Shadow Priest feedback so far

If that’s how you feel about it, sure, but for many the fantasy behind is what matters, it still feels different.
Over the course of my 16 years in this game, i’ve observed class changes come and go, but i can safely say that no class design today comes even close to how it felt to play even as recently as MoP, heck even Warlords.
A good example are WW monks, in my eyes a perfection during Warlords, now a complete abomination design-wise.

Since Legion there hasn’t been a single class i could adapt as my main because of the Blizzard’s design philosophy, they all feel like crap and have no idenity of their own, relatively speaking.

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Honestly this I agree with, but didn’t you say just 4 posts ago how much you hated secondary resources and how every spec became garbage once they got them?

You seem to be flip flopping on that a lot right now.

Chi is a secondary resource.

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I said the resources themselves are garbage and makes classes/specs unnecessarily convoluted, not that the classes themselves become garbage. MoP and Warlords are a hell of a stretch, but there were a lot of elements that were good besides the secodnary resources.
My opinion hasn’t changed, but it is just that, an opinion. Hence why i never played a rogue in classic, secondary resources just make specs messy and require extra management, which is redundant.

Referring to overall class fucntionality, minus the chi management, i think nobody likes that, just slows things down. But what i meant was class abilities and things like Tigereye brew management.

Isnt tiger eye brew also a secondary resources, just one that doesnt have a tracked UI element by default? All a secondary resource is is a way to display an interaction between two or more spells in a rotation.

I think you might be speaking for a much smaller group of people than you realise. Since “chi management” as you call it is a fundamental part of the ww monk rotation and one of the main deciding factors between if the button you’re pressing in a given moment is correct or not.

It functioned like a CD, just without a cooldown, it was all about timing and how well you played your character in general, hence why good WWs would murder everyone, while bad ones wouldnt even scratch the surface.

You don’t really need secondary resources for that.

We see time and time again, especially when classic’s and TBC’s popularity outweights that of retail, that the game is enjoyed more the simpler it is mechanically.

You don’t but it makes it a damn sight easier to understand at a glance what’s going on. Sure you could say “every 5 times you press sinister strike you should press eviscerate” but its much easier to have combo points.

I miss Cata priest.


someone who know how op shadow priest healers were :stuck_out_tongue:

Am i the only one here who likes every single iteration of the Voidform SP ?
Legion, BFA and SL

Legion Voidform was the best for me in raids
BFA was king in M+ especially the last patch
SL… it is nice to be a ST beast for a change

My current issue with the SP now is cleave fights and SN being so annoying, yes its easy but lord is it so unsatisfying and mind numbing to sit there and spam then have some tank pull adds apart or they teleport and jump away while they are your searing target.

I’d love to see spirits get buffed, talent and soulbind.
Pre-patch ghosts :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

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