Shadowlands: A Look at Covenant Class and Signature Abilities *Updated 5/13

Hmm im taking away choise by adding choise.

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No. You’re adding choice but that’s at the expense of CHOICES THAT MATTER.
Again; you wouldn’t understand.

You are clearly clueless when comes to game desing. If something is easyl switchable than your choice is far less impactfull also less fun. Like how can anyone care about their choice and covenant when you can just with click of button sawp to anything you want. Go watch some presenations on this aspect of game desing befor you say something.

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For me, i’d like to play with the Night Fae as a druid, but i see Kyrian druid spell and i love it, but Night Fae feels more druid themed to me, i also prefer their armor
Being able to only use 1 of the class spells seems like a bad idea to me
I think the non class spells are good being only one for character
I would like to unlock my covenant spell and class covenant spell when i make the pact with them and then start working with the other covenats to unlock their spells and then u could choose what spell u want to use, like a talent row
This could solve the balance of this spells, with some time and effort everyone will have their class abilities and they will interact with the shadowlands factions in a healthy way
Players should go with the covenant they like, not the one who is the most op

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Oh idk by playing a story that THEY CHOSE or getting a tmog THAT THEY CHOSE or a mount THAT THEY CHOSE. You are clearly clueless if you think that most players that care about endgame wont be forced into going with the covenent that best suites their type of content and not the one they would like to CHOSE.
Seriously stop and think about this for a second if player power matter only for the 1%, why you as clearly more enllightened indivduals want to lock said power away from us common folk.


and its almost guarnteed all the feedback will be ignored anyway

because they dont see them as mistakes.

look at corruption - its effectively much stronger TF locked behind additional grind.

hm i dare you to guess what does it sound like

perhaps like a super strong convenant abilities locked behind … grind for convenants ?

ye i know tinfoil theory :joy:

We’ve literally only seen the plate armor. So this part of your argument is silly since you say you want to play it as a druid.

Yes they should. And no one is stopping them from doing so. :grin:

Giving all players 4 new skills is problematic. Clearly.
That’s not going to work. So it would have to be on a switch-in-switch-out kind of system and then people are going to whine about THAT. It’s a neverending sh-storm of whining. Stahp.

Here is a choice that matters.

I choose to not have to (best case scenario) be carried through or (worst case scenario) be left out of content I would like to take part in because I made a covenant choice based on aesthetics, lore and cosmetics.

I choose to not be between the tank and the healer on the damage charts because I chose something I like over something that works better.

I truly hope blizzard scraps this whole ridiculous idea and actually leaves us with choices that matter, not a 3 minute cd that affects character power.

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Yes, because you saw that from the armory which were tracked.

Dont think they will gonna track covenants. But i can be wrong.

i like plate armor and its style is really good for me, yeah i didnt see the leather one yet, but i feel like i would love it

It is hard to hear the woes of common folk from atop those high Ivory Towers of Blizzard.

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You can’t make that choice. Silly.
Because other people decide if they ‘allow’ you. And therein lies the problem.
People are dicks. :grimacing:

Then make that choice and pick that one ability that allows you to do that.
Problem solved?

You’re so blatantly narrowminded it’s not even funny man.
Oh how I want to help you to understand there’s much healthier ways to enjoy a game. :weary: :relaxed: :sob:

It’s not about being the number one pro raider. The only people not affected by this will be LFR heroes who don’t do Mythic+, Normal or higher raiding or Rated PvP of any kind.

There’s a giant gap between world firster and LFR hero, a gap that many occupy. Outside of the most easy and base content you’ll find people want to be viable and useful to their group.


i like plate armor and its style is really good for me, yeah i didnt see the leather one yet, but i feel like i would love it
this i why i would like to go to Night fae

Covenant us THE core system and main character progression of the expansion.

Of course it will be tracked.

Saying you couldn’t track it in armory is like saying you couldn’t see talents in armory.

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If covenants worked like talents I’d hav no problem with them, it’s literally what I’m asking for lmao.

The important choice should be what ability gives me the best advantage in what I’m curretly doing, just because you make that choice every time you do different content doesn’t make it less important. Now making a choice once and forgetting about doesn’t make it important either, it just makes it restrictive.

It’s not crying it’s providing feedback, i didn’t enjoy having to pay to change traits on my azerite, I would not have enjoyed not being able to change my talents in classic/tbc and i will not enjoy not being able to change my covenant abilities in shadowlands. I already expirienced having the same talent set-up for all of an expansion because they didn’t touch one signle talent of MM for almost all of bfa, not looking forward to another 2 years of that.

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So heres a crazy idea: Put the covenant abilities in the talent tree and everybody is happy!

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This is just silly. You can’t know that. Not yet.
So just wait until the armors are datamined. And THEN decide.
You know… making an INFORMED decision instead of a ‘gut feeling’ decision.

Whether you like plate armor or not is irrelevant if you plan on playing a druid.
The style might be completely different for the other armor types; we simply don’t know this yet. But there IS a precedent for this; look at the armor sets in BfA and how much quality difference there is between them, even if they all shared the same theme. So yeah… just wait and KNOW, instead of ‘feel’.

Please, dear Lord, do not lock class abilities behind covenants. It‘s okay to let them give you mog but no spells. People are going to be forced to pick a covenant based on the power of the spell in a certain scenario. Please let them choose based on looks, not on power.

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