Shadowland Survival hunter is dead

I will make this post short.

The current treatment Survival hunter spec is getting from Blizz is insulting.

Survival hunter was very nice on Legion but through BfA to SL it got worse into a point where it is right now unplayable. Blizzard team just did not put any thoughts or efforts for its development which is extremely unprofessional - More than anything this is really sad tbh.

I won’t be talking about the bugs (Harpoon not working, no focus reg. etc…), I won’t be even talking about the lack of specific spec useful legendary and covenant abilities but really about the basic class mechanic.

This changes has to be made in order to make this spec actually enjoyable again

  1. Mongoose bite MUST be based - this is our basic ability. better to remove it completely instead of putting it as a “must have” talent
  2. Flanking strike should be moved to row 15 instead of terms of engagement which need to be removed
  3. Fury of the Eagle legion ability should be back instead of Chakrams which is literally garbage.
  4. Carve is the worse AoE ability ever made which makes SV inferior compared to other melee therefor either remove its CD or have Butchery based with a new talent to bolster its effect with Mongoose Fury.
  5. Allow SV to chose between 1H or 2H like you did to other specs. For crying our loud it makes sense even irl let alone in WoW.
  6. Remove Tranq/Arcane/Kill shots abilities
  7. Remove GCD of Hunter’s mark. if can’t - NO THANK YOU just remove it completely.
  8. Rework row 90 completely as Tip of the spear is also useless.

From my research within the survival hunter communities this will make Survivals in a much better place.

So please be creative and give us survivals some love, we all really hoped for a better gameplay in Shadowlands.


number 5 got me good, i would give my left nut for a dual wield hunter like the old days :frowning:


Tuning issue, not because the ability is actually good or whatever…

It should be made baseline like it was in legion instead of removal.

Fury wasn’t that great either

Back in legion we had a trait that boosted dmg based on how many enemies hit.
It was glorious

Now our aoe entirely relies on how fast we can pop our bombs.

Instead of that, it should be a transmog option, otherwise we will enter another balancong nightmare of 1 enchant vs 2 and whatever…


Right… And then you do a macro on every ability /castsequence HM, carve etc. It would make it pointless.
Remove dmg component, but leave the utility component for pvp.

Once again. Tuning issue. And it is fantastic for singletarget with low movement. It gives you a nice rush when you manage to keep it up for whole fight


If I had to choose between Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike then the former would win every single time. Raptor Strike must be the dullest ability in the entire game and is completely unsatisfying to use.


I have mained SV hunter all BFA, and most of Legion.
It’s my favorite spec I feel cool when I use it. I’m like a warrior with a pet. My main experience is with solo content. So that’s from where my standpoint is.

I’m gona go out and say, make the entirety of the 90 talent row baseline.
And start from scratch there.

Butchery becomes baseline, Replace the butchery talent with something like, Serrated edges, which applies a bleed to all targets hit with butchery for a percentage of the damage done. Each time you deal damage to a bleeding target the CD reduces by 0.5 second
It would synergise really well with bloodseeker.

I agree with you on the Fury of the eagle replacement.
I would also replace terms of engagement, or replace it with the legion skill, on the trail.

I’d also say something that would be important is to rework aspect of the eagle to be a passive toggle that reduces your damage by 25% but let’s you throw hatchets instead of radioactive chickens.
It would give SV something unique.

Also everyone agrees. Remove the damage of hunters mark, and it’s a perfect skill. So it doesn’t become a mandatory gcd waster.

Where you said about duel wielding. I have to agree with Taigertraps.
Just make it a transmog option to be able to turn a 2h into duel wielding 1h.


I Just hope the spec dies so they can rework it again in 2-3 years


Blizzard spit in to face of community. Make me want cancel sub. Very sad times now. Not only they have zero creativity, but also make class worst every patch. I was exited for new expansion, by now I think cancel subscription.


Im honestly extremely dissapointed in how blizzard handled this spec.
Our only changes were dmg tuning. None of our core pve issues have been adressed,

Our legendaries are the same azerites we have been playing with the last 2 years and a legendary which wont work due to how carve/butchery works now compared to legion.

Dead talents which sucked in bfa will unsurprisingly still suck in sl. Seriously why does terms of engagement still exist as a talent and why did they buff the dmg of steel trap when not a single person uses it for its dmg/wants to actively use a singletarget dps trap in pve.

Our mastery still sucks both output wise and design wise and it doesn’t buff our aoe.

Carve still might be the worst feeling button to press in the game because it does 0 dmg, costs 5 more focus than our main filler, is a frontal cone and has a cd.

Serpent sting still doesn’t scale with haste due to it not having a fixed duration.

Survivals abilities still have next to no baseline interactions with each other

We still have no big moment in our rotation and our dmg profile is extremely boring with no dmg spikes.

Survival will also never be wanted spec in raids due to it not bringing any unique utility which their ranged counterparts doesn’t already bring.

And there are so many more issues with the spec. None of them have been addressed or are probably even known by the devs. Honestly the focusregen bug not being fixed until now should have been a dead giveaway that blizzard couldn’t care less about the spec. Why did blizzard even rework the spec in legion if they dont intend it to make it any good


Every day we get closer to the Pre patch and every day I panic a little more.
SV is my favourite spec, but I might just switch to my warrior, or rogue for the expansion.

I still have a little hope, a tiny miniscule gnome sized sliver of hope that it will be addressed.
If not.
Eh. I can’t see myself playing the exact same spec as the current expansion for another 2-3 years.


The good old “Fun detected. Fun removed” gig.
It’s a shame really.


I just started SV in Bfa, for me the specc looks promising, but it need a thew changes.

Mongoose bite is ti mandatory, then change the stack not to be time based. Instead let it stack to 5 and on the next swing bring a 100% crit chance with a good animation.

Wild Firebomb baseline 2 charges.

Kill Command 2 charges with bleed effect baseline.

Butchery Baseline because carve cd is stupid.

New Talents musst be around either more dot dmg or higher burst dmg. Maybe a little option for a mix of both.

Of course make steady shot and arcane shot not require a range weapon. Just use the little Crossbow from Serpent Sting.

Of course we need DW, so we can have the Rexxar feeling.

Second Option for SV remove it and give us a Gunslinger Specc

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SV won’t use Steady Shot or Arcane Shot. Those two are in the spellbook under the general Hunter abilities along with Disengage, Tranq Shot, Misdirection etc. Once we choose a path at lvl 10 (still that lvl?) we will likely never use Steady Shot or Arcane Shot again.

No. Just no.


SV became a meme the moment they changed it to this ompalompa melee thing we have now from hunter best spec… RIP SV.


Oh man, I wish this and dual wielding would happen but fun isn’t allowed.


I could not agree more, playing the exact same spec with barely to non changes is not appealing at all. I mained SV in BfA guess it’s time to rerole. Shammy, monk or rogue are my favorite alternatives atm.

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Let the spec die so we can get a new rework


Apparently the Monk community is up in arms atm as Blizz have not lived up to their promises of addressing any of the core issues to date.


Revert it back to Cataclysm and call it a day.


Survival is dead? Good!
Hopefully one day they realize that melee hunter should be just a meme and make it ranged again.
Go play a real melee class if you desperately want to be melee.

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Why are you like this? Why would anyone go “You know the spec you play and love? I hope it dies.”. We like THIS melee spec (and the fact that we can go ranged at a moment’s notice). Why don’t you play whatever you like and stop telling people what they “should” be playing.