting. I feel this is the biggest (and only) Con for SP damage wise we have now because of much less reward for multi dotting. At least our focus damage is really good.

But this was only a generous and fun playstyle in combination with the voidform. Thats why i really liked it.

I gave three reasons in my previous post.

1: Bliz removed snapshotting
2: Bliz added pandemic baseline to all dot specs, meaning you dont need to last tick your dots to play optimally
3: That was 10 years ago, people have gotten better at the game, expect more from it, and and the challenges the game presents to players have changed significantly since then.

Honestly it sounds like your argument isn’t even about shadow, you just want to play what WoW was 10+ years ago.

Multi dotting is no longer a niche. We don’t have the odd multi target fight every few tiers anymore, we have 2-3+ per tier, and that often includes the final boss.

I’m not denying that it was unique, but i simply despised the idea behind it, the constant management of your insanity bar through mindblasts and void bolts…just no, for me that took away all the fun of the spec, it’s too messy and redundant. Which is why i mentioned the old mindflay talent previously, where you did more damage with each tick. I don’t know, i miss proper old school shadow-weaving, DoT based playstyle.

Indeed, a real shame, ferals can also relate.

Quite a shame.

And look at the game since then, a dry husk that barely resembles an MMORPG.

Quite unfortunate. It should be though. Classes are extremely homogenous these days as is.

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your whole statement is mostly messy, ignorant, and dismissive of others’ opinions, But then some good points were made

making all these points and still against old voidform, which gave more diversity to the game… you really contradict yourself, one dot class like affliction is enough.

You keep using these big, gloomy, general statements :joy: it’s not the flex you think it is. the element of RBG is there, it’s just not as strong like ffxiv, for example, and there are too many mounts, toys, secrets that i dont believe anyone could have collected them all. what wow really shine on nowadays is the competitiveness, the smooth and fast gameplay rotation, the high end contents that keep sucking people in. I promise you if retail go back to what it is 10 years ago, people would just switch to ffxiv for the better graphic, wow classic exist only due to nostalgia effect.

Idk… classes have always just been different variations of “push button on cooldown, don’t let Y fall off” just with different animations and spell effects. There’s no difference between mind flay and fireball to me, they’re both on the same keybind, and I press them when I have nothing better to do on their respective classes. Been that way for 15 years, aside from the wand spam of early vanilla which wasn’t exactly any better.

Honestly the time I’d say classes played the ‘most different’ from each other was the secondary resource boom of MoP.

I think the problem is multi dotting just isn’t a ‘rare’ thing that it makes sense for 1-2 specs to be exceedingly good at anymore. You make a multi dot fight prior to SL, and you know affli and shadow are by default the best classes in the game to bring to that boss. You make several in a single tier? You get Eternal Palace.

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