Shadowlands: A Look at Covenant Class and Signature Abilities *Updated 5/13

That’s not what I’m saying.
I’m saying that these abilities are going to be fine. Even if they’re unbalanced as all hell; that’s fine. If you feel like you NEED that one skill; that’s YOUR problem.

THAT is what I’m saying.

But you know everyone on the forums are world first raiders/top pvp players (/s) and they need the best ability even if its a 0.1% difference.

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People can have dif opinions, im perfectly fine with that.

Also blizzard trying to implement and rpg element here: Your choices has consequences. I think this is one of the aspects what is an rpg about.

But many people dont like this, some do, so one side will suffer in the end.

And for scenario, they remove this “choice”, and like “here pick whatever you want and change anytime”.

And later on, people qqing why there are no rpg elements in an mmorpg.

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Sure thats fine to you, you do not participate in group content. Some of us actually care about what we bring to a group.

Yes, some groups will be min-max, others not. I will join the one which accept me doing 1-3% less dmg than the meta pick.

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Explains why the majority of players are trash at this game then.

Anyone who wants to be of actual value to their group and no, I’m not referring to min-maxers who eek out that extra 0.5%, I’m talking about the most bare minimum of effort here, will have to play these covenants properly.

Again for the 1000th time if its 1-3% more dps it doesnt matter, but thats unlickly when you are comparing an AoE to a CC and ST. These will be more or less 15-20%.

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Also just because i wont pick the “meta” im not qualafied to do x group content, is also utter bullcrap.

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You choose 1 talent per row. OH hey you’re missing 1/3rd the experience per row. Better give you all the talents.
Why have any choice at all. No, your argument is silly.

Restrictive is good (in this case). It’s enforces choices. Makes the choices more important.

Indeed. And I value ‘choices mattering’ way above ‘oh this ability does 1% more dmg when I do aoe mobs in a dungeon’.

At the end of the day, I don’t care really. So have it your way; but it’s stupid imo.
They finally give us choices that matter and people start crying. :weary:

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You’re NOT useless when you have 1 (ONE!) less-than-optimal ability. Come onnnnn.


Don’t you understand that you can’t give abilities to characters through external means!! THEY NEED TO BE BASELINE, WE NEED 40 SKILLS BASELINE. Talents to MODIFY the SKILLS WE ALREADY HAVE.

Covenant no, no skills, we don’t need to choose a covenant and we don’t need stupid skills that break the game and ruin characters.

Legion was bad, BFA is bad, don’t repeat the same mistakes again in Shadowlands. It needs to go back to the roots. Whatever you had in the expansions before WORKED and WAS GOOD.


YOU WILL GET OLD PLAYERS BACK, before they all quit after legion. You made the game terrible and it’s time to fire everyone responsible and return it back!!

You can expand content with dungeons, awesome pieces of specific gear, SPECIFIC GEAR PARTS THAT HAVE SPECIFIC WAYS OF GETTING THEM. Uniqueness. distinction.

You want to give players control over progression. Less RNG elements the better. You want to give players 50+ abilities with 3 skillbars that can be utilized in the most efficient, fun and skillful way. That’s where World of warcraft came from…

You want to give players a baseline armor set that is sufficient to do content like Pvp and mythics. Through doing those, players can improve their characters by slightly improving their stats, and PVE gear should be punished in PVP. THERE MUST BE A BASIC PVP SET, EVERYONE CAN GET AND IT IS THE MINIMAL REQUIREMENT TO BE USEFUL IN PVP. Players are able to contribute to games and advance by winning and obtaining a currency/status that enables them to bolster their character, adding a bit more hp, a bit more mana regen, ETC. WE NEED A LOT OF STATS AND DIVERSE WAYS OF MODYFING THEM, without going over the board.



Hire product managers, people from the community, with skin in the game. AND FOCUS ON VARIED, BROAD AND DIVERSE PVP SYSTEM, which gets millions of views, competitive events and sponsors…


Yes come on, you cant be this clueless can you ?

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Doubt blizzard gonna track that. Io only able to pull data from blizz api.

Unless rio put in a tab where U can choose the covenant u in. But thats also can be abused.

The lesson it teaches is “wait until half the top players screw themselves over with the best abilities because they’ll get nerfed and hope that the one you pick after the initial tuning doesn’t go to dumpster tier until the end of the expansion”

Trying to queue up for an hour and getting declined because you can’t keep up with the dps or the size of the pulls is NOT FINE.

The ratio of groups for keys above 10 to groups of keys below 10 shows that people who have a +10 weekly baseline are not a minority of the player base.

I’m 99% sure that the only reason I managed to get curve was that I’m a tank but given that I also spent a lot of time on a fire mage this expansion I can tell you with certainty that the DPS side of queuing up for anything was unpleasant to say the least. Add a “you don’t have the correct covenant ability for this type of content” into the mix and you get a complete disaster for what seems to be the majority of the player base even based on game design (dungeon groups - 1/1/3, raids 2/2/6 at best and it only goes downhill from there if you’re playing DPS).

There is a distinction between meaningful and impactful decisions. Tying covenants to story, cosmetics and aesthetics is meaningful and impacts your decision. Tying them to power progression impacts everyone’s experience and given how distinct those abilities are there is a 3/4 chance that their experience will be impacted in a negative way with an additional chance that the one that ends up being the most useful doesn’t fit their aesthetic which will make their covenant look like nothing more than another bar to fill up so that you can find a dungeon group in less than 15 minutes, thus making it meaningless.


No u.

That’s basically your retort. Well done.

I’m right.

So what? They are can be trash as they want. This is about having fun. Not about being number 1 pro raider. It was about time to quit this esport mindset nonsense and push mmorpg game into this raid simulator nonsense.


Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… Just PICK THE F-IN COVENANT THAT YOU LIKE.
And stop worrying about one ability. Heyyyy problem solved.
You can thank me later.

That’s players being dicks. That’s not fine indeed.
I’ve NEVER, literally never, been kicked for such a reason. And I’ve never min maxed either.

Look… I’m done with this discussion. I have my opinion, but I truly don’t care enough. If they would remove the abilities (which they won’t), I wouldn’t care. Whine all you like. I’ll be having fun instead.

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Blizzard API tells you the exact amount of AP your HoA has towards the next level.

In Legion it told exactly what level your Artifact was and what traits you had.

Of course the Armory and API will tell what Covenant you pick and what are your soulbinds.

You cant be kicked from a party when you are the only one in it.

Then why are you arguing, if we get easilly switchable covenants i see no reason for you to enjoy them less.

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Stop being stupid. Thanks.

I do. But you wouldn’t understand. I’ll still enjoy them enough, but important choices being taken away because of whiners like you, is what pisses me off.